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Champions Or Butchers?


Lesser Noble
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
If described by the Imperial Design, the Lothar are to protect the populace from the out-of-control Occult. Even in its current iteration of the Hallowed Hand, its stated mission is the Lothar mission. You have likely heard all the shouting and organizations popping up in response to the unlawful formation of an Inquisition and the taking of improper titles; undoubtedly, most of you realize the leaders for what they are. Yet. I wish to state now that even their declared objective is a lie. They will not stop at curings or mass murder of the Occult. Those of us in mundanity are also targets; those not adherent to Dogmatic Unionism are also targets.

Last night there was an attack on Fairbanks; this siege led by Death Cultists included a sight; a Lothar-collared Marken. This Marken attacked a mundane MEDIC. It tore her apart; the clinician's only objective was to get help against declared enemies of the empire. Thus, I state - the aim has shifted as this Marken can only act according to the instructions of its Lothar Beastmaster.

All loyal people of this empire seek out a Reliquary - pledge to defend our homes - uphold the Emperor's wishes.

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund,
Lady-Protector of The Reliquary-Valldal.

There was a post with the familiar mark of a shattered skull under a metal gauntlet.

"The Deathbane Militia will fight to defend the vulnerable from all those who wish to destroy the livelihoods of others. Do not listen to the cultists' lies about peace, or to the Inquisition's tyranny. There is another way."

- Dr. Wilhelm Mortiz Urssenbeck
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A dogmatic reads the missive, giving a grave expression at the mention of a Attack on Fairbanks but as his eyes lock upon the mention of a Lothar Marken. He grits his teeth, "The Gods gave them that equipment to use for the Empire. Whatever my disagreements with their Order, a beast master not only allowed their Marken to join a attack un-supervised but, in aid of the heretics who defiled Theomar's temple, I'd say this merits a reprimanded if not severe censor for whoever allowed or ordered this to happen.

This is unacceptable."

The passersby would see Santiago Gonzales taking a copy of the notice, emplacing it into a letter and with a unhappy expression. Mail it off to 'The highest rank Lothar known to him'.

Ciodaru passes by and narrows his eyes at this message.

"The Lothar are more dangerous with Marken than without, and the allowance of their actions is a relic of a more barbaric time. At least if left on their own, almost every Marken tries to keep themselves from transforming, or does so in private and secure areas. When you force it, there's no telling how volatile they can become—it's like torturing an animal enough that they try to off themselves. But these are people, not fucking dogs of war."
A certain von Karlisle had seemingly found herself with this notice, and responses. She'd scoff, and soon write back in swift response, having it posted above every copy of this notice in the city. Seems like great lengths were made to have this message known.
To the Esteemed Lady-Protector Hjortsund,

This notice has come to my attention, and I'd like to clarify a few things. Because there are inaccuracies very much present in your statement. Allow me to put things in an easy to read list, because I've heard rumors you're very blunt and to the point. I'll make this easy on you.

1.) After the Metropolitan Lay-Offs, the Crown deemed the formations of Militias to be legal, in addition to wearing armor, and bearing arms. If you believe the word "Inquisition" changes legality of a Militia, it doesn't. People are permitted to call their organizations, gatherings, huddles, militias, inquisitions, whatever they wish. I'll have you know, you're arguing over semantics.

2.) Addressing the improper titles; once again, your argument falls under semantics. The titles of those within the ranks of the Hallowed Hand are not legally viable, and are unable to be enforced by Law. Because of this, the titles and ranks are merely an internal prefix that only members of the Militia are required to use in addressing one another. If you were ever pressured to call an individual of the Hallowed Hand Inquisition by their title, please alert me and I will address it myself.

3.) To address our objective, our objective is very much true, and unchanged. You claim that we target mundane individuals, address them to me so we can communicate. You also claim that those who are non-Dogmatic Unionists are also a target; this is untrue. As you've portrayed yourself with this notice, you're simply here to spread slander and misinformation agains our noble cause, while also enraging the public to fight tooth and nail against us. Fearmongering is not proper, nor is it professional.

