Preserved Sheet Cecil, The Iscariot

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@KrakenLord01 Time for the big update! Changelog:
  • Aged down to 23
  • Proficiency points entirely updated. In short, Sorcery was overhauled, some non-canon proficiencies were removed, and Arcanology was added.
  • Faith updated to reflect in character events.
  • Backstory updated to reflect age and in character events.
@KrakenLord01 Cleansing update! Changelog:
  • Cecil has been reverted from a Zolathar Kathar to a Fin'ullen Altalar
  • Cecil's proficiencies have been re-evaluated and changed
  • Cecil lost half of his sorcery
  • Cecil's racials have changed
  • Cecil's religion has switched from devotion to Sakraphel to devotion to Morrlond
  • Cecil's physical appearance section has been updated
  • Non-Talent Racial Boosts require an investment of 10 Proficiency points now before activating the Boost.
Make changes in a different color of choice and tag me when finished.
@KrakenLord01 I am so sorry, he keeps on changing his dang race. Manathar update! Changelog:
  • Race change
  • Added Lector Sorcery Spells
  • Changed Faith to reflect Xenophane
  • Changed physical appearance to reflect Manatharism
Mid-approval edits, sorry! IC stuff came up and made me think some things through. All sorcery changes. Changelog:
  • Removed strength training
  • Added core points to sorcery, swapped spells
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@KrakenLord01 Small ability update! Construction art wasn't getting used, so I invested into even more sorcery. I think I might hold a record. Anyhow, changelog:
  • Removed Construction Art
  • Added two spells, Wall Climb III and Elemental Control II
@KrakenLord01 Fast ability swap! Changelog:
  • Swapped the sorcery spell Element Control II for Power Curse I
  • Swapped the sorcery spell Wall Climb III for Element Control II
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@KrakenLord01 Apologies for the fast turnaround update, but after discussion, I've decided to redo Cecil's weapon proficiency and sorcery spells to better balance him overall! The goal is to have less suppression abilities when he is a Lector, and more weapon-based abilities when he is an Apostle/Cardinal, since as a Lector, he cannot make use of any of those weapon-based spells. Here is the changelog:
  • Changed Sword combat to Warlash combat
  • Removed spells Darkness I and Darkness II
  • Moved spells Element Control II and Power Curse I into the Lector-only section
  • Added Super Self I and Element Brand III to his overall grimoire
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@KrakenLord01 Update! Changelog:
  • Removed Sailing Proficiency
  • Added Theater Proficiency
  • Added 3 points into Warlash Proficiency; this gives him another Sorcery Spell
  • Changed Sorcery (removed Glitter Control and Magic Sight, introduced Element Control IV, Dueling Brand, and Wall Climb 3)
  • Touched up Backstory
  • Touched up Visuals
  • Introduced Artifactism
@sonofthestars I have realized that there have been far too many Sorcery changes up to this point, and need to ask you to revert to the previously approved spell list. I'm also going to ask you to not make any more spell changes, otherwise the app will be auto-rejected.

Everything else looks good, just make necessary spell changes and tag me when finished.