Archived Bloodlust

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Master Craftsman
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Worcestershire, England
The vampires, now so persecuted by the crimson, and all of alloria, really, should have Bloodlust put in the priority light, as it should be rebalanced soon; it has been offline for a long time now.
just an idea :) a small plea too XD
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"The vampires, now so persecuted by the crimson, and all of alloria..."
Not true, I walked into a bar a few days ago, attacked a vampire, who was publically showing that he was a vampire... and EVERYONE turned on me. Bloody twilight, making everyone think vampires are this:
and not this:
Weeell, they are not actually like the second one. They are like the twilight version in looks, they are merely a lot more blood lusting and/or vicious.
I saw the title of this thread and thought to myself, "Here we go again. Another stupid request to bring back bloodlust. It wasn't OP or anything, back in the day." Listen pal, they removed it for a reason, and you are going to need a damn better reason than, "Oh, the crimsons are doing their jobs, so vampires need to become OP again. Psst... Bet you guys didn't know, but I'm a vampire.." Go moan and complain about it somewhere else. Maybe your other vampire friends will listen to you.
-Your not so friendly neighborhood Orc
My reasoning of disagreeing to your post was because it was removed because it interfered with anti-cheat (or so ive heard) and if its readded, everyone is vampire for these pvp perks. Also, everything has its downfall, it seems it is near for the vampiric, but then again, there is also the infernal resistance, in which wont use bloodlust because crimsons and the resistance ARE ROLEPLAY, (not sure upon the resistances approval) making the bloodlust just a cramp with hackers and no use against crimsons.
In my opinion, Bloodlust should be changed before being readded, and I've thought of a way of balancing it. First of all, bloodlust smoke needs mostly removed, just barely left there, because the more smoke, the more server strain/lag. Second, we need a way of keeping it from turning into the lagpyr festival during any big PVP fight. My idea? Vampires spontaneously combust in daylight if their food isn't completely full, or if they're in bloodlust mode. Why? This is to discourage the far-too-common poke and retreat methods all the pro-PvPers used during the day to fight. Next, I think if a vampire is struck with a smite sword, it should increase their temperature for a set amount that won't decrease again until their healing aspect kicks in. How does this help? Easy, make it so bloodlust can't be used if your temperature is above 50%. Just my thoughts I've been tossing around for a while now.
Another thought, if you're wearing better armor than leather or chainmail, you can use bloodlust, but the jump and speed are cut in atleast half, if not more.
Vampires in European mythology are rotten corpses who have risen from the grave by supernatural means to drink the blood out of everyone in their village. Far far from twilight.

Interestingly enough, vampires and werewolf myths are often connected in that people believed dead werewolves would rise as either normal vampires, vampiric giant wolves, or were already vampires while they were a werewolf.

So if anything vampires are more like this
than edward up there.
I saw the title of this thread and thought to myself, "Here we go again. Another stupid request to bring back bloodlust. It wasn't OP or anything, back in the day." Listen pal, they removed it for a reason, and you are going to need a damn better reason than, "Oh, the crimsons are doing their jobs, so vampires need to become OP again. Psst... Bet you guys didn't know, but I'm a vampire.." Go moan and complain about it somewhere else. Maybe your other vampire friends will listen to you.
-Your not so friendly neighborhood Orc

it is supposed to be almost equal example: the crimson and the vampyres are supposed to fight with each other and that can't happen as well because vamps can barley fight back now the only advantage they have now is there no fall dmg and the 2 block jump i don't include there extra strength cause everyone is so decked out in god gear that it really doesn't matter also why comment on a post if you think its dumb just ignore it besides you are a stupid orc you really wouldn't understand :)
Weeell, they are not actually like the second one. They are like the twilight version in looks, they are merely a lot more blood lusting and/or vicious.
No, that is a modern day "Version/Misconception" for lack of me being able to think of a better word since I'm thick, of what a vampire is. The Original vampires looked a lot more like the second.
Obviously not the "real" vampires (Ones who got hunted, hung, and all dat jazz), they looked human... since, well... they were.
I wonder as to why everyone is so obsessed about saving Vampyres. People need to RP like they should be, if they have good intentions, they don't have a good way of saying it, nor do they have good intentions often, they work in a official and professional place to be against Crimson, and they are NOT open about Vampirism.
EDIT: I basically just described Luthien here...
Yeah, my character is always trying to keep Vamps from being arrested, but he knows tell them once to lay off, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Plus, in public eye, he acts like he despises Vampyres, or simply doesn't care about them. Few actually scare him, but there are reasons, of course.

