Archived Bloodlust Re-vamped

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I am sure a majority of you remember back in the day when vampires had amazing speed, strength, and jump buffs all from a feature known as Bloodlust. Obviously, bloodlust brought about several issues such as pvp lag and it being overpowered. So, I present to you my idea for re-implementing bloodlust.

I believe that the intent of bloodlust should be to provide a unique combat experiance, not an overpowered one. That being said, here are the following things I think should happen when bloodlust is enabled:
Speed III: Bloodlust gives a vampire the ability to run faster than any mortal. However, it would only be a speed III to prevent the crazy speeds from the old one, and give normal pvpers on speed II more of a chance

Jump III: Bloodlust gives the vampire the ability to jump higher. A slight jump boost would be a nice advantage to bloodlust, and not too devestating pvp wise in my opinion.

Weakness I: The vampire focuses all his strength on speed and agility, leaving his strikes less powerfull. This would be the main anti-overpowerness debuff added by bloodlusting

Temperature increased by 80%: While bloodlusting, the vampire is unleashing its inner-curse, making it more prone to the splash of holy-water

15% more damage taken from wood: Bloodlust, unleashing the full power of the curse, also makes anything holy more damaging, including wood.

Sun: With the vampire focusing all of its energy on the rage of Bloodlust, it leaves itself more vulnerable to the rays of the sun, heating up 15% faster than normal

I think with these changes, a vampire would provide a unique support-role for the pvper, or an effective, yet balanced, tank for those who can learn to wield its power.

Please leave constructive criticism below, as I am much open to suggestion.
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๖ۣۜA lot of "nubs" often do not PVP as Vampyres... However, there also is the thing that a majority of the time, the raider will only bring their God weapon, and not a wooden sword. If you think about it as well, a wooden stake in the heart would kill anyone, but thinking of increased velocity they are flinging towards the blade trying to evade, it would almost guarantee a kill on someone right away, as it would go either VERY deep into them, or it would tear off a large mound of flesh in the process... Thinking "Real life-wise", of course.

But nonetheless, the Bloodlust is specifically from so far reasoning to chip into escapes and some forms of quicker moving in PVP, moving at such speeds, you will most likely be hitting the human a lot more than the human will hit you. Also knowing, a lot of people will not be raiding without armour. They would be able to survive a few good hits before they REALLY die. If you are hopping about all around the raider, going above them, behind them, around them in a circle, they most likely are not going to be able to keep up very easily.
Yup because in real life you can punch down a tree with your fists in 3 seconds, and place cymetrical blocks down wherever you want... Just.. Don't compare real life to this game, it never works.
Yup because in real life you can punch down a tree with your fists in 3 seconds, and place cymetrical blocks down wherever you want... Just.. Don't compare real life to this game, it never works.

๖ۣۜI was thinking more strategy-wise. And, you can actually compare a good majority of MC into reality... I am not going to go into detail, mainly because it would derail the thread, but think a bit more about my post. Not sure about you, but if it is going to be a fun plugin for PVP and such, I at LEAST want it balanced, cool, and at least in the slightest a bit more 'realistic'.
I sure hope this gets feedback soon, a ton of my Vampyre friends want to actually be able to fight now... Vampyres would actually have a chance of becoming scary, too. Not much, but a bit.
For anyone who says this isn't balanced... The thing that made vamps op was the +20% damage, and the lag. If they were to have the -10% damage, with no lag, they wouldn't be op... At all. 0.
After seeing some of the feedback on this idea, I would like to know thoughts on the following changes before I edit them into the suggestion itself:
Weakness I

10% Damage reduction From Diamond Weapons

My Reason for these changes:
Lots of suggestions that Weakness I would give vampires too much of a disadvantage. Although I personally disagree, it does seem to be a popular opinion that at this point, bloodlust is too underpowered. Also, to force vampire hunters to be a bit more specialized than a diamond tank, I added a small damage reduction to encourage use of holy weapons against vampires, so not everyone is just a diamond-wielding monster.
How about lowering the damage dealt with weapons and raising the unarmed damage? It kinda makes more sense RP-wise that a vampire going for blood would make use of his primal side, thus trying to tear everything apart with his hands.

As for PvP-wise, I would not want someone with 2000+ axes running around with speed 3 eating peoples armor before they even knew he was there.

So like a 15-20% decrease in weapon damage and the same amount increased in unarmed?
Unarmed, although adding strength to it would be cool, would only encourage vampires to run out unarmed and unarmoured in my opinion. As far as armour damage goes, I will make a separate suggestion on that later today.

I agree with what you've said mainly because, going 'berserk' you would either: Find something sharp and rip them apart with it or just run out fists blazing. The thing about the fists only buff will only further entice people to fistwhore the raider into submission.
I think that maybe we should actually have testing days on vampire blood lust, see what the lovers like about it and see what the haters hate about it! :D I myself can't wait for vampires to get blood lust back! after it is rebalanced I don't think the staff will bother with vampires at all.
I'd rather think they would add it like it was back in the old days but maybe add your suggestion about weakness I
At first I thought it was kinda underpowered compared to a fully potted undead warrior but then I remembered the extra health regen that vamps get this makes grids suggestion of 10% while taking out the weakness very balanced
I personally do not like the 80% sun increase at it would effectively give the vampire weakness slowness and blindness making them very ineffective perhaps 60% so one holy water would disable the vampire
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