Archived Can We Make "massiveweather" A Thing?

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Jul 31, 2013
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Hi. Shayna here. I was having a bit of a stroll around Regalia this evening and it began to rain. I found myself wondering, "is this a warm rain,a heavy shower, or a light sprinkling?" Then an Idea donned. In my opinion, I believe that creating or installing a plugin that describes the weather would be beneficial to both the roleplay and the general atmosphere on the server. This is just an idea, but I think that it has a lot of potential for the server. Just look at how well Massivemobs turned out!

Best regards,
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I think this would be to small of a plugin to create solely for MassiveCraft. Perhaps if it had custom storms and the likes but for something that simply sends a message when it rains, believe me when I at in this case, less is not more. perhaps propose some new features to add as well.
Duly noted. and on that note, it would be pretty flippin' awesome if there were seasons. they wouldn't run on the same scale as irl seasons, of course, but rather a smaller, more minecraft-friendly scenario. The number of bad puns would skyrocket (e.g: winter is coming) , but overall, it could boost morale and get people out of a rut. Think about it. Change is nice, and in Regalia, we see plenty of large-scale changes, such as construction work and the occasional barfight, but to many players that spend most of their time in Daendroc or Ellador, slaving away in their factions, it could be nice to look out the window and see snow- in the desert.
Uh, I don't think if a plugin like this was a thing on MassiveCraft that it would snow in the desert. I mean, think about it. It just wouldn't work, especially on MassiveCraft.
You should elaborate on those ideas and put them in the original post by editing it. Also, consider ensuring biome specific weather patterns, as this can be done in plugins
He was being very calm and making a suggestion, no need for you to go and say that. I'm looking at a specific word that starts with a 't' that you used in there, I honestly don't think that's funny, nor do I think it's an intelligent remark to make to someone offering you feedback..
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I'm going to take a guess that @Shayin was being polite, upon which I commend him for it and agree with him, there was no need for what was said by @shayna456711.

On a second note, I believe it would be possible. As a plugin developer I haven't had the greatest experience dealing with weather but I do believe it would be possible and I can think of some ways to implement the seasons so I would say a mod isn't 100% necessary for this idea but it would make it a lot simpler.
To the topic at hand, having been here for over a year I don't see this ever being implemented due to the stress on the servers and how low priority it would be if considered, compared to other things. We only have one Cayorion, and he's broken right now, unfortunately.

Everything you said was correct, apart from the Cayorion statement. Something I've seen a lot of lately is people making the mistake of thinking Cayorion is the only Tech staff, to the contrary there are 2 other Tech staff. But yes, it would put lag onto the server as it is constantly calculating what I assume would be the day of the "month" so it knows when to change. It's an excellent idea in theory but implemented it would cause issues.
The beginnings of this have already been programmed by Cayorion, allowing the biomes to be changed programmatically. This allowed for winter in Regalia. We found several disadvantages. Building with snow falling can be difficult. The snow did not melt on it's own when "Spring" came, but had to be manually thawed, which would require additional programming to correct. Changes in precipitation and water freezing could be done with a plugin. Subtler effects such as changing leaf colors would require changes to the MassiveCraft Resource Pack, and using it and Optifine to view the effects. It is correct that development in this direction is not a high priority at the moment.
Well, I thought about this stuff before, but didn't finish the idea. Here are some thoughts that may implement the weather thing.

Lava rain-> Uses the lava dripping particle to simulate a rain of lava. It gives damage to all races, excluding the Dakkar. They are natural to nether biomes.

Ocean storms-> This would create giant storms in ocean biomes, creating big waves that destroy boats.

Weather effects-> It's about what Yendor said. When spring comes, snow melts, but we could give each season a particular effect:

Winter: can have normal snowing days, but also blizzards. All mobs take damage in blizzards, making it a need to have a safe place for livestock during the winter. During this season, crops that are exposed outside have really low rate of harvesting(from 0-1 drop), making it necessary to have supplies from the former season to go through the hard period(crops that are inside buildings suffer no effect during winter).

Spring: the snow from the past winter melts. The trees that had lost their leaves grow them back, having the default green colour, or even special colours for some trees. Animal breeding gets a boost, making recently bred animals grow at a 2x normal rate. Crops go back to their normal harvesting drops as well.

Summer: I don't have many ideas for this, so I would appreciate some :P
Maybe a dry season or something.

Autumn: Leaves start changing colour and disappearing(if the tree is an evergreen, it won't lose it's leaves). This is the main harvesting season, meant for people to stockpile items for the coming winter, so crops get a drop boost(maybe 1-3 more dropped items).

Each season may take a month to finish it's cycle, or maybe 15 days to make it into minecraft time.