Sure, there is going to be a cocky Vampyre sometime, bragging about power, but again, really? There are too many of those people, and too many supporters. Too many Vamps look like this.

If you're a Vampyre, at least make a skin of more relation to the infected's description.

Much better.
Much harder to defend a woman that looks like this, huh?
This is basically a repeat on what Jack The Unseen said, only with more tips and details.

Anyways, back on the bloodlust topic, I found you good to be bringing it back, but Watchdogeditor had so pretty good ideas for it, you can't use it over a certain temp, and certain armours slice your speed either in half or just remove it entirely.
Personally I wouldn't mind if vampires were over powered if designated Roleplay/PvP players were assigned and noone else could get the disease. That would make being at war with one fun.

What I imagine is maybe 5-10 players are vampires. No one else. They are incredibly trustworthy players who won't abuse their overpowerdness in the way a noob would, while encouraging people to roleplay against them.

They are fast, Powerful, heal fast, and the negative effects of anything but holy water do not affect them. Holy water does less.

I think this would inspire entire factions to become vampire hunters and hunt in groups. I don't like that just any noob with dark altar can be a vampire. News flash they aren't hard to build or gather ingredients. Also it isn't the overpowerdness of bloodlust that ruined the vampires. Rather it was that so many people were vampires, and so many of them were little brats. I know lots of you would like to be a vampire that is balanced, or slightly overpowered, but for me it just ruins roleplay and PvP sometimes. So I'm just repeating myself here. It needs to be restricted.
I think it should stay gone and I know this is off topic but instead of bloodlust they should add a new race because if your stuck as human and dont want to be a vampire they should add say werewolfs not pay with werewolf.jar (free download for servers) video on you tube of it :D
Personally I wouldn't mind if vampires were over powered if designated Roleplay/PvP players were assigned and noone else could get the disease. That would make being at war with one fun.

What I imagine is maybe 5-10 players are vampires. No one else. They are incredibly trustworthy players who won't abuse their overpowerdness in the way a noob would, while encouraging people to roleplay against them.

They are fast, Powerful, heal fast, and the negative effects of anything but holy water do not affect them. Holy water does less.

I think this would inspire entire factions to become vampire hunters and hunt in groups. I don't like that just any noob with dark altar can be a vampire. News flash they aren't hard to build or gather ingredients. Also it isn't the overpowerdness of blood-lust that ruined the vampires. Rather it was that so many people were vampires, and so many of them were little brats. I know lots of you would like to be a vampire that is balanced, or slightly overpowered, but for me it just ruins role-play and PvP sometimes. So I'm just repeating myself here. It needs to be restricted.

