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Breakers Of Laws And Knightly Codes


Mar 29, 2023
Reaction score
OOC: Due to IRL hinderance this message took a little longer to get out than intended. This would've been posted early morning of the 23'rd of May in-character.
I also wish to thank @HeyoBiggums for helping me write this post, 98% of the credit goes to him!

A large piece of parchment is plastered upon the notice board for all to read.

On May 22nd, 311 AC, never once have I seen a duo of Knights be ever so complacent with their duties to enforce Law. Lady-Protector Reyna Hjortsund, and Sera Eleanaire of Jophael, you both are hypocrites. Your own entitlement is what leads you astray from your code. Your negligence is only matched with your lust for blood. You attacked Lord-Protector Riftan Vaedra unprovoked, and while he was unarmed. Not once did you mention he was a blasphemer, not once did you give him a chance to fight back. This was no duel, there was no honor, or respect, this was judgement. Judgement that you had no authority to make. I watched this take place with my own eyes. Furthermore, after you both satiated your own bloodlust, you permitted Crookbackians to cross Animosity Bridge and enter the city, so that they too may step in, and continue to enact your twisted sense of justice.

Last I recalled, Reliquary are deemed defenders of faith, not the ones responsible for judging Knights for keeping Code. You allowed these Crookbackians to step into the city, cast their twisted malfeasance onto a Lord-Protector, one who refused to fight back. Why? Because he knew that fighting back would make this scenario be deemed in his fault. We are not oblivious to the public's opinion, and if he fought back, he would be forever scrutinized for it. There is something vile with being matched with "attacking defenders of faith".

I, Sera Yaotl, acted in the Lord-Protector's defense, but was instructed by the Lord Protector to not get involved. I could not leave the scene, I was cornered by two Crookbackians who were one of many that cast magic and had declared I was to be cut down so I could not get aid, these people stood near the two Reliquary Knights, without a problem, even with their illegal status. If it were not for an Archon named "Ali" to attack one of their undead allies, I would surely have been cut down. However, with the introduction of the Archon to the scene, all attention was shifted to them, allowing me to depart by the request of the Lord-Protector. And I shall note that never did the Lord-Protector request for backup, for any aid or help as he was brutally beaten, still wounded from a prior battle against the illegal occult.

Lady-Protector Hjortsund also allowed herself to be enhanced by one of the Crookbackians to be able to strike the Lord-Protector harder, even as he was weakened by a nearby Theurgist. That sort of savagery is what I'd expect from an Urlan of Jorrhildr, not a member of the peerage, and a Knight of such a respectable order, no less. Do not cower your malice behind your duties. Stand up tall, and admit to your corruption.

The Viridian Order will hear of this, mark my words.

Signed, Sera Yaotl Genran,
Confidant-Knight of the Lothar Order

@Iyyiushi @Finlaggan
A simple response was notated beneath the initial parchment, bearing the sigil of the Viridian Order.

"The Viridian Order has heard of this. Honour will be maintained. Remember his love."
A similarly simple response is notated beneath the initial parchment, bearing the flavorful personal sigil of ALI.

"I have no love towards the Lothar, but never will I forsake my mission to guard the living from the dead. As long as my wings shadow this city, those who draw breath can count on my continuous protection, no matter how infamous the man I defend may be."


Since the formation of the modern Inquisition, our compatriots have been referenced with every synonym for 'tyrant mass murderers' in the Regalian dictionary. We have seen resistance groups forming against an idea of unrestrained antagonism that has yet to present itself in the city. Death-worshipping Geist terrorists have spoken fallacies about standing by the oppressed peoples of Regalia, when it was only last week that they were occupying those peoples sites of worship, desecrating their temples, and using sword and magic to steal their relics for entirely self-serving, chaotic gains. Members of the Reliquary Order have fashioned themselves into freedom-fighters, and in doing so, have come shoulder to shoulder with prolific criminals who have a history of attacking the State and stability of the Government with any ammunition they could place their hands on.

And yet, recent events in the city have proven that the oppressed people of Regalia is not the practitioners of magic and non-Unionist faiths, but indeed the common, pure men women and children, who have sworn themselves to a life of mundane piety, and refused to ail their bodies with otherworldly afflictions that are historically documented to have caused not one, not two, but five cataclysms and Void invasions on the Alorian world. In this past week alone, we have witnessed so-called defenders of Faith join in alliance with criminal organizations of cultist spell slingers to drive home the point that they will continue to staunchly oppress the purist side of the political spectrum, and use not word of mouth nor the halls of an Assembly to make their point, but their sharpened blades and their ill-gotten arcane knowledge to silence us.

These 'freedom-fighters' have justified their ongoing reign of terror against our people with the arguement that they are fighting for the freedom of the magical population. However, records prove that since the formation of the Hallowed Hand, the Inquisitors and Lothar Knights have always been on the defending side of every battlefield. Indeed, there has not been a single instance of a deceased magician within Regalian grounds, while it was only last night that we have had to bury one of ours. There has not been one aberrant arrested, detained or cruelly mistreated by the Hallowed Hand, however, our Grand-Inquisitors were lynched to near-death at the hands of Reliquary Knights, who dishonorably enabled criminals of Crookback to join in on said lynching in disgusting ways that defy the very Code of Honor they've supposedly pledged to.

Who then, is the tyrannical murderer? Who is the oppressive invader? Which of us have chosen to turn Regalia into a battlefield of anarchy? These questions and more are begged by the actions of those self-stylized freedom fighters. The purist man will endure the aggressions of your murderously obstructive ambush that targets not only our political views but our very own right to live, but the purist man will have peace of mind in knowing that the eye of the Everwatcher above sees everything, and therein lays the final judgment of our souls in the afterlife that awaits us.
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A reply would come for the notice, stamped to the notice board with the seal of the Aelriggan Order.

"Yaotl Genran is one of two individuals who attempted to carry out an ambush in the ruins of the Magivault. Wulf Grofsmid was there for Zanzibart. Sera Yaotl was there to kill me. A Knight trying to butcher other Knights. Same as every Lothar. And exactly what he is trying to accuse Sera Eleanaire of, here.

Stay away from Lothar, if you are an Archon. They'll try and kill you all the same. I expect every other Knight to treat the Lothar in the city as they are. Villains.

Wilvamair Arnyn
Wydd-Knight of the Aelriggan Order
Augur of Regulus
Seeing you very soon, Sera Yaotl.