Archived Botteled Blood

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Rip Shoul

The lowly sociopath.
Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
The second fattest country in the world.
Summary: Being able to put blood in bottles. It would be a portable and more convenient way for vampires to feed, along with adding some realism and lore.
In Depth: This idea would allow people to put their blood in a bottle, and then vampires would be able to use it to feed. It would be a willing giving of blood. It would look like a red potion. A bottle would only be able to hold 2 (Edit: Made it 2 instead of 4) blood, due to the size of the bottle. NOTE: This would not replace the normal way of giving blood. It would just be another possibility.
How It Would Work: A person would hold a bottle in their hand and type command like /v b. The person would then lose that much blood, and the bottle would be named something like "FictionWorm's Blood" or just "Blood". When a vampire drank it, they would gain that many hunger bars and be alerted that they drank somebody's blood.

  1. A portable way for vampires to feed
  2. Increased lore as it would allow for more aristocratic vampires and could also make demon-worship more specific. It would be a prized victory artifact (the blood of my enemy and such).
  3. It would add more realism to blood offering
  4. As said in #2, it could open doors to RP demon worshipping or vampire covens
  5. It would make vampires less dependent on finding animals or using their blood-slaves

  1. This might not be possible for coding (if that is the case, then just ignore this thread)
  2. This is the biggest con: People might sell the bottles. This would be bad because although black-market dealings like this would occur, it would not be as large as some people would make it. It could possibly produce more noob vampires. This is my only area of doubt in this. But it could be emended in ways like a person being marked for publicly selling blood or vampires being unable to give blood to bottles.
Remedies For Con's:

  1. For traiding, as said above we could remove a vampire's ability to give blood in bottles (RP reason would be that the disease needs to be given to the person right after the blood meets oxygen, otherwise it dies off)
  2. It would be shameful and worthy of execution to be caught dealing blood
  3. It would not have any potion affects, so it wouldn't be useful in making it a splash potion (extra coding would be needing to make this remedy)
Possible Tweaks:
  1. Particle affects would be decided upon by RP-staff, as a person might be able to drink blood without anyone realizing it is blood
  2. Stacking would probably be a no-no
  3. Names and such would be decided upon
This could add a lot more RP to vampiric feeding and demon worship (along with interior decorating). It would be useful, realistic, and interesting (interesting as vampires could have blood cellars instead of wine cellars).
If you disagree, please put below why and how it could be better. If you agree, it would helpful and informative for you tell why you like the idea.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Even though i'm not a vampire, this would be a positive thing for vampires. Maybe it's a bit OP, i don't know but it's a great idea!

Thanks for the reply. I am curious though, how is it OP? I mean, it gives more ways for vamp's to feed, but it doesn't make them anymore powerful.

๖ۣۜA Vampyre has a natural regeneration no matter their hunger, as long as it is above 2 units, it can regen. If they are in the sun, they just chug these and could last a pretty darn long time. To also mention, this could replace regeneration potions in PVP and extend Bloodlust when it comes back {{Hopefully soon!}}.

Also, blood in a bottle would be actually easy to tell, have you seen how well blood stains? The question isn't intended to be rude, it actually is a serious question, have you? Even glass stains extremely well for blood, let alone blood can harden if the top isn't sealed perfectly, like melting on the top or having the cork not ventilate at all. However, I think this could be really cool. To prevent it from replacing regen potions, I feel like it should only contain 2 units. Realistically, a Vampyre need to fully drain a subject to have their full fill. An adult human I think has an average of 5-6 liters, and if the bottle is about 1 liter, you would need 5 or 6 of them just to fill. I would also bet about 1-8 of the blood would harden and stick to the inside of the bottle, so that would be even less to drink at once. Blood also has a distinct smell, oddly enough, it is a Metallic taste and smell. Getting up close would be easy to smell it.
and how do you know how blood tastes? i never tried drinking it IR and i am not planning to trie just to see if you are right (i might trie convince someone else to do it)

๖ۣۜIf you have had a tooth removed, you should be tasting it. Metallic, almost copper-ish taste. Let alone, a bit creepy as I am, sometimes have a habit to lick at cuts on my lips or fingers. Every human should know it's taste if they have had a tooth fallen out.

