Archived Bring Back The Custom Music!

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey people,
I don't know if I'm the only one who remembers this, but when texturepacks got replaced by recoursepacks for the first time, MassiveCraft added some custom sounds. They added sounds of armor clashing when you took fall damage and they changed monster sounds. But the best part was the music. They added some very lovely medieval music which fitted the server completely and was waaay beter than the vanilla music. I remember it giving me a great feeling and I loved hunting mobs with this music. I also remembered turning off my music every time it played.
I would love to see this re-implemented! Please say your thoughts about this. :)

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
100% agreed. I turned off my own music as well, just so I could hear the perfectly fitting ressource pack music. I loved it.

I also remembering getting scared as hell when a specific drumming music started.
I don't know it. Maybe we should have a music pack. So the music is optional and not mandatory.
I would only like to ask for music not to stop and have a 5 min break. I prefer it ran constant, so there are only moments of silence between the songs. (It is the reason why I never have IG music on.

I prefer they get the above working before making the songs costum ;3