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Bram's Herbarium of Natural Anomalies [Part 2]


Apr 30, 2019
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Part 2
By Bram S.

((RP Plot-Hooks Inside! Written in GREEN.))

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[Those perusing the Library may come across a short, handmade booklet amongst the more sophisticated publications. The faded yellow pages smell of earth after the rain.]


~ Part 1 ~

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Deadly Flora Beyond this Point. Read at Your Own Risk.
((tw: depictions of blood, injury, & death))

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Make no mistake, a majority of what will be found in this field journal could kill you. Could, meaning that with the right information can be safely avoided. That's why I'm committed to the exploration and cataloguing of anomalous changes in nature. It is my belief that magical evolution is more prevalent in our flora than we realize, and understand its uncanny patterns could be the key to protecting our natural future. That and it's just terribly fascinating. While there are still many parts to this field guide requiring further study, time and resources are sure to open doors to new discoveries, for better or worse.

If you are to come across any of these flora or other anomalies, report them immediately.

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Yateveo Regalius
Threat Level: Major (Physical Injury)


It started with a few missing sheep. A rural farmer reported the theft of his livestock to authorities, finding no traces or evidence other than odd holes having been dug around his fields. Then it was the cows, then horses, then fence posts and wagons. Eventually the farmer himself stopped showing up to the station. A quick welfare check to the man's farm revealed… nothing. Literally nothing. There was no fenced field, no farm, no farmer, only a ditch in the ground where the man's home used to be. No trace of the farmer or his property were ever seen again.​

Grave Diggers are a species of subterranean vine that travel at fast speeds through the soil to reach food sources above ground. Its many appendages are ribbon-like, dark green/brown color, and reach an extensive length from an unknown origin. The vines are guided by the vibrations of movement on the surface and will take exploratory grabs at whatever it can. Should something be caught in its grasp, it will attempt to drag its prey into the ground through the holes it's created. From here it is unknown where exactly prey is taken, but it's assumed the roots exist in some kind of overground cavity like a cave or sewer where prey is also stored.

Uses & Abilities
Known for their stealthy maneuvering, a Grave Digger can still be recognized by localized tremors in the earth. Should these be felt, cease movement immediately, keeping feet firmly planted until tremors dissipate. If possible, an object thrown in another direction may serve as a temporary distraction. Should you be caught in its snare, keeping the body lax and head protected will avoid the most injury. More research is needed to understand how prey is stored and fed upon. While no benefits are yet to the gleaned, the theoretical home of the roots may house a treasure trove of things taken from the surface over time.

  • Is there a weight-limit to what the Grave Diggers can carry?
    • Cattle?
    • Transport vehicles?
    • Homes?
    • Towns?
  • Counteractive earth tremors have the potential to either keep vines away or attract more of them. Testing needed.
  • Must investigate local sewers/caves for possible root origins.
  • Can I eat it?

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[Sketches of blossoming bulbs and winding vines leap from the pages to ensnare your thoughts.]

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Rosa Somnolia
Threat Level: Safe Minor (Sleep Hazard)


When being interrogated over the previous night's events, the woman claimed it begun with an innocent gift; a dazzling flower given to her by her eager lover. They'd shared the night together beside its gentle glow, carrying them hand-in-hand to dreams paved with stardust and sweet memories. A dream so real, she pleaded, that she could practically feel his pulse under her palm. Swept up in the whims of passion, her lover soared into the air, claiming he'd capture the very sun just to prove his love. So from below she watched him fly higher and higher into an impossible sky, soon a small dot against the great golden eye, going, going…
The next morning, alerted by the woman's screams, her lover was discovered as no more than a husk a charcoal, a smile permanently etched on his face.​

The Briar Rose is a star-shaped flower with slight bioluminescent properties, exhibiting a pink, yellow, or blue glow under nightfall. Their bulbs remain closed during the day, resembling any other flower in height and stem shape. Only at night does their true form and odd abilities reveal themselves. Any creatures who happen to sleep in close proximity to a Briar Rose have the chance of experience an intense lucid dream. These dreams were initially reported to be harmless and even enjoyable, inspiring the lucky few who encountered these flowers to keep them as bedroom decor. However, repeated exposure revealed these dreams are apparently so realistic that the body has difficult distinguishing reality from fiction. One could easily become stuck in this dream scape, but pressingly, should one experience injury or even death in their dream, their bodies will respond as if it were so. This once dream come true of a flower has now revealed its sinister side, leaving many to rebuke its existence entirely.