Thanks, this was very helpful. Judging from your post (yep, I have seen blood in a bottle), particle affects would probably be a good idea. As for the amount, you made a pretty good point when it comes to liters. I will probably adjust that as well.

I am not following you on the regen potion replacement. The way I see it, it would be like someone eating food. When it comes to bloodlust, lets just cross that bridge when we come to it.


You have never bitten your tongue?
ok that's true but did you ever tried to eat metal? i surly not so i can not compare it to the taste of mettal

Back on topic: i realy like the idea of it and i would love to make a romm full of chest with those bottles in and han itemframs on the wall with them in to

Thanks, this was very helpful. Judging from your post (yep, I have seen blood in a bottle), particle affects would probably be a good idea. As for the amount, you made a pretty good point when it comes to liters. I will probably adjust that as well.

I am not following you on the regen potion replacement. The way I see it, it would be like someone eating food. When it comes to bloodlust, lets just cross that bridge when we come to it.


You have never bitten your tongue?

๖ۣۜWell, Vampyres can regen pretty quickly if they have Bloodlust or not. In normal combat, if they lose hearts and can step aside for even a moment, they regenerate nearly twice as fast as the normal player should. They do require a pacifist moment to do of course, as it is a passive healing, but in a way, it is like eating a partially weaker Gold Apple without the spare resistance.
ok that's true but did you ever tried to eat metal? i surly not so i can not compare it to the taste of mettal

Back on topic: i realy like the idea of it and i would love to make a romm full of chest with those bottles in and han itemframs on the wall with them in to
Funny story, actually. I know it's taste because my friends as a joke began pelting me with pennies, and I accidently almost swallowed one.
Let alone, a bit creepy as I am, sometimes have a habit to lick at cuts on my lips or fingers.

Little off topic but I have to say, it's not very creepy ^^; Saliva naturally helps clot blood so licking minor wounds is not that big a deal. I do it when I notice minor cuts, as do a lot of people I know xD
This was like the water in bottles idea for Maiar, I suppose. Which has been denied a lot. x
Little off topic but I have to say, it's not very creepy ^^; Saliva naturally helps clot blood so licking minor wounds is not that big a deal. I do it when I notice minor cuts, as do a lot of people I know xD

๖ۣۜOddly enough, but the Saliva also kills a majority of very dangerous germs. Things such as HIV will actually die within 5 seconds of touching saliva, or oxygen, for that matter. I assume Vampyrism is sort of like a form of HIV, actually... So if a cured human drank one of these poisoned bottles, wouldn't it be normal blood by the time it touches his / her lips? That is my question.
I really like this idea. It's been possible in many vampire novels that I've read, and I think it would be a great addition to how vampires consume blood. Sure, they'd have to go through the process of getting the blood, but once it is corked and sealed away from a constant flow of air, it is indeed possible. Back in medieval times, and times after that people would cork up blood for experimenting, so why couldn't vampires do the same? Great idea!
You can't smell blood through a sealed bottle. You can't even smell blood once someones been stabbed through the heart and is bleeding out on the ground, unless of course you have a very very strong sense of smell.
And yes blood stains, but so does wine. When the bottle is full it would look no different then a deep red wine would. Blood dries reddish brown on glass making it barely noticeable until it has dried completely which could take a few hours, unlike on fabric where it drys pure brown making the blood stains very noticeable, but by that time most vampires would of washed the bottle out.
As for the blood drying out on the inside of the bottle? No. Corking something correctly is not as difficult as you seem to think, so even an average vampire could properly cork a bottle with little to no effort, therefore no blood would be drying out on the inside or over the cap, unless of course they opened it and took a drink then tried to re-cork it. Even then blood in amounts over a teaspoon take quite awhile to dry out when exposed to air that is why, like Callek said, you lick the wound to help it clot better or you'll continue to bleed.
Overall blood in a bottle isn't as obvious as you make it seem, in fact its rather the opposite. And if you're curious as to how I know this, it's rather simple, once you get cut and bleed enough blood drying out, blood coloration, smell, and taste become very usual and common information.
๖ۣۜOddly enough, but the Saliva also kills a majority of very dangerous germs. Things such as HIV will actually die within 5 seconds of touching saliva, or oxygen, for that matter. I assume Vampyrism is sort of like a form of HIV, actually... So if a cured human drank one of these poisoned bottles, wouldn't it be normal blood by the time it touches his / her lips? That is my question.

