Archived Chain Mail Salvageable Item

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Yeah I keep getting Chain mail as mob drops and although I love to wear it kind of blows when you can't turn it to fence for easy storage, besides you can salvage every other armor mat why not this one?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is a completely valid point that I have never thought of.......

I feel really stupid.
I think it's because the recipe for chainmail is added by an in-house plugin, while MCMMO by default doesn't interact with chainmail. There may be some way to configure MCMMO to allow chainmail salvage. If not, however, the necessary coding might be more trouble than it's worth.

I'm no expert, though, so please take this with a grain of salt.
It is completely up to mcmmo, unless you want to learn how to code, and figure out how to add it.
But in any case, being able to repair/salvage chain idea has been around for as long as the custom recipe for chain existed on massivecraft. At least we can repair it now, at first we couldn't.
Instead of making it Mcmmo dependent why not just make a reverse custom recipe? Like a Chain mail Tunic gives you 8 Iron ingots?
Instead of making it Mcmmo dependent why not just make a reverse custom recipe? Like a Chain mail Tunic gives you 8 Iron ingots?
That would work except it would A) Have to give you fences because with 8 iron ingots you could craft an iron chest plate witch is much better B) It would be over powered since normally you would have to get 800 repair to salvage, but with this anyone could craft it.
That would work except it would A) Have to give you fences because with 8 iron ingots you could craft an iron chest plate witch is much better B) It would be over powered since normally you would have to get 800 repair to salvage, but with this anyone could craft it.

Holy iron duping.
6 Ingot = 16 chainfences = 2 chestpieces/chaintunics = 16 more ingots?
The number of iron ingots is up to debate XD but for the most part the base idea might work
Actually, there is a vanilla crafting recipe for chain, and it's basically the same as the others, but it requires an unusual item: fire. Yes, it is crafted with fire. Not flint and steel, but actual fire. That is why it can't be crafted normally: not because the recipe doesn't exist, but because the required items are unobtainable.
Actually, there is a vanilla crafting recipe for chain, and it's basically the same as the others, but it requires an unusual item: fire. Yes, it is crafted with fire. Not flint and steel, but actual fire. That is why it can't be crafted normally: not because the recipe doesn't exist, but because the required items are unobtainable.
That's not exactly what I meant... but now that you mention it, you're absolutely right! #You'reWinner

EDIT: By the way, I love the signature. We tend to under appreciate stairs, considering how often we hbailtnoisniohdnblgsn down them.
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It is completely up to mcmmo, unless you want to learn how to code, and figure out how to add it.
mcMMO's API is too limited to do this. Unless you use an unofficial API (that could potentially break on updates)
EDIT at first I didn't see this thread was necroed. Sorry