Archived Censoring Comments

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Consistently Inconsistent
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
My idea is for the forums. I think a new feature should be added to the list of things you can do when you first create a thread. The ability for the creator of the thread to approve of the comments before it is visible to everyone. Basically the owner of the thread has to approve of the comment before it can be viewed by the public. This can help against flame threads and other things, such as derailing topics. This ability should be able to be turned on whenever the owner chooses, whether it be in the thread creation or after the thread has been published. Of course staff will be able to bypass the acceptance of the thread owner.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
One immediate problem I can see with that is people abusing it by hiding comments they don't like or which don't agree with them. Plus, this would put some rather unnecessary work on the thread creator and make communication more messy since we would have to wait for the creator to approve them before knowing if someone else had said something relevant. For example, multiple people might post the same thing unknowingly because they can't see other comments until it's approve. If the creator doesn't constantly check back, a thread might seem dead or inactive. I don't feel that flaming and derailing is a big enough problem to warrant this feature, especially since one can always tag a mod or report unnecessary comments.