Mass quantities of blood compared to the little saliva in our mouths wouldn't be able to be completely purified that quickly. Yes, it has healing properties, but unless someone was able to get a bottle full of human saliva, I doubt it would be able to completely get rid of a curse such as this. However, that's only my opinion. I could be wrong.
I think, while it's an interesting idea for roleplay, it isn't necessary. Being a vampire is easier than being not-a-vampire if you stay indoors during the day time, since starvation doesn't happen and most livestock gives blood. So it wouldn't do much but overpower vampires a bit by making blood even easier to obtain/retain. If for lore purposes, I'd recommend instead renaming a strength potion 'Soandso's Blood'. I have a few of those lying around. Costs a bit of XP, but it still works pretty well.
Mass quantities of blood compared to the little saliva in our mouths wouldn't be able to be completely purified that quickly. Yes, it has healing properties, but unless someone was able to get a bottle full of human saliva, I doubt it would be able to completely get rid of a curse such as this. However, that's only my opinion. I could be wrong.

๖ۣۜWell, I am meaning more when it is swallowed. However, you prove the point, and prove me wrong here.
๖ۣۜA Vampyre has a natural regeneration no matter their hunger, as long as it is above 2 units, it can regen. If they are in the sun, they just chug these and could last a pretty darn long time. To also mention, this could replace regeneration potions in PVP and extend Bloodlust when it comes back {{Hopefully soon!}}.

Also, blood in a bottle would be actually easy to tell, have you seen how well blood stains? The question isn't intended to be rude, it actually is a serious question, have you? Even glass stains extremely well for blood, let alone blood can harden if the top isn't sealed perfectly, like melting on the top or having the cork not ventilate at all. However, I think this could be really cool. To prevent it from replacing regen potions, I feel like it should only contain 2 units. Realistically, a Vampyre need to fully drain a subject to have their full fill. An adult human I think has an average of 5-6 liters, and if the bottle is about 1 liter, you would need 5 or 6 of them just to fill. I would also bet about 1-8 of the blood would harden and stick to the inside of the bottle, so that would be even less to drink at once. Blood also has a distinct smell, oddly enough, it is a Metallic taste and smell. Getting up close would be easy to smell it.

Blood stains can be removed very easily, they are some of the easiest stains to remove, just soak anything in cold water and it'll go.

Ehh, I can see where you are coming from but I disagree. First off, there are different vampires and not all of them want to stay indoors. Some rp as rogues, some as aristocrats, some as bounty hunters. Staying indoors and not fighting is boring and usually isn't compliant with the general vampire mentality (I am saying this while keeping in mind that you are a vampire).
Second, vampires would not be overpowered. Besides their jump ability, vampires have no assets in pvp and this would help them marginally. I think a lot of people see this post and think it would be another unbalanced suggestion because it has to do with vampires.
In regards to Rp, it would be a lot more fun than just renaming a strength potion. It would be real, and have affects different then a potion. It does not feel as fake. Plus, physically vampires would be able to do this.
Also, Rp-wise, this wouldn't just benefit vampires. It would a group RP improvement.
While I still stand by a lot of what I said, I actually didn't even consider the pvp side of things. You're right. It could definitely benefit pvp more.
over the nearly two years I have been on massive... I have heard so many people suggest this, even back in the day where vampires would burst into flames as soon as they touched sunlight and they could fly with bones.
I think nope, if a miair or whatever can't drink water neither should vamps
While I do agree that this is realistic, it may ruin vampires in rp (As instead of having lust to eat all animals, they just carry bottles of blood) And this is like a Maiar having bottles of water, and it gives them food. So I disagree with this idea
and how do you know how blood tastes? i never tried drinking it IR and i am not planning to trie just to see if you are right (i might trie convince someone else to do it)

