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Broken Laws, Steadfast Denouncements


40th President of the United States
Oct 3, 2017
Reaction score
White House
Republican Party
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
Screen Actors Guild

The Empire has been engulfed in a war against the Nelfin in Daen for months. Many soldier gave their lives to the heroic battles fought and to the effort that pacified an island and showed the Elven resurgents that their declaration of a false Empire won't be left without answers.

The effort, however, has been ridiculously low from the side of the realm nobility. Infighting and internal threat resulted in more troops tied down within the archipelago than there are on the Elven front, partially due to actions of incompetent nobility, partially due to the rest seeking to retain their independence and the integrity of their lands.

When the war minister approached me a couple weeks ago to question my lack of contribution, I answered with my worry of my lands overran by armies of other nobles close by. I did, however, state to him that a guarantee of internal peace would convince me right away to devote my lands' resources to the Empire. The war minister did not falter, neither did the minister of Interior Peace. Both of them understood the situation where the direct threat of our lands, our homes and our legacy overturned under a night led to our troops patrolling borders that shouldn't be guarded, instead of manning frontlines where the fight is against the lesser races, and not against fellow Ailor.

A guarantee was given. A guarantee that the Empire will no longer tolerate internal threat and fear-mongering to get in the way of successful expansion and war. A guarantee was published that allowed families like mine to safely devote their troops, with a backed promise of protection in case our lands would be invaded or infringed upon by those not respecting the status quo. A peace was declared, to not be intruded upon. Word by word, I quote:

Due to the current state of the Empire's wars, the Interior Peace Ministry is issuing a blanket status quo until further notice. Any and all inter-Empire acts of war, battle, invasion, occupation, aggressive internal military action, and et cetera not certified by the Peace Ministry will be immediately declared as a breach of the Emperor's Peace Law. Many families do not feel able to commit to the military engagements we are partaking in, because of threat from other houses. Because of how negatively this will affect the war, and potentially the Emperor's peace of mind, this blanket counter-measure is being instated. I hope this is reassuring to many families, and the war will see more troops flowing into the various armies. Any attempt to skirt around or ignore this missive will be dealt with by the full expanse of my capacity as Interior Peace Minister. If you are unsure about if your usage of your private army will coincide with this missive, you are free to write or meet with me in order to clarify, work it out, and/or get it certified.

Not two weeks have passed since and house Howlester marched a hundred thousand men as a display of power to their holding in Drixagh, without any firmly declared purpose. A hundred thousand men, a host larger than any individual army that had participated on the Rie front yet, apart from the Synod's crusade. A host twice as large as the same house's dedication to the war effort. An army showing that a show of power against northerne lords is worth twice as much to house Howlester than a victorious war for the Empire.

In an understandable effort, the current Protector of Drixagh and largest local landholder, the Archduke Zastórzy immediately raised his own host to match the incursion and to prevent another occupation or internal war by force. All in all, more than 250,000 troops are battle-ready in Drixagh as I publish this declaration as a result of Howlester actions, more troops than all forces currently dedicated to the war effort on both the Dread and the Rie fronts combined.

Because of this, house d'Ortonnaise would like to declare:
  • Their denouncement of house Howlester for breaking the Internal Peace of the Empire and causing an enormous military build-up in Drixagh, going straight against the minister's previous declaration.
  • Their full support to the Interior State Minister to exercise the necessary actions to pacify the aggressor of this crisis and to decrease tensions caused by house Howlester in Drixagh.
  • Their support to house Zastórzy and the Drixagh nobility to protect their independence, lands, holdings and granted rights by the 12th Creed.
  • Their continued loyalty to a promise made to the War & Peace minister about full contribution.

@Mooffins @MarquisAlex @MonMarty @BullyTheScroofy
Juliette looked over the declaration, raising a brow before promptly stating aloud to herself and her servant, "Who is House d'Ortonnaise again? All I remember about them is all their court martialed officers and whiney redhead."
Juliette looked over the declaration, raising a brow before promptly stating aloud to herself and her servant, "Who is House d'Ortonnaise again? All I remember about them is all their court martialed officers and whiney redhead."

A d'Ortonnaise pigeon descended on the shoulder of Juliette V̶a̶u̶c̶l̶a̶i̶n̶ W̶o̶d̶e̶n̶s̶t̶a̶f̶f̶ M̶i̶r̶a̶m̶o̶n̶t̶e̶ Howlester and nibbed her for the passsive-aggressive insult that had very little to do with the declaration.
"The damned highlanders haven't drawn steel, they're simply stood on the edge of their territory. Typical ignorance from a woman who doesn't know her place." Wulfram grumbled to himself as his courier departed, one of his meetings about to begin.
"I didn't know she could issue Denouncements from behind bars and from behind Bewitched eyes." said one busy Dressolini noble.