Thing is, alot of people's RP comes with being in a vampire clan. Like my faction for example, and I do make my members, when not in public, behave like the vicious monsters vampires are meant to be. Perhaps these people should have approved RP characters as vampires, and they can infect who they see fit, yes I know this would mean alot of these people need to have their choices on whom they have infected re-revivied (i must confess there are some people I regret infecting) But only these approved vampires can infect, not any one they changed.
Now to get back to the topic this thread was about...
Bloodlust needs to be toned down a bit, speed-wise i think it was OK, the tons of particles did cause major lag but they did in fact work on showing if they were hackers or not. Perhaps if they were just lessened.
Regardless, its incredibly unbalanced not having it when vampires die from a wood stick so easily (pretty sure everyone would die from a stake to the heart -_-) So if blood-lust cannot be brought back, why not make it to where using a stick or wood sword or pick (a wood axe would be hard to get into the heart) these items only had a CHANCE to kill vampires in combat, sorta like how vampires have a chance to infect in combat. Because its not like if you were fighting a man with a diamond sword and armor, you would automatically pierce through it with wood, as much as I like blood-lust, I can live without it having this idea as a suitable replacement.
it is supposed to be almost equal example: the crimson and the vampyres are supposed to fight with each other and that can't happen as well because vamps can barley fight back now the only advantage they have now is there no fall dmg and the 2 block jump i don't include there extra strength cause everyone is so decked out in god gear that it really doesn't matter also why comment on a post if you think its dumb just ignore it besides you are a stupid orc you really wouldn't understand :)
I'm sorry but when do vampires and crimsons pvp in Regalia? Bloodlust does not mean jack shit in regalia, because there is no god damn pvp there. I'm commenting on a post I think is stupid because I think it is stupid. I'm telling people how stupid it really is. I'm expressing my opinion and that is my right. I'm not going to go with a crowd and be a yes that is a great idea guy who just agrees with the common opinion. that is not how I roll. You want to bet that I am stupid? You willing to bet that I don't understand? If so, please do, then we can arrange something.
Bloodlust as initially removed for the time being as we recieved so many complaints of hacking due to lag on the server.
It was always assumed it would be re-coded and put back in yet it is not on the top of the priority list for Cayorion.
I wonder as to why everyone is so obsessed about saving Vampyres. People need to RP like they should be, if they have good intentions, they don't have a good way of saying it, nor do they have good intentions often, they work in a official and professional place to be against Crimson, and they are NOT open about Vampirism.
EDIT: I basically just described Luthien here...
Yeah, my character is always trying to keep Vamps from being arrested, but he knows tell them once to lay off, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Plus, in public eye, he acts like he despises Vampyres, or simply doesn't care about them. Few actually scare him, but there are reasons, of course.

Sure, there is going to be a cocky Vampyre sometime, bragging about power, but again, really? There are too many of those people, and too many supporters. Too many Vamps look like this.

If you're a Vampyre, at least make a skin of more relation to the infected's description.

Much better.
Much harder to defend a woman that looks like this, huh?
This is basically a repeat on what Jack The Unseen said, only with more tips and details.

Anyways, back on the bloodlust topic, I found you good to be bringing it back, but Watchdogeditor had so pretty good ideas for it, you can't use it over a certain temp, and certain armours slice your speed either in half or just remove it entirely.

Haters gonna hate

I think it should stay gone and I know this is off topic but instead of bloodlust they should add a new race because if your stuck as human and dont want to be a vampire they should add say werewolfs not pay with werewolf.jar (free download for servers) video on you tube of it :D

Werewolves are awesome and 100 times cooler than vampires on any day. But they don't belong on this server. (I know I basically said they were the same thing up there. But that was when everybody was trying to say what vampires originally were. And I had to correct them because i'm a smart ass.)
My opinion is that instead of reintroducing Bloodlust (as it did cause a massive amount of lag for most, if not all, people fighting against the vampires), add perhaps a bit more of a strength boost, that or make it so vampires either don't burn as quickly, or the burn rate is different for different climates. For instance, they don't burn as quickly in snowy, colder, climates or in mountainous areas.
Vampires in European mythology are rotten corpses who have risen from the grave by supernatural means to drink the blood out of everyone in their village. Far far from twilight.

Interestingly enough, vampires and werewolf myths are often connected in that people believed dead werewolves would rise as either normal vampires, vampiric giant wolves, or were already vampires while they were a werewolf.

So if anything vampires are more like this
than edward up there.
No, that is a modern day "Version/Misconception" for lack of me being able to think of a better word since I'm thick, of what a vampire is. The Original vampires looked a lot more like the second.
Obviously not the "real" vampires (Ones who got hunted, hung, and all dat jazz), they looked human... since, well... they were.
I wonder as to why everyone is so obsessed about saving Vampyres. People need to RP like they should be, if they have good intentions, they don't have a good way of saying it, nor do they have good intentions often, they work in a official and professional place to be against Crimson, and they are NOT open about Vampirism.
EDIT: I basically just described Luthien here...
Yeah, my character is always trying to keep Vamps from being arrested, but he knows tell them once to lay off, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Plus, in public eye, he acts like he despises Vampyres, or simply doesn't care about them. Few actually scare him, but there are reasons, of course.

