Archived Changes In Faction Economy

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Free Tenant
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone! sorry if this post is duplicate or similar to other.:)

I have 2 new interesting change in faction economy,in benefit of roleplay and constancy to0..

1) generation of adtional silver when you kill a mob,like 20% of the money you gain killing that mob,with the minimun of 1 copper,this money goes directly to the bank of the faction.

2)the faction can set autopayement day for her/his menbers,this will recibe automatically when login everyday a small amount of silver,one time per day(dont be accumulate,if you dont log on in five days,you dont recibe 5 days pay when you log on).This money willsubstract from the bank of the faction.Will stop of course when the faction is out of money.This will help that the players will stay more time in the faction and evit the loose of power.The money can be set too depending the rank in the faction.Example rookies will recibe 15 copper per day,officers 1 silver.

This too encourage to players be more participate with the faction.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Personally I disagree with this, mostly due to your 2) suggestion. It won't lead to faction members being more active, it'll lead to faction members logging on once every day to get silver, then logging back off. It's basically bribing faction members daily. Although its not necessarily a bad idea due to the fact that factions could turn this on and off, I just don't think it'll be very useful.
I agree with favoured, but #2 seems like it will entirely make the thing completely different. Sorry, but for the moment,
I like both #1 and #2, but I don't think #2 is workable due to people abusing factions with alts to steal the silver.
Maybe if they got back a % of the amount of money they put into the faction bank through the automated withdraw feature thingy? (fix to suggestions #2)
Suggestion 1 could work but the only thing that really needs to be added to faction economy imo is a tax system where the owner can set a tax rate and people can pay it using a command like /f money tax pay. If a member does not pay tax the owner is notified.
This is the first time I've ever heard the term "Faction economy" is that even a thing?

While I like the idea of this I feel thats its a need that doesnt require a change to a plugin to work. surely if you wish to reard membersthe leaders can do this themselves? After all if you wished to increase the roleplay factor as you stated before, then having your boss come physically pay you for hard work would make a lot more sense, rather then being payed by some mystical bank account god.

Plus the average gain from mobs is about 3c ? so paying in 20% would gain hardly any benefit.

Not trying to shoot the idea down, I just think it doesnt need plugin support to pay members for thier loyalty and work.
Well,thx so much to everyone for participating in this idea.

okey,as you know all,faction money/bank is a prety unless,the money of the faction is in fact ,the money of her leader.People with thousen of silver,and the best money faction i see is 10 silver...(facepalm)

the idea make more usefull something is active now.

well ,answering some questions for people have talking.

1)Alj23 :More usefull maybe,we can aplicate mix method,expecific amount of silver or %,and was helpfully if you can see how much recibe in silver and how much percent is ,to calculate our lost/down of money.

2)to drunk monk:Physical pay in massivecraf is an ilusion in massivecraft,i no have "physicaly" money as item,you have "realy" a bank account in msscraft and you make transfer of money to a other count ,you can also transfer money when someone is offline too.Is imposible or hard to a leader faction to have time to see all menbers and pay,and if you wanna pay all our menbers some silver for any reason (becose you wanna help or you are mercenary faction ...etc .etc) is too

tricky see our faction list and make many times "/money pay 0.15 fucker1 ,"/money pay 0.20 fucker2 ...etc".I think this will be a usefull tool to Leaders and factions.Works can be pay more easy and money is hard to obtain in minecraft,recibe even a very small amount of silver everyday is rewarding.

Well ,i think all we have +- like/agree with the #1 ,well the thing is you gain 7 copper for killing mob and generates aditional silver like 2 copper to the bank of the faction.The interesting thing is not the 2 copper,is for example,10 people killing a mob and generates 0.20 silver,the faction bank upppers the amount of 0.20 silver per day.Menbers are not only usefull now for power,help indirectly too in the economy in the faction in easy way.Premiums user now are more usefull for war
efforts,gain the double of money too for our faction and more interesting


FAQ:You dont lose money,you gain always 7 copper are you alone or in faction,this never substract money,you action generates aditional money goes directly to our bank faction.i wanna all understand this for evit confusion.
Throughout reading your ideas, one thing has come to mind: I feel sorry for grammar. :D
That's a rule? Sorry, carry on with the discussion. -slinks away feeling awkward-
What ever happened to the rule "No commenting on grammar/spelling"? Not everyone is an English speaker.

thx mecharic.

My apologies if my English grammar is considerer heretic ,offensive or funny.But as mecharic say,it is true,english is not my mother language and it is a bite hard to speak it fast and much for me.I promise to try much harder.

Anyway ,i ask to the people to be more comprehensive ,no more "dislikes" stamps for my grammar and no more post about it.If someone post again about my grammar, sorry but i will report spam.

Pls focus only in the post topic.
Well, I still like this idea. It's only logical that that the faction bank be a tax system, and in the real world governments (even back in the days of kings and such) didn't go to each person and say "pay up damnit!" they sent underlings to do so. As such, a system using /f pay tax amount seems like a very neat addition and a useful addition to the faction bank usefulness. I also think they could add a "faction shop" ability, where you replace your name on the chest shops with a faction name and the money from sales goes directly into the faction bank - only the leader could do this though, unless they add a perm for it that can be set for leader and officers.
Well, I still like this idea. It's only logical that that the faction bank be a tax system, and in the real world governments (even back in the days of kings and such) didn't go to each person and say "pay up damnit!" they sent underlings to do so. As such, a system using /f pay tax amount seems like a very neat addition and a useful addition to the faction bank usefulness. I also think they could add a "faction shop" ability, where you replace your name on the chest shops with a faction name and the money from sales goes directly into the faction bank - only the leader could do this though, unless they add a perm for it that can be set for leader and officers.
Other option i think,very similar that you say,is that the faction liders can use /region puglin in her own territories,the money of the rent of regions goes directly to faction bank.
I like the idea though of being able to set automated regular payments, in what ever form is desired. Mind you I can't think of many uses for it... Hmm.
Well i think this post is in dead end.

Only left one thing,the opinion of the gamedelevopers. ¿is it viable some changes in faction economy?.
There is a only sure thing,this need a change..
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