4.) As for the Marken in question, please speak to me directly about this. We are investigating a certain Marken as we speak. One I believe will need more intense treatment for everyone's sake. I'd like to iterate, Beastmasters are in complete control of their Marken when in range, though when they're not close together, personal actions and interactions cannot be fully monitored. If this Marken has shifted to its full form which is something a Marken should not be able to do while collared, regardless of distance, I beg of you, to reach out to me and speak with me so we can prevent people's lives from being ruined. I want nothing more than to keep people of this blessed city safe, and free from a life-long curse. Collaring a Marken is for EVERYONE'S safety, and if it somehow breached the safety net of the Collar without their Beastmaster's permission, I will personally hunt and sedate this beast so that a Lothar Knight may administer a brand new collar, and make sure they're fully stable. Turning shouldn't ever occur unless it is willed by their Beastmaster.

All things have been addressed. I'd appreciate a swift response, so that corrections can be made for citizen's sake. This isn't a political or religious dispute. There are life-altering threats that reside in our city and borough walls. Treat this as such.


Lady Rhiannon von Karlisle,
High-Surgeon of the Hallowed Hand Inquisition

@Iyyiushi @AlienDark12 @Greenie @Timetotalk
Lady von Karlisle,

To the first, this is a misidentification of what is occurring. By the statements of your family head and the head of family Vaedra - the Inquisition will uphold Dogmatic Unionism as the faith of the empire by "the sword". This violates the given wishes of the emperor and comes into conflict with the mission of the Reliquary - no regression into state-sanctioned religion.

To the second, the heads of family von Karlisle and family Vaedra utilized the Inquisition titles as replacements of their Imperial Titles. This was to a crowd and not Inquisition members.

To the third, an Old Gods faithful MUNDANE clinician was the target of a Lothar-Marken. Once they're identified - they will be handled by the Reliquary. Further, repeat actions of the Lothar have attacked priests of different faiths in their own temples. For this, Sera Ylvi vom Floss will be handled.

To the fourth, have your family head recall each Beastmaster and their Marken. We're looking for a brown-furred Wolf Marken, that attacks the unarmed and in public areas. The actions of this marken will not be solely handled by the Lothar - they owe for their actions, the Rite of Vengence is called.

Either the Lothar Beastmasters are in control and can be trusted to manage their Marken; or they cannot. If they cannot, then someone has grossly misinformed the palace.

[signed with all her titles and name]
Lady-Protector Hjortsund,

As I said before, and I'll say again. Speak to me in person if you wish to sort out differences. Constant public posts are growing to be an unneeded hassle that I must tend to. Back to the list of curt responses.

1.) It's time you touch up on definitions. Allow me to write an excerpt from the Regalian Dictionary, which is written in and for the Common tongue. Perhaps Common isn't your only language, but when you write against a well-studied linguist, definitions and implications within words matter. Uphold: verb "to confirm or support something" OR "to maintain". A word you could very much confuse the implied definition for. My Brother and the respectable Lord-Protector Vaedra both implied the first definition. We are not changing what was decreed by the Emperor.

2.) Utilization doesn't really change anything. So long as others address them by their Imperial Titles, there are no issues here. Once again, you rise to Semantics.

3.) I don't fully understand why you need to interject yourself on an attack to a Medical professional, regardless of faith. Sure they're 'Faithful' but that doesn't mean this was an attack on them due to their faith. You're overstepping your boundaries here.

4.) Overextension on your part. We'll handle our own dilemmas. Unless the Marken has exclusively stated that they're attacking out of malice against their faith, this is our jurisdiction, not yours.

Finally, cease creating a public stir, I'm tired of these constant annoyances you would deem a suitable rebuttal. I'll simply remind you of what I first mentioned; speak to me in person if you wish to sort this out. Your unprofessionalism is telling.

Good day,

Lady Rhiannon Von Karlisle,
High-Surgeon of the Hallowed Hand Inquisition