Sure, there is going to be a cocky Vampyre sometime, bragging about power, but again, really? There are too many of those people, and too many supporters. Too many Vamps look like this.

If you're a Vampyre, at least make a skin of more relation to the infected's description.

Much better.
Much harder to defend a woman that looks like this, huh?
This is basically a repeat on what Jack The Unseen said, only with more tips and details.

Anyways, back on the bloodlust topic, I found you good to be bringing it back, but Watchdogeditor had so pretty good ideas for it, you can't use it over a certain temp, and certain armours slice your speed either in half or just remove it entirely.

Actually no, not according to the Massivecraft lore. These things way be correct in European mythology and other places, however in Massivecraft there is not the vaguest mention of them looking like that. In many instances there are roleplay stories where people don't notice someone is a vampire, or they themselves hide their vampirism. Or have made lore accurate pictures that look like themselves, as vampires, Luthien being a prime example. If you want confirmation on this, please by all means tag Luthien, he is the vampire lore specialist. However the lore mentions the only difference being red eyes, slightly longer canines, and whiter skin. And even some of that is debatable. This is of course not including physical enhancements and turning into a torch in the daytime.
Luthein is a girl.
Lol Vampires Overpowered? Are you loko?

First off : wooden weapons = 3 diamond sword strikes = 21 raw damage. Add str 2 there and you have a nice 35 hearts per hit damage for vamps. Not to mention you could also use a wooden axe (mcmmo axe bonus =+2 hearts or so) which is enchanted (+5 hearts at max) and you would be at the point where vamp in anything besides diamond armor gets 1/2 shoted,
Not to mention that you can also just use holy water and vamps get useless (blind+weakness+slowness).
TL:DR : Wooden damage and holy water screw vamps completely and are op but nobody gives a damn about that.

Now explain to me how a slight increase in damage (remember the suggestion was to bring back a NERFED version of it ) should EVER even nearly outweigh the the weaknesses they have (none of which have been weakened or removed with the removal of bloodlust btw).

Im sure you know already that vamps have to be humans, a class which the most inferior class of all in combat (no combat situation where human is the best class).

As for RP vamps I only have one thing to say, god rpers are gonna god rp no matter how strong/weak they are in pvp.
Vampires as it stands the only advantages they have without bloodlust are jumping and night vision. But they burn and the sun and take 3x the damage of a diamond sword from a stick. Bloodlust is what makes a vampire able to fight. Bloodlust evens the disadvantages and advantages. If bloodlust isnt coming back i suggest destroying the plugin entireley because the advantages and disadvantages totally.
If you dont want to add bloodlust back in at least give them a strength boost or restistance.
Lol Vampires Overpowered? Are you loko?

First off : wooden weapons = 3 diamond sword strikes = 21 raw damage. Add str 2 there and you have a nice 35 hearts per hit damage for vamps. Not to mention you could also use a wooden axe (mcmmo axe bonus =+2 hearts or so) which is enchanted (+5 hearts at max) and you would be at the point where vamp in anything besides diamond armor gets 1/2 shoted,
Not to mention that you can also just use holy water and vamps get useless (blind+weakness+slowness).
TL:DR : Wooden damage and holy water screw vamps completely and are op but nobody gives a damn about that.
You obviously haven't been in a full premium vampire war. Everyone who wasn't a vampire got one-hit, and everyone who was a vampire was using wooden weapons and holy water. It was a shitstorm no matter what angle you looked at it from.

Now to say, I would LOVE to see bloodlust come back. It made fights much more interesting. However with all the hacking complaints and whatnot it needs re-evaluated.

Haters gonna hate

The face of evil.
Actually no, not according to the Massivecraft lore. These things way be correct in European mythology and other places, however in Massivecraft there is not the vaguest mention of them looking like that. In many instances there are roleplay stories where people don't notice someone is a vampire, or they themselves hide their vampirism. Or have made lore accurate pictures that look like themselves, as vampires, Luthien being a prime example. If you want confirmation on this, please by all means tag Luthien, he is the vampire lore specialist. However the lore mentions the only difference being red eyes, slightly longer canines, and whiter skin. And even some of that is debatable. This is of course not including physical enhancements and turning into a torch in the daytime.

