Archived Bounty Plugin

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
What I am proposing is a plugin that allows players to use bounties. It would work like this:
MrBob123 had a fight with MrTom321, and MrBob123 wants MrTom321 killed, so MrBob123 types in the command /bounty set MrTom321 30, by typing this, he put a 30 regal bounty on MrTom321, which was taken right out of his account and put in the bank, and will be payed to the player who kills MrTom321 first. The command for setting bounties could work somewhat like "/bounty set [playername you want to set a bounty on] [amount of regals you want to make the bounty]", there could also be a command to check for a bounty on a selected player, such as "/bounty check [player you want to check], and if you were to do this on MrTom321, it would show a 30 regal bounty. And a command to check for all bounties that are out there right now, such as "/bounty list", now I know that there probably would be a ton of bounties, too many to look through, so you could see only the bounties of the world you are in, (this could also mean players only have bounties in certain worlds, like if MrBob123 made the bounty on MrTom321 in Regalia, he would have no bounty in any other world.) and thus greatly reduce spammy bounties, there could also be pages, to keep it neat, with the largest bounties on top. What if a bounty goes without being collected for say a month? Once the player with the bounty on their head goes inactive, the bounty could be removed. What if you don't have the money to create a bounty? You could make it a very low bounty, but it would be less likely to be chosen, or if you try to create a 30 regal bounty when you only have 20 regals, it could tell you that you do not have enough regals. This system could help factions take care of hoppers, and thieves greatly, and could also be a great way to make money for bounty hunters. I believe that this would make a great plugin! I want to know what both moderators and players think, leave a comment!
p.s., if you(the server) do decide to use my idea, you may want to change some features, such as commands, and anything really.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like the idea in concept, but I can see many of the well known players being charged with redicilous bounties over an exchange in a dark-room.
The thing is, if MrTom321 has a big prize on his head, he can just call his best friend to kill him, then share the profit with him so they both get 15r or something.
I'm pretty sure Massive had a bounty plugin for a little while. I think they got rid of it because it was prone to abuse, people would just get their friends to kill them etc.
Yeah these bounty plugins would be abused and useless. Also if this was to be implemented the bounties should be based on the player not the world.
I'm pretty sure Massive had a bounty plugin for a little while. I think they got rid of it because it was prone to abuse, people would just get their friends to kill them etc.
I am a little confused how it can be abused? The money is taken out of that players bank account the moment they set the bounty. So what if a friend kills another for the bounty, it's just like giving regals to the player.
I am a little confused how it can be abused? The money is taken out of that players bank account the moment they set the bounty. So what if a friend kills another for the bounty, it's just like giving regals to the player.
Money is taken from the player that sets the bounty.
I am a little confused how it can be abused? The money is taken out of that players bank account the moment they set the bounty. So what if a friend kills another for the bounty, it's just like giving regals to the player.
If someone were to put a bounty on you, you could have a friend kill you. You lose your bounty, and can split the reward with your friend.
Nothing is stopping from anyone setting bounties without a plugin. Wave down your friendly neighborhood PvP faction and ask them to kill a fella within reason. I'm sure that they'd be grateful for the chance to help out.
I'm pretty wait, I'm certain that this bounty plugin is already a thing. You see it a lot on the servers that have gun plugins and anything relating to GTA, Though it does, from time to time, pop up on a medium sized pvp factions server.
So... A plugin that lets you hand regals to the guy you want to kill?
Seems like a great idea.
IGN 9/10 - Too much water.
So... A plugin that lets you hand regals to the guy you want to kill?
Seems like a great idea.
IGN 9/10 - Too much water.
not like that at all, you decide the amount of regals you want to award to the person who kills him, and it is taken off of you, and put in a bank so to speak, then when someone kills the guy, the killer gets the money.
not like that at all, you decide the amount of regals you want to award to the person who kills him, and it is taken off of you, and put in a bank so to speak, then when someone kills the guy, the killer gets the money.
Yes, the regals go to the guy who kills him.
He lets his friend kill him, and they split the money
well, yes. there would have to be some way to prevent that. but this is just the thought, without the work. it could use a bunch of work I know.
But there isn't it is literally impractical from every angle. There are so many people on the server and alt accounts are allowed so how are you gonna be able to control it's exploitation?

Hell you don't even need a friend to kill you and split the loot all you have to do is log on your alt account take both accounts to a warzone and kill the account that has the bounty on it and guess what you've just collected the bounty that was put on your own head.

If they make it so you can't collect bounties in a warzone just have your alt in a separate faction as your main and enemy that faction then again have the alt kill you.

If they make it so accounts running off the same IP can't collect bounties off each other again all you have to do is ask a friend to do it and then you guys split the bounty. There isn't really a way for a plugin to know who is friends or not I mean you probably could code something like that but I would imagine it would be a very complicated piece of code and not really worth the time and effort it would take to create it when really you could take the easier route of hiring someone off trade or recruitment and paying them directly.