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Played Character Character Application Elvira Grey Zzmirznov

This character is actively played.


[~The Healer~]
Dec 2, 2022
Reaction score
Full Name: Elvira Grey Zzmirznov

Race: Isldar (Life)

Age: 150

Gender: none

Eye Color: Light Lavender / Pink

~Core Concept

An Isldar noblewoman raised as a Crown Witch, alongside her twin Elvarin.

They were both raised with the Isladr who sent them to many crown witch covens and the Anglia headquarters for Crown witches, under purity and balance of Life and Death and healing.

She grew along the path of the Life Isldar, worshipping the dragons, and only in her young adult and teen years did she ever doubt their powers!

~Skill Information

~Strength: 0

~Constitution: 3

Defensive: Recovery Pack

Training: Bruteforce Pack

Crafting: Thread Craft Pack

~Wisdom: 3

Morphing Alchemy (Taught by Crown Witch)

Scholarly: Combat Theory Pack

Crown Witch: Medical Pack

~Dexterity: 0

~Magic: 8 [Primal/ Crown Witch]

Life Wall

Pocket Scan

Arcane Wardrobe (Taught by Crown witch Teacher)

Arcane Mastery (Free - Taught by Crown witch Teacher)




Sanctum Vessel


Arcane Mastery

Emote Infuse

Life Wall


Chain Break

Wind Element

Nature Element


Floral Element

Spark Element

Lightning Immune


Healing Hands

Health Call

Memory Break

Rune Smithing


Dream Element

Time Element

Smoke Element


Celestial Element

Water Element

Self Control

Greater Mage:

Magic Blink


~ Charisma: 2


-Technician Point Buy (Crystaltech)
Technician Specials: (Medical Patent, Foam-Mix Patent, Hair-chem Patent, Common Patent, Servo-Golem Patent, Biotic Patent, Addiotic Patent, Appliance Patent, Momentum Patent, Lifegiver Patent, Lifecreater Patent, Hacking Patent)

-Pet Husbandry Pack [Domesticated Cat]

-Empire Linguist Pack

-Crown Witch Archon Abilities

-Isldar's Racial Abilities



-Dragon speech

-Chronic illness: cystic fibrosis

~Appearance Information

~ Mutations:

Horns (bohor reed-style horns/ Archon)

Wings (Archon)

~Description: [Glam form]

Elvira is a Slim yet curvy Isldar, she always takes feminine forms as she was raised by Isldar as a little girl, so she has always strongly identified as a female. She has long white hair, purple eyes that glow a ghostly purple, and iridescent purple scales which sprinkle to her shoulders, cheekbones, nose bridge, knees, elbows, and ears. Her skin is a pink pale human-like color and her ears take on an elven shape.


Most of Elvira's childhood was wonderful, she was raised under the close supervision of a noble Isldar woman named Elfani Unarsaris. They never stayed in one place though. Elfani was a renowned and respective patron of Magic and also a Crown Witch Archon. Helping many noble families and kingdoms and even Empires with the sick, infected, and damned. So Elvira was taught many medical and magical things throughout her life by nobles, Archons, and mages alike, having a very well-rounded education in many things and was also taken to the Anglia headquarters for Crown witches once she had adopted her knowing of her Archon blood Elfani moved to stay permanently in Regalia. While there Elvira was taught the ways of healing and primal magic. While growing up she learned many other skills, like art, Tarot reading, writing, sewing, herbal remedies, alchemy, and many creative and medical things to better express herself and to help others.

Elvira was raised as a young girl who often thought of herself as a princess due to the riches Elfani brought to the table for her and her brother. To put it lightly she was spoiled. Though she was raised leading a life of purity and was meant to serve within the culture and religion The crown witches and Archons.

Though she often found herself getting into a lot of trouble. She often would lie and trick people into lowering their guard before stealing. Also convincing her peers to lower her punishments when she stepped out of line. One could say it is just but truly no one is just when shoving strict religious duties onto a child right?


When Elvira was a young teenager throughout being a young adult. She often found herself sneaking out with the help of young noblemen who thought they could swoon her- but Elvira left many hearts broken as she could love yes- but she had no desire nor want for anything beyond family love.

One Day her foster mother sent her out to go to a crown witch cove to pray and give offerings. She enjoyed doing this as the remote area was located in a very beautiful area surrounded by nature and magic away from the corruption and crowdedness of the city. Though this particular day set most of her young adult years out for her. A group of vampires ambushed and carriage, attacking and killing her guards, horses, and her coachman. They wanted the offerings she carried that day. Even after all this she was then captured and put up for auction for vampires to use her as a servant or simply food. It was also here where they taught Elvira to use her true form to attack people and or act like others for the vampires to sneak by or trick people, but only manipulation worked on her for she could not be inflected with any voidal magic which made the vampires furious.

Many years passed until she reached the age of 20 when Isladr spies ambushed and burnt down the vampire base which was hidden tucked inside a cave. It was after that she returned to her mother, to find her brother had moved on else were to start a new life. Her mother was so happy for her return, hosting a small party with those she knew, yet for some reason (More than likely due to brainwashing) She always missed those vampires, finding their evil ways more appealing than the noble life her mother lead.

Early Adulthood:

At 35, Elvira Finally convinced her mother to let her go out to start her own life, This is where she purchased a home and began her clothing line and clinic where she crafted herbal remedies for many who were ill along with treating those with heavy voidal or magical corruption, On her spare time she often would go around dark ally ways to study those who seem off, darkness and voidal things intrigued her but went against her entire being, Even if they are evil she still thinks all deserve a chance at life no matter what misfortune or lies corrupt them. Not long though a war with the vampires broke out where she and her mother sought refuge in a little village close to regalia where they treated wounded until the war finally ended and now she is back out trying to find her place once more after losing everything. Though her mother supplies her with what she needs when she needs it by sending a bird to carry her messages.