Uses & Abilities
While subjects reported having a higher level of control over their dreams than usual, this control is often fleeting and unpredictable. The mental state of the subject seemingly has an effect on the kind of dream they have, thus affecting the level of danger present. Injuries and/or death sustained during the dream will manifest on the body, even if physically impossible (i.e., water from drowning, burns from fire). Should multiple people fall under the same flower's effects, there is a potential they'll experience the same dream together where multiple psyches affect the dream environment. A gentler formulation of the flower's properties could prove an effective treatment for insomnia and prompting safe lucid dreaming for therapeutic or recreational purposes.

  • To self: Avoid taking naps in the lab.
  • If you were to be injured in a dream but then healed yourself in the same dream, would it nullify the effects on your physical body? To what extent does dream logic triumph over true logic?
    • Further testing needed.
  • Can I eat it?

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[... did that thing just blink?]

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Rafflesia Regalius
Threat Level: Extreme (Mind Altering)

Don't look them in the eyes.webp

The child knew something was wrong before everyone else. The poor boy was found alone in the woods after several days, weak but alive, claiming to have been cast out of his home. When authorities attempted to confront the child's family, the parents, grandparents, even other children became highly aggressive, leading to a struggle that led their home being set ablaze. Found in the charred remains were slews of floral overgrowth consuming most of the interiors. Concentrating from the neglected child's bedroom, there they found what at first they thought to be a doll; a smiling face peering from the ashes. That was until one pull revealed the network of dead roots leading from under the floorboard. It's said the roots went so deep, they were even stretching towards other homes in the area. It's unknown what would have occurred they had been allowed to spread.​

The Mask Merchant is a parasitic flowering plant that engages in a magically advanced form of brood parasitism with non-plant organisms, though it prefers humanoids. This is achieved by the flower "stealing" the face and subsequent identity of a living organism through information gathered by its spreading pollen. Once a host is claimed, the seemingly innocuous flower will undergo an uncanny transformation, petals growing to a diameter of 1 meter with a stem that will grow as long as it's able to. Some are observed sprouting leaves that resemble hands or feet. The face that manifests in the center of the flower is capable of eating solid material and even speaking, allowing it to grow stronger and more rapidly with its expanded diet.

Those who encounter the flower's pollen in this transformed state are more likely to suffer its mental manipulation. Those affected will acknowledge the flower as the person it depicts, engaging in normal conversation. They will feel compelled to aid the plant however possible, even protecting it should a threat be perceived. Those with personal connections to the true host are most heavily affected and will do whatever they can to ensure the flower's survival, even resorting to self-sacrifice should other resources not be available. The true host will notice family and friends becoming more distant and even hostile as they are conditioned to prefer the mimic. Eventually, the true host will be forced out or even harmed by those affected to maintain the plant's illusionary identity. No larger variations of the plant have been reported, but it is suggested that this is only an adolescent phase. They MUST NOT be allowed to reach full maturity.

Uses & Abilities:
It seems the strangest and most deadly component of the Mask Merchant lies in its pollen. Carried by wind or passing organism and sticking to the skin of potential hosts, the pollen is able to relay complex genetic information across large distances. As the plant transforms, so does the pollen's effects, suggesting a magical component that keeps its victims in a state of delusion while the true host suffers social and familial rejection. It seems the pollen requires repeated exposure to maintain its mind-altering effects, which suggests the effects can naturally wear off over time if a victim is removed from the area. It is best to deal with a Mask Merchant while still young. If it does undergo transformation, swift action is necessary before it spreads to larger populations.

A mature Mask Merchant will do everything it can to convince you it's real as its pollen tries to invade your system. You must not give in. If they try to engage in conversation, don't. If there's no choice, lie as much as possible. Maintain polite yet curt responses and never give them information about yourself or others. The Mask Merchant's greatest weakness is a living true host who can still seek outside aid by unaffected parties. However, this may only draw more potential victims to the plant if not properly prepared, thus extending its power. At this time, no beneficial uses have been observed.

  • Instances are exceedingly rare and have not been observed in large cities. But then how did it get in the village?
  • Face masks/helmets could protect against pollen's effects. Testing unavailable at this time.
  • What would happen if this plant managed to replace an important figurehead?
  • Must seek and destroy any instances growing near populated areas.
  • Can I eat it?

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((Thanks for reading! DM me to utilize creatures in RP or event planning))​