But still, they're too human looking. So many people don't make them pale, so many people REFUSE to actually hide in the shade, and just can't seem to RP correctly as a Vampyre. "I only feed on animals" well, that's only going to ENCOURAGE feeding on humans, "They're kind" starve one for about a week and invite them on a date. Pretty sure that will end well. I'll leave that as my final words, as I don't want to flame too much here.
But still, they're too human looking. So many people don't make them pale, so many people REFUSE to actually hide in the shade, and just can't seem to RP correctly as a Vampyre. "I only feed on animals" well, that's only going to ENCOURAGE feeding on humans, "They're kind" starve one for about a week and invite them on a date. Pretty sure that will end well. I'll leave that as my final words, as I don't want to flame too much here.
That people do not roleplay correctly as a vampire, that I agree with. People should roleplay as evil if they are vampires. If only all vampires listened to me and the staff...
Cruallassar Hence my idea from earlier.
Personally I wouldn't mind if vampires were over powered if designated Roleplay/PvP players were assigned and noone else could get the disease. That would make being at war with one fun.

What I imagine is maybe 5-10 players are vampires. No one else. They are incredibly trustworthy players who won't abuse their overpowerdness in the way a noob would, while encouraging people to roleplay against them.

They are fast, Powerful, heal fast, and the negative effects of anything but holy water do not affect them. Holy water does less.

I think this would inspire entire factions to become vampire hunters and hunt in groups. I don't like that just any noob with dark altar can be a vampire. News flash they aren't hard to build or gather ingredients. Also it isn't the overpowerdness of bloodlust that ruined the vampires. Rather it was that so many people were vampires, and so many of them were little brats. I know lots of you would like to be a vampire that is balanced, or slightly overpowered, but for me it just ruins roleplay and PvP sometimes. So I'm just repeating myself here. It needs to be restricted.
Cruallassar Hence my idea from earlier.
And this could potentially be done. Vampirism could be given as part of the legendary roleplay characters. However it would be extremely unpopular, and a lot of people would complain. It is a bit too late to do something like that, people are happy with being vampires, and they would not take kindly to them being taken away.
But they could take it away at a massive demon roleplay event. I even have an idea for the lore. Like you sign up for the crimsons they'd make a demon army and you could sign up to join that. You'd act like class one or class two demons with only the leaders being class three.

The reason for such a mass outbreak of demons is because so many vampires have been around theat one demon lore guy I read about in the sanquine lore finally got more control of the aloria. (As he gets more with every living vampire.) So he could instantly posses people with end demons. It would be a Huuuge roleplay event the demons vs the crimsons. And when the crimsons won. They will have slain almost every vampire. (Or taken away vampirism from most people.) Thus giving a legitimate roleplay reason for only the strongest Vampires the Upyrs to have survived.

Personally not only do I think this would be an awesome idea on it's own. But it would be a great way to ease people out of being a vampire. And encourage vampires during the war to roleplay as evil. The only one who could be mad at that are noobs who don't know how or don't care to roleplay.
That would be awesome, but the noobs are not the only people. The rest of the good vamps out there, or the vamps that only use vampirism for the abilities, will not like it. And Ulpyrs are not lore-compatible anyway. Have it as an application for vampirism might work better, but even this will not happen. But noobs will role-play terribly anyway, so I don't think it would matter. The will switch to mages, or undead, or something. God and bad roleplay will not stop with the vamp problem.
Luthien is an upyr :/ And a member of the roleplay staff.
And regardless of whether they use it to implement the only upyrs idea. They still need to have that Demon army s crimson army thing because that is a freaking awesome idea. And not only that but there need to be actual battles in set places. Doesn't re\ally matter which side wins because the other can always just roleplay wise say most of their army escaped. The finale battle should only be between the roleplay staff though.
And regardless of whether they use it to implement the only upyrs idea. They still need to have that Demon army s crimson army thing because that is a freaking awesome idea. And not only that but there need to be actual battles in set places. Doesn't re\ally matter which side wins because the other can always just roleplay wise say most of their army escaped. The finale battle should only be between the roleplay staff though.
And that would be awesome, but I doubt it will happen in the short term. Long term maybe, short term no.
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