As I will always say, I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how hard it is to make these. I hope the suggestions help with the initial idea. :)
A few of us staff discussed this on Teamspeak briefly (@Th3_Drunk_Monk @Spartan @Gethelp) and we decided that actually this is a fairly good idea and we've been thinking of something liket his for a while, but have always had something more important to do. Perhaps once MassiveMobs is finished, we could take a look at something like this. Though don't take my word for it, I'm simply saying on behalf of a few of us, the ultimate decision belongs to the DirectionStaff.
Oh bugger.. Lady Montgomery freezing in her manor.. >-> Noh.
Definitely supported if the whole Lava Rain becomes a thing, its about time something other than that horrid liquid fell from the sky.
I doubt that the lava part would be possible. Not without client side modding I'd say. Not to mention the proposed idea would be redundant if a person had particles turned off.
Oh Gawd. Tallulah would have to find a place to stay during the winter; her house would be half frozen.
Change it to acid rain, that's a real thing.
Copy and pasting from my other thread: Ideas on the Month Plugin.
I was thinking that there could be a month plugin where basically, depending on the type of month it affects the length of the days. Example :From months October-February the sun sets earlier than usually and from months May-August it sets regularly later, and for the rest of the months are default. This plugin would benefit vampires and at the same time not benefit the vampires depending on the month. In my opinion a month would be around 10 in game days.

Mecharic made this point
Depending on where they go on the World Map of Aloria different worlds would have different seasons and timings. Here's how I see it:
Month: June/Summer Season

Ellador - Days Really Long, Nights Really Short. Snow retracts northward (if possible to code). (northern hemi)
Ithania - Days Long, Nights Short (norther hemi)
Deandroc - Days and Nights are not affected.
Regalia - Days and Nights not affected.
Kelmoria - Nights Long, Days Short (southern hemi)
Farradeen - Nights Long, Days Short (southern hemi)
Jorrhidr - Nights Really Long, Days Really Short (southern hemi/pole)

All instances unaffected (all are located near the Regalia and Silverwind, aka, near the equator).

New worlds get day/night cycles in a similar manner - this would help with creating world maps because you could tell how north or south something is by the length of its days.

I envision each MC month as being 15 days long and each season being as follows:

North/South Pole - Summer 6 months/90 days, Winter 6 months/90 Days
North/South Hemi - Summer 4 months, fall 2 months, winter 4 months, spring 2 months. 4 months = 60 days, 2 months = 30 days.
Equator - No Seasons, No Change in Day/Night Cycle or Weather Patterns.

Weather during the seasons would be as follows:

Summer - Standard Rain, Crops Grow 3/4ths rate if not within 2 blocks of water.
Fall - Less Rain, Crops Grow Standard Rate.
Winter - Rain becomes snow across all Northern Hemi and Southern Hemi worlds. Standard Rate of Rain/Snow. Crops grow 1/4th Rate overall.
Spring - Snow becomes Rain across all Norther and Souther Hemi worlds. More Rain/Snow. Crops Grow Double Rate overall.

Note on Seasons: Summer = Hot Season, Winter = Cold Season, Fall = Dry Season, Spring = Wet Season. They are inversed between Northern and Southern Hemi worlds.
Again, I'd like to throw my voice as a developer into this.

I'd like to give you a run down and how I assume this would work. First off, a tick counter. A tick is a unit of measure used in programming that I believe is 1/20 of a second. Minecraft days are measured through ticks and I believe that the current time system (use the command "/time") converts the number of ticks you would normally see, to a number recognizable as digital time. After what would be I assume, one day in Minecraft time, a secondary counter would be put into effect, the day counter. At the end of every tick count, when the ticks reset to 0, the counter is increased by one. This would count the day of the month. When the counter would be increased, a check would be executed to see what month it is and then another check would be executed to establish if the day counter equals the days inside the month, relatively simple. If it does equal the days of the month that it's currently set to, it would change the month it's in and reset the counter to one.

I just explained how the month plugin would work in theory but I assure you now, it is much simpler said, than done. Apart from that we would also need a Lore staff to come up with a brilliant scientist that has established a universal unit of measurement for months, perhaps in a group of scientists that also discover the logic behind the seasons and even more so, give names. And the hardest task for those Lore staff, I mean this seriously, the year that it starts in.
Duly noted. and on that note, it would be pretty flippin' awesome if there were seasons. they wouldn't run on the same scale as irl seasons, of course, but rather a smaller, more minecraft-friendly scenario. The number of bad puns would skyrocket (e.g: winter is coming) , but overall, it could boost morale and get people out of a rut. Think about it. Change is nice, and in Regalia, we see plenty of large-scale changes, such as construction work and the occasional barfight, but to many players that spend most of their time in Daendroc or Ellador, slaving away in their factions, it could be nice to look out the window and see snow- in the desert.

Maybe have custom weather in each biome, like snow in taiga biomes which dosent do anything and really and is already implemented and blizzards in frozen mountains which would just, be, well blizzards by there name with like a few more particles and more wind. aaand heavy rain. same thing with blizzard, but happens in plains and other places like dat
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If you chose to read none of my posts above, at least read this one.

A lot of the ideas presented in this are great but to be blunt, they are unrealistic. I don't mean to sound rude so sorry if I do but how are programmers supposed to take the limited BukkitAPI, which allows a lot of things but there are limits, and use it to create the image and effects of wind? I can't think of a logical and simple way that I would create wind in a plugin. I can't think of a way that I could make it through down any more rain particles than it already does. And I can't express how annoying it would be to create lava rain. Perhaps a custom texture could be used? But the people without the Massive texture couldn't use it so would they not get lava rain? And I don't think it's possible to use the particles texture, especially if particles are off. The biome specific weather is good, the seasons even I believe is possible but a lot of the rest is just... Great idea but I'm not sure on whether it's possible. Keep in mind I'm a programmer, nowhere near as good as Yendor or Cayorion but I am a programmer.
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