Archived Change The Acculator Command

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Dec 20, 2017
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
This one's pretty self simple and explanatory, this may just me being lazy, but I'd rather not shift for about 5-10 minutes waiting on the purple bar to fill, rather than just simply type a command and stand still for that allotted time.


Old System:

The way is Acculator bar is filled is shifting for 10 seconds until the mana is full (doesn't apply if you don't need full mana, and depends on what spell your going to use). Not only is this a pain when the only spells a beginner mage has is non-lethal, cantrip spells. And unless your a builder, Sphere, Cone, Build-Cobblestone Wall, Up, and Down are useless.

New System:

Simply type ./c (for crouch) and the bar slowly fills, which takes about 10 seconds, depending on the spell. During this time, a person cannot move, but can certainly RP and type and interact with different people. If a person moves during this time, then the -.2 rate will apply, and the person will lose the mana they have acquired at a rate more than they gain.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I tested out the time and changed it because I was a dummy.
I disagree with this
Firstly the magic words you mentioned or not particularly useful in building but rather do have a large number of uses when it comes to PVP. For example the 'sphere' word can be used to apply buffs in an aoe, others such as cone can create a Fus To Dah effect when joined with the push word. Even build cobblestone can be used to suffocate enemies.
Secondly, you obtain the most lethal spells at the start of MagicIntro, the spells that you can find and learn currently are pretty minor and most are just there to flesh out your max accumulator, which allows you to have more spell potential in battles.
Third if you want to AFK boost accumulator just put a brick on your shift key :p. (If you have a decent keyboard don't do this or you'll mess something up).