Salty, it tastes salty.>:).
The disgusting filth of vampires seem to be losing there true purpose if this is implemented. They are supposed to be a scourge on the world. Feeding and taking the lives of others for power, they represent all that is wrong with humanity in a more physical foe. They are the the incarnations of evil, the not only feed off life, they detest it. They are so evil, disgusting, and dark that the one thing they can't withstand is the center of life and light itself, the sun. They are the antithesis of anything holy, charitable, and good, the mere fact something is good and pure destroys them in many stories like holy water, bibles, or a simple wooden cross. The very fact they exist is because they sow hatred and discontent in humanity to turn the war of light and dark in the Archdemon's favor, whom destroyed the near utopia the Seraph were.

Meanwhile how vampires are in Massivecraft. Nice, sparkly, diverse. In fact, you are a racist and a nazi if you hate them, especially if you like the color red as well, because, god forbid you use any one of the three most prevalent colors on Earth. It is perfectly fine to live among Vampires, even if they are causing the apocalypse. In fact, as long as they are OP at PVP, it doesn't matter if 90% of the server is a Vampire. As well, make sure to use attacking Vampire factions as your reason to declare war on a holy faction devoted to trying to help all races that exist.

This is a tale of two servers, well actually, the same one, just two different portrayals of Vampires. The first, is what it should be. They exist to be an enemy, dark and evil. Though most importantly, they are evil because they need to kill to survive! With this you could drain cattle several times and have enough blood for an hour of bloodlusting. That defeats the purpose of Vampires, and is stupid considering how blood clots, goes bad, and would scream "I AM VAMPIREZ" to the entirety of the world, even though your survival is supposed to be based of stealth.

The second one is the portrayal of Vampires several months ago from the onset of the Valyrian war to the removal of bloodlust. It didn't matter that they were OP, evil, or anything else, they were used by everyone. The two factions that made the original Crimson Inquisition, Alamut and the 9thLegion both turned into mainly Vampire factions at the first onset of a war. Forum posts criticizing vampires were down voted to oblivion, where there main salvation were the mods. However even the mods weren't any sort of beacon of good behavior, many were vampires themselves, others attacked Algaron, the only anti-Vampire faction in existence at the time after they had lead an attack on a Vampire faction because they were "condescending" and "Bullies". To this day I have no idea which faction it was. Vampires are supposed to be evil and constantly looking for the next kill. The removal of incentive to be evil, coinciding with a likely buff soon will remove anything stopping this from reoccurring, and so it will happen again. It was a age of no RP, no use of the race plugin. Constant hypocrisy by even the people that were supposedly anti-vampire, and ultimately nothing good. So in my eyes if nothing good will happen, and only bad things will, there is no unbiased reason to do so and therefore -1 support.

In short.
1. Vampires are supposed to be evil this takes away the incentive to be evil ruining the point of vampires.

2. This and the likely re-addition of something like bloodlust will cause broken PVP again.

3. This will make people that are not supposed to be vampire to be vampires, breaking roleplay and stopping any arguments against Vampires from having weight as most the people against them are vampires and nothing kills an argument like hypocrisy.

4. No good reasons, lots of bad reasons, therefore it should not be done.
I just want to add most noobish vampires already sit in the tavern and keep writing -drinks red liquid- takes a long drink from strange red stuff-
Whats next... solidified blood snacks? Blood cake?

