Archived Brawl Plugin

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factionleader 98
Jul 2, 2012
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When I read a thread about the (roleplay disturbing) ahimsa in Regalia considering the vampires, I suddenly had the idea of this little plugin.

So my idea was, to have a little plugin, that allows players, who cant hurt each other, to hurt each other.
No matter in what safe zone or whatever they are.

It would run this way.
-PlayerX would send a brawl request to PlayerY.
like /brawl request playerY
There would then be a little local chat message, telling something like:
"PlayerX challenges PlayerY to a brawl!"
-PlayerY would then have the choice, to either type in
/brawl accept PlayerX
local chat message would be "PlayerY accepts PlayerX's challenge!"
/brawl deny PlayerY
local chat message would be "PlayerY refuses to brawl with PlayerX."

So, if both players agree to the brawl, they will be vulnerable.
-> This means also, that other players, not involved in the brawl can hurt them.
If a player does so, he will be involved in the brawl too and the brawl will become a massive-brawl.

Why do I think, that this would be a good idea for massivecraft?
1. It would give players the freedom to fight, wherever they want. Arenas wouldn't be that needed anymore.
2. It would support roleplaying. If you want to defend your honor, you can do that on the streets, where everybody will see it.

There may be a few more resons, but Im too stupid to find them right now.

But I already came up with a little background story.

Since Silver Edge and Regalia merged, the population of Regalia increased daily. With every ship, that landed in Regalia, more new citiziens started a new life in Regalia. But Wolffram didn't expect that many people to come to Regalia. The city is now a overpopulated. This caused the upcoming of slums and crimes everywhere in Regalia. Everywhere on the streets you can see drunk people solving their conflicts in "their way". A wave of brawls has come over Regalia.

Aaanyways. This was just a little idea I had and I felt like sharing it with you.
If you want, leave your opinion about this in the thread.
There are no wrong opinions about this and I won't get offended if you say, that this is a crappy idea.
If you maybe have an addition to this idea, feel free to share it with us.

[edit] In case I forgot anything, I will just edit it later and mark the line with "[edit]"
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Just wondering but, would McMMO be active in a brawl? I mean Skull splitter and serrated strikes can do some nasty things to innocent citizens watching.......
I love the idea, but I must be a spoilsport and say that the spam coming from noobs could be a very big problem.

Especially for anyone making the mistake of being too famous or popular. I'm sure Tom or Ulumulu or any other staff member would do their best to avoid spawn if this were implemented simply for all the "RandomNub wants to fight"'s coming from all directions. This could be a problem for anyone, actually.
Because I'm REALLY lazy, I don't feel like reading every post in this thread so this has maybe been suggested already.

What if you could decide if it's a battle to the death or not.

Like if you type /deathbrawl #playername #amount or /deathduel #playername #amount
The fight would go on until one of you die and drop your stuff, because that's what happens when you die.

But let's say you were to just use the /brawl or /duel commands, then when your health goes below 1 heart a message is sent to all nearby players saying that you lost the duel or was elimated from the brawl. That way we can organise fight clubs or fighting guilds where you can still prove your prowess in battle without the fear of dying and losing all your stuff.

But HoloProject, what if the health goes below 0? Like if the other player scores a critical strike, then what? I'm pretty sure you can cancel the onDeath event that is started when your health goes under 0, so nothing will happen, but I don't know. :)
I love the idea, but I must be a spoilsport and say that the spam coming from noobs could be a very big problem.

Especially for anyone making the mistake of being too famous or popular. I'm sure Tom or Ulumulu or any other staff member would do their best to avoid spawn if this were implemented simply for all the "RandomNub wants to fight"'s coming from all directions. This could be a problem for anyone, actually.
Perhaps a command such as /brawloff and /dueloff could disable anyone sending you a repuest
Woah drunken fights will be more realistic than ever! Lov it <3
I am sorry to resurrect and old thread but I really think this would be a good idea now that sharding is done. Also goes along with medieval rp as the knights would often challenge each other to a duel, or if there was a feud between two noble families they could have their best fighter go fight the other, and the loser's family would be humiliated.
That death feed tho. In all seriousness this will make regalia a war zone. New players will just fight with no armour and just there fists until the day ends.
Maybe to prevent this we could make it so guards have a command to break up unorganized street fights, and fighting would be frowned upon and illegal unless by two noble families.
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