Elvira is a kind gentle woman, As she has gotten older she simply only wished for nothing but a family and those around her to love and comfort. After losing her mother and having two children of her own she has adopted a motherly-like way of her actions toward others! She is weak to those who are or seem to be in need!

Neutral Good

Personality Type:
Mediator (INFP-A / INFP-T)

Voice Actor:
(Zelda Botw) - Patricia Summersett

Blackcurrant nectar, a heart of freesia, and Rose of Mai, with a musky blond wood base.

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I was unsure how to implement instrument skills with in her things. I could not find that pack sadly.
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The google doc is much more pretty in my opinion if you wish for something a bit less bland.
We don't really accept google docs given how players can edit them outside of review without us noticing, sorry! It is pretty though.

Magic: 5 (Jailidtech +1 (Teledden Special)
Clarifying your tech under wisdom is enough, although you can't gain the specials from other races. If this is to say they were taught magic by another character then that can simply be mentioned under their life story!

~Slizzar Abilities

Slizzar Shift I

-Flux Shift I Mythic Shift Self Grants the user Flux Shift I

-Flux Shift II Mythic Shift Self Grants the user Flux Shift II

-Flux Shift III Mythic Shift Self Grants the user Flux Shift III

-Flux Shift IV Mythic Shift Self Grants the user Flux Shift IV

-Flux Shift V Mythic Shift Self Grants the user -Flux Shift V

-Mind Surge I Control Power Emote Distance Grants the user Mind Surge I

-Mind Surge II Control Power Emote Distance Grants the user Mind Surge II

-Mind Surge III Control Power Emote Distance Grants the user Mind Surge III

-Mind Surge IV Control Power Direct Touch Grants the user Mind SurgeIV

-Mind Surge V Control Power Constant Passive Grants the user Mind Surge V

-Puppet Control I Control Power Direct Touch Grants the user Puppet Control
You don't need to add racial abilities unless a choice is implied.


Most of Elvira's childhood was wonderful, she was raised under the close supervision of a noble Isldar woman named Elfani Unarsaris. They never stayed in one place though. Elfani was a renowned and respective patron of Magic. Helping many noble families and kingdoms and even Empires. So Elvira was taught many medical and magical things throughout her life by nobles and mages alike, having a very well-rounded education in many things.
I would recommend changing the wording to aristocrat as nobility lends a bit too much importance and less freedoms. I would also encourage you to write where they were born and raised. My recommendation would be Regalia as it offers a lot more room for freedom in writing, also a good place to start if you aren't as familiar with the lore!

There's some grammar issues, do you mean captors?

Magic: 5 (Jailidtech +1 (Teledden Special)

-School of Materialism

-School of Enchanting

-School of Disruption

-School of Displacing

-School of Blessings

~Charisma: 1(+1 Slizzar)

-Empire Linguist Pack

-Pet Husbandry Pack [Domesticated Cat]
There's some issue here in that Slizzar and Dragon Worshippers both actually do not like magic and see it as a form of corruption. I would recommend searching up Archon on the wiki and having your character be potentially born in the Crown Witch lineage so that it makes more sense and make it clear under their abilities where racial abilities are. Just put the line of Crown Witch Archon. While you're editing the life story you can probably fit that in!

There's several reasons why I would recommend Regalia as the point of origin for the character, for starters Slizzar don't really exist where the Isldar do because of how brutally cold and isolated their society is. They're also currently in a civil war! There are some enclaves of Isldar who do exist in Regalia however. Vampires also have a hard time just existing in the proximity of Isldar lands due to how risky it is, many of them end up literally getting snipped from some wyvern rider flying around overhead.

Tag me with an @Caelamus whenever you're done! Feel free to take your time, as there is no rush.
@Caelamus Alrighty! Thanks, bunches! I hope this is better...Also odd question. Can I still have bard skills? Or instrumental skills? If so would you mind telling me how I can place them within my story and or where their packs might be?
@Caelamus Alrighty! Thanks, bunches! I hope this is better...Also odd question. Can I still have bard skills? Or instrumental skills? If so would you mind telling me how I can place them within my story and or where their packs might be?
Instrument skills use to exist but they had a very minimal impact on roleplay beyond background flavor of someone emoting music that couldn't actually be heard in game outside of the person linking music to an outside source like youtube and saying that their character was playing music.

What you can do though is stylize the aesthetics of your magic in a musical sense. Say for example I have the greater casting spell that lets my character shoot a magic bolt at someone. My character strums a string on their guitar to hit a certain note and launches a bolt of lightning cracking from the neck of the instrument at someone. For each spell a different note on their instrument and a different tune with different effect. The aesthetics of how you cast spells is free reign, so long as they don't contribute any gameplay advantage.

That being said, approved. Go have fun!
Instrument skills use to exist but they had a very minimal impact on roleplay beyond background flavor of someone emoting music that couldn't actually be heard in game outside of the person linking music to an outside source like youtube and saying that their character was playing music.

What you can do though is stylize the aesthetics of your magic in a musical sense. Say for example I have the greater casting spell that lets my character shoot a magic bolt at someone. My character strums a string on their guitar to hit a certain note and launches a bolt of lightning cracking from the neck of the instrument at someone. For each spell a different note on their instrument and a different tune with different effect. The aesthetics of how you cast spells is free reign, so long as they don't contribute any gameplay advantage.

That being said, approved. Go have fun!

Thank you so much!! Ill keep that all in mind, god speed my friend.