I am confused by your post. It seems like it is your character talking, not you. Vampires are hunted in Regalia, but they are not hunted on the forums. You are also forgetting that vampires don't kill their slaves when they drink from them (in fact, no vampire kills anyone in RP unless the person allows it). So how can you say that this will remove their evil? They are still taking someone's blood. They are still using it for their own motives. And it isn't like as soon as this is added all vampires will have a stockpile of blood.
Now this post has nothing to do with how other players act. This is the feature idea thread. We all have problems with noob vampires. As for bloodlust, we don't know when they will come out with it again. So saying this will cause broken pvp is relative because we have no idea if the needed factors will ever happen. As I have said already, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
We don't get to control who becomes a vampire and who doesn't. Noobs don't stay noobs (I mean we have all been them before), so even if they get vampire blood in a bottle, they will learn. Its not like you can make the learning process immediate. Plus, we could just remedy this through coding.
Also, your idea of an evil vampire feels like you are just stating what you think they should be. Vampires don't all have to be just dim-witted animals. Some are cunning serial killers, others war-masters of genocide. You can't narrow evil down to just being brutal, there is so much more.

So in summary:
  1. Vampires will still be evil, just a more aristocratic type of evil (and many will remain bloody animals)
  2. We have no idea when bloodlust will come out again, so this will not make anything currently broken
  3. We do not get control the vampire population (outside of RP), so this is not really your problem. Noobs will learn, everyone does. Coding can solve it as well.
  4. You listed your bad reasons, not the whole groups good reasons. This will benefit RP in several groups, not just vampires
  5. This thread is not to express your RP hate against vampires. That is what roleplay is for. This is just an idea and there is no need to get so riled about it

I am confused by your post. It seems like it is your character talking, not you. Vampires are hunted in Regalia, but they are not hunted on the forums. You are also forgetting that vampires don't kill their slaves when they drink from them (in fact, no vampire kills anyone in RP unless the person allows it). So how can you say that this will remove their evil? They are still taking someone's blood. They are still using it for their own motives. And it isn't like as soon as this is added all vampires will have a stockpile of blood.
Now this post has nothing to do with how other players act. This is the feature idea thread. We all have problems with noob vampires. As for bloodlust, we don't know when they will come out with it again. So saying this will cause broken pvp is relative because we have no idea if the needed factors will ever happen. As I have said already, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
We don't get to control who becomes a vampire and who doesn't. Noobs don't stay noobs (I mean we have all been them before), so even if they get vampire blood in a bottle, they will learn. Its not like you can make the learning process immediate. Plus, we could just remedy this through coding.
Also, your idea of an evil vampire feels like you are just stating what you think they should be. Vampires don't all have to be just dim-witted animals. Some are cunning serial killers, others war-masters of genocide. You can't narrow evil down to just being brutal, there is so much more.

So in summary:
  1. Vampires will still be evil, just a more aristocratic type of evil (and many will remain bloody animals)
  2. We have no idea when bloodlust will come out again, so this will not make anything currently broken
  3. We do not get control the vampire population (outside of RP), so this is not really your problem. Noobs will learn, everyone does. Coding can solve it as well.
  4. You listed your bad reasons, not the whole groups good reasons. This will benefit RP in several groups, not just vampires
  5. This thread is not to express your RP hate against vampires. That is what roleplay is for. This is just an idea and there is no need to get so riled about it

Nope I was explaining how Vampires are supposed to act and be like, albeit in a rather passionate way. Doing this just makes it easier for Vampires to live without killing, which they are supposed to do as you will get he dark disease often, Vampire's won't always be able to control themselves, blood slaves will try and fight back, and in the real world blood is not a hunger bar, if a vampire drank anything more than 2 hunger pops, you would likely go unconscious or die. Regardless, it would also weaken the target making them more susceptible to diseases and other forms of early demise, making blood slaves hard to keep, and not fun for the Vampires.

Now on to your wierd point about how players will react to it shouldn't matter. Well I hate to say it, but it does. What is the major problem with giving people optional creative mode to travel around and look at buildings and such? Nothing, it is how players will use it that is bad. They will fast travel and they will spy, they will troll, and they will wreck other people and their builds while in creative. So you see, that is a suggestion that actually has a purpose besides benefiting oneself being taken down by how players will react. Because this will be so badly abused, especially when Vampires get buffed, and it has been confirmed they will in PVP. How do I know this? It happened before!!! People used wolves as blood bottles, even though they were less effective. While bloodlust was broken too, actual blood bottles giving no bad reasons for using bloodlust would probably make up for this once even less OP bloodlust is readded.

