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Brier-bush Portraiture


Mar 18, 2018
Reaction score
*A simple yet formally and professionally printed notice would be pinned around the main public boards of the city's districts.*

"To keep this advertisement short, I Sigismund Everhardt, master of the studio of one, wish to spread word that I will be offering portraiture services to those who wish such work done for them. Prices are negotiable and vary depending on clientele, it is my firm belief that visuals of people from all classes help benefit future historical records, and as such, prices will try to accommodate with client and studio well being in mind.

The actual process shall follow: A short session will be held wherever the client chooses, in the session a preliminary sketch shall be mocked up for approval. Once approved, the artist will depart and finish a proper piece for presentation. Should the client be satisfied, business will be concluded and artist paid. Should they allow it, the client's portrait will be replicated in a woodcut to be added to a project book presenting the faces of denizens of the city. As of note, payment can be currency or goods. Example, I've a penchant for flora.

Should you, dear reader, be interested, feel free to contact me in any way convenient. I can be found commonly on main-street."
((Forum pm letters or ingame letters encouraged as I do not have an actual building yet, sorry))

*Each print would possess a simple ink stamp of a gauntlet entwined in brier-vines*

((Link to some artistic competency: https://imgur.com/a/EDcK7))