Preserved Sheet Camilla

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
@Caelamus Hello! I removed some of the aesthetics and added a small 'recents' bit in life story. Lost the tag!

My Review

Body Stat

  • Calculation: You have Heavy Bow Combat 10 + Fist Combat 7 + Stave Combat 5 which comes to 22 as your body count, please revise.
@Katiesc hewwoo.. edits made. I rehauled her profiency a bit more & changed 1 ritualism spell (I think. Pretty sure I swapped the ghost animal morph to Bloodmend)
@Katiesc Hiya! This is minor - updated the application sheet w/ the proper last name & lost the approved tag

EDIT: ailor lineage swapped from lexxon to drahl to accompany traditional family lineage
@Ailethi Hello I have claimed your application for review, expect a reply within thirty six hours.
@Ailethi After reviewing your application, only one thing needs to be corrected:
  • Your character is too short, the minimum height for all Ailor Lineages barring Bolven and Fennh is 5'1". Your character's height is currently listed as 5'0".
Once you have made the appropriate changes, tag me once more.
@Follower pog .

Made some last minute changes! Removed fist combat and some points from heavy ranged to morph them into staves, leaving the extra points to pop into genetics for Olvomism.
@Follower (don't kill me)
Following changes:
  • Aesthetics done by @AtticCat
  • Removed Utility Ranged in favor of Engineering profs for 15 point investment. Added that last 1 point into unarmed.
  • Adjusted stat correctly.
shouldn't be anymore changes for a hot while i swear
@Yurs o7 get well soon! here's a summary of updates:
  • Core Concept Added.
  • Progression Talents added in proficiency area.
  • Updated Visual Information.
  • Removed old Visual Information.
  • Removed Inventory / Preferred weapon.
  • Lessened Engineering from 15 to 9 after not using most packs.
  • Combined Stave/Spear, Fist, + left over Engineering into Casting Ranged.
Should be all of it!

littol change(s)....

  • removed longsneck for puretek larp
  • removed improvise for thin blades
  • switched backup for knocking shot in ranged
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