1. Vampires won't be as evil because everyone will be a Vampire and they will be able to live of solely animals, even if they raid. This option will make noobs go like "OH LOOKZ I EATZ THE COWZ VAMPIREZ AN HEROZ!" because logically, Vampires would only kill livestock, to avoid retribution, and maximize their life.

2. It has been confirmed to come back, adding this and saying "It's not here yet" is just short sighted and stupid.

3. The difference is last time Vampires were OP and didn't need human blood everyone from the noobs, to the PVPers, to even some RPers and staff were Vampires and protecting Vampires to some extent.

4. This won't benefit RP this will take away the main reason the Vampire exists, to be evil and to be killers. This takes away the purpose of those two things and makes Vampires unneeded and unnecessary.

5. I have no idea what your talking about... My intro did have a bit of RP like talking but that is literally the best way to describe what they are, what were you expecting, a Wikipedia article? Vampires main trait is being evil, how can you explain them without saying as much?

I almost don't want to respond to this as you brought up everything I answered in my last post. Also, it is hard for me to understand your arguments due to the fast and sketchy way you wrote.

Vampires are not as simple as you make them. They are not just mindless animals. They are not just passionate blood-suckers. Not even all of them are evil (of course I like to kill that type). They can be sophisticated characters who do more then just suck blood and kill people. They can be cunning. They can be relaxed. You again are just saying the way you think they should be, not what the admins say (if you disagree, just ask MonMarty or Luthien).
Your point on real-world blood slaves is not thought through as in the real-world, blood could be drank from a bottle. It's almost like the only reason you don't like this is because it gives you personally less control.
Your second paragraph needs more de-coding as it was hard to follow your train of thought.
We do not know what form of bloodlust will added, so how can you say you say you know if it will be OP or not? Seriously, how often do you think a bloodlusting vampire is going to have time to drink blood during a fight? Most of the bloodlust additions I saw would give vampires increased vulnerability to wood and such.

Basically this:
  1. Vampires are not 1-dimensional
  2. We have no idea what type of bloodlust will be added. It may even conform to blood bottles. You can't say I am being stupid in my speculation when you are speculating as well
  3. This also needs more de-coding
  4. So forcibly taking someone's blood (Rp-wise) is not evil? Drinking blood from a bottle is not even disgusting? Again you make vampires way too 1-dimensional
  5. You are getting so angry about this idea that it almost seems like you are your character. Seriously, if you disagree don't be so rage-filled
  6. This will be my last reply to this on this thread as it is an idea, not a debate
Ooh, it seems like a decent idea, I wouldn't object against it nor would I really support it, although it would be nice to see. :D
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
[|- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |]

65% supported! (Meaning I like it just if it was being debated I would stay neutral)

To gain more support from me, maybe implement a way to use it on an altar of darkness to either:

a) Buff up the food restoration
b) Give it effects like a 2 minute strength I or a fire resistance for 3-5 minutes.
c) Use it in ingredients and make it replaces mushroom soup.
d) [Not for use on altar] Make it so when they offer the blood you have either /v a b or /v a bottle so it puts it in the bottle, but at half they offered. For example: Player A offers 10 blood to Player B. Player B type: /v a b. Player B then receives 5 blood but in a bottle.
Player A offers 10 blood to Player B. Player B type: /v a b. Player B then receives 5 blood but in a bottle.

๖ۣۜConsidering a bottle usually only holds one liter, and it would be hard to carry more than 1 liter on your person, I would think it would max at 4 in a bottle at once...
Yeah, my suggestion was going to include multiple bottles but I zoned out when my parents went all flamboyant in my room talking about something I already forgot about.. >.<
This has been suggested many times actually, it was stated to have been a possibility for the future, but nothing that will come soon.
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