Archived Change To Finding Houses And Shops

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Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
I have noticed that finding a house or a shop are under the same command. I believe that there should be a command for house finding and one for shop finding. Ex. house: /as find [rent;buy] [maxprice] [group].
Ex. shop: /shop find [rent;buy] [maxprice]. I think this would benefit those who want to find only houses, and those who just want to find shops. It would let people find their future home or shop faster. Thank you for your time.
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Just so you know, AreaShop isnt owned or maintained by Massivecraft. It is a 3rd party plugin
there's already this system in place.

/as find rent (price) (regalia, sewers?, maybe market?)

This is for sure confirmed for regalia. omit the region group name to have a high change of getting warped to market.

Though medium and large shops are usually taken, and sewer properties are always rented.
If you do /as info forrent it will give you a list of all available properties. Typically any Regalian houses available are listed before any available shops on the list.
Actually that is already in place, you can use the groups regalia, sewers and market.

There are even some for the different districts but they won't be much use for the average player and not all districts are covered.
There are even some for the different districts but they won't be much use for the average player and not all districts are covered.
is there a quick way to look up a list of districts with the command?
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