Archived Changes To Role-play And Vampires

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Master Defaulter
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Algaronian Empire
As anyone whom has been on Massivecraft or the forums in the last 3 or so days, there are huge amounts of controversy about vampires, the crimson inquisition and what not. It seems to be they are two main problems with the Vampire Whcih I will list alopng with what I think should be done below.

Problem 1. Until recently PVP gods and those wanting to be PVP gods especially those whom pretend to RP are always Vampires to help with PVP, while at the same time being a vicious killer of vampires, or a vicious hunter of vampires to give them excuses to randomly PVP.

Problem 2. Almost all the server looks at the Saguine Curse in a 21st century standpoint. "Well they don't really have to kill to live, and they could survive with humans in harmony so all the people whom attack them are discriminatory and wrong and they are victims of a mass genocide." Well you see if this were talking about a racial group in real life you have every reason to take this standpoint however we must remember this is a medieval RP server and in the medieval times if someone had even a 5% chance to go ballistic and kill you entire Nations would wipe 100% of that group of the planet. Seeing how vampires are inherently evil in Massive, can be manifestations of ender demons and Mrs. Baver, and are like as not going to cause the downfall of Aloria that is a much bigger reason to hate them, however looking at it at a 21st century standpoint its not nessceray to kill each and every one of them only safer and hence you get the "SAFE THE VAMPIRES" and "CRIMSONS GO HOME" post when in RP most would love the Crimsons.

Solution 1: You just make being a Vampire better then other races in Darkness and when against certain factors, and way worse against people in the Daylight. Also make the skills needed to be good as a Vampire harder to perfect so Noobs don't use it as much.

Solution 2: You make it one of the server rules that unless you have a special exemption from the staff and are good at RP you are not allowed to be a vampire supporter, period. You may not start wars with "They kill Vampires" as a reason or make threads decrying the Crimsons. Though I understand Massivecraft always tries to be friendly and not strict, but if it comes to the point when 90% of the playerbase is fine with vampires the thing which in RP may cause the world to end and something like 50% dislikes or even despises organizations like the Crimson Inquisition and the red Legacy as well as actual Vampire hunting factions such as Algaron that don't turn to Vampirism once in a actual war, you need to look at more options the saying, "NOOBSLAYER123 that is a NONO!".

Thank's for reading and/or skimming over. Feel free to complain, compliment, and share your ideas in the comments!
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