Archived Bottling Xp/diamond Sink

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Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Lets face it the Diamond market is really low, (1r a diamond WOW wish those were the price when I was buying my fiance's ring)

Here is an Idea to help out the Diamond market and help out all the blacksmiths and Bartenders (we use alot of XP renaming potions believe me)

New crafting recipe for:

Empty XP Bottle
| |W| |
|D| |D|


W=wood of anysort (sorry we dont have a cork item)
D = Diamond

(Whew ascii art done hope it doesn't confuse too many people)

These Empty XP Bottles could be used to drain X amount of xp (would have to be tested to determine what is a good amount or how ever much xp is in a regular splash xp potion, then change the XP potion to be drinkable (leaving an Empty XP Bottle in your inventory)

Any thoughts or suggestions on this would be great:)
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This is a brilliant idea as far as I believe-- considering people would happily buy and sell XP for the enchanting of certain items and renaming of them as well, particularly if premiums can sell them to nonprems since nonprems unfortunately have a precious shortage of them from not keeping XP upon death.
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