• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Calling All Business Owners


Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score
To the ever dutiful citizens of Regalia, Noble or otherwise,

I have addressed you once before to rally you behind a cause and I intend to do so again. This week I received sad news that Count Christopher Black decided that the Merchant Guild had run its course. For years the organisation stood proud and operated at the very heart of the Empire, becoming the life-blood for emerging and newly-established businesses and companies across the City and indeed the Empire. Count Black oversaw a project that climbed not hurdles, but mountains, at every stage of its development and for that we owe him and House Black our most sincere gratitude.

However, it is our duty to make sure this grand legacy does not crumble. Whilst we can never replace the Merchant Guild we must build to continue its work and maintain its principles. That is why it is a great honour to introduce the Regalian Trade Confederacy, an organisation similar in structure and principle to its predecessor, that will aim to replicate the community spirit and continue its economic successes.

A copy of a flyer would be pinned beneath the letter.

We invite all former members of the Merchant's Guild to join the Regalian Trade Confederacy in order to reignite the productivity inherent to Regalian business. We also invite new and emerging families, business owners, companies and entrepreneurs to join the Regalian Trade Confederacy with the promise of a brighter and more profitable future within an economic community.

The Merchant's Guild will be sorely missed but its work will not be forgotten. I wish you all the Spirit's Blessings.

Sincerely and Faithfully,

Lady Constance Rosamund Ravenstad