Archived Bloodlust Re-vamped

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I am sure a majority of you remember back in the day when vampires had amazing speed, strength, and jump buffs all from a feature known as Bloodlust. Obviously, bloodlust brought about several issues such as pvp lag and it being overpowered. So, I present to you my idea for re-implementing bloodlust.

I believe that the intent of bloodlust should be to provide a unique combat experiance, not an overpowered one. That being said, here are the following things I think should happen when bloodlust is enabled:
Speed III: Bloodlust gives a vampire the ability to run faster than any mortal. However, it would only be a speed III to prevent the crazy speeds from the old one, and give normal pvpers on speed II more of a chance

Jump III: Bloodlust gives the vampire the ability to jump higher. A slight jump boost would be a nice advantage to bloodlust, and not too devestating pvp wise in my opinion.

Weakness I: The vampire focuses all his strength on speed and agility, leaving his strikes less powerfull. This would be the main anti-overpowerness debuff added by bloodlusting

Temperature increased by 80%: While bloodlusting, the vampire is unleashing its inner-curse, making it more prone to the splash of holy-water

15% more damage taken from wood: Bloodlust, unleashing the full power of the curse, also makes anything holy more damaging, including wood.

Sun: With the vampire focusing all of its energy on the rage of Bloodlust, it leaves itself more vulnerable to the rays of the sun, heating up 15% faster than normal

I think with these changes, a vampire would provide a unique support-role for the pvper, or an effective, yet balanced, tank for those who can learn to wield its power.

Please leave constructive criticism below, as I am much open to suggestion.
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Seems interesting, but I don't think I pvp enough to make any educated statements about this.
I find the drawbacks of blood lust to overpowering and can lead to having blood lust redundant because with jump advantages and speed advantages they are sorely weakened in terms of damage and receive even more damage from other sources which also stack with mcmmo, Ex: Axes + dwarf +strength potion. Not only that, but vampires are just fast enough to stay at the tip of someone's attack range which would make blood lust a ability to use to run away or travel with not to fight with. However, if vampires had a stronger speed and jump speed (maybe four or five) it would make blood lust more appealing in terms of fighting with speed because it gives more incentive to receive more damage if they could get away from it, like taking high risks for high rewards
The reason I made it such is to avoid vampires being faster god armour tanks. That being said, however, I did think about that and tell me what you think of the following:
15% damage reduction from normal melee weapons: In bloodlust, the rage of the vampire causes it to feel less pain. This would force other pvpers to specialize as vampire hunters wielding wood rather than diamond.
Would you keep the length of bloodlusting dependent on your food level, and it is only restored through "blood?"
I am open to suggestion on that, as I did not really consider tampering with it.
I agree with most of this but I must say that Either the Speed or Jump must be lessened. Preferably the jump be lowered to 2. Jumping means it is easier for Crits in PVP. Therefore making up for the Weakness 1, meaning that it would go back to the vamps being way too overpowered.

I like it... seems logical to me.. (Re-Vamped... hee hee I see what you did there :3)
I agree with most of this but I must say that Either the Speed or Jump must be lessened. Preferably the jump be lowered to 2. Jumping means it is easier for Crits in PVP. Therefore making up for the Weakness 1, meaning that it would go back to the vamps being way too overpowered.

I see where you are coming from, however, my goal was that the several other debuffs would make a vampire effective, yet unable to solo a skilled vampire hunter.
I like it... seems logical to me.. (Re-Vamped... hee hee I see what you did there :3)
Was waiting for someone to see that, huehuehue.
15% damage reduction from normal melee weapons: In bloodlust, the rage of the vampire causes it to feel less pain. This would force other pvpers to specialize as vampire hunters wielding wood rather than diamond.
I was just about to say that the 50% melee damage reduction seems a little harsh for the vampires but I think this evens it out a little bit.
The reason I made it such is to avoid vampires being faster god armour tanks. That being said, however, I did think about that and tell me what you think of the following:
15% damage reduction from normal melee weapons: In bloodlust, the rage of the vampire causes it to feel less pain. This would force other pvpers to specialize as vampire hunters wielding wood rather than diamond.

I am open to suggestion on that, as I did not really consider tampering with it.

Having specialized weapons against vampires, which would be wood, does make having blood lust worth it because not all players would have it on hand at all times. However, to Wannag's post; I personally know that having speed and jump at three at least gives incentive to having it on at all, if it was set lower than three for both speed and jump boosts, it would make it so anyone can catch a vampire with a wooden sword with bleed effect and fire effect with the touch of sharpness five it can close to one shot or keep them out of the fight until they could replenish food via combat, which would be close to impossible because of the extreme damage they take from a single person. Although jump boost would give people an easier time to crit chance, it would still be weaker than any race specialized combat, such as dwarfs and wooden axes + strength pots and their crit chance. Vampire damage output would also be reduced by undead race players and premiums which heavily decreases their attack more. It is clear that vampires would be so under-powered by the damage output they make.Which is why the toll on damage should be uplifted or the general debuffs be reduced to a smaller number like five percent, otherwise it would again, make having bloodlust more of a ability to travel or run away with rather than having a fight that would last longer than how long the bloodlust would hold.
You slightly misunderstand my intentions with this new bloodlust. It is not to create another way for a vampire to become a flying god tank. I think bloodlust should be used in pvp for something a bit more specialized than a tank, such as a support or someone who just gets all the enemies bleeding, poisoned, and on fire. I do not want a vampire to be able to take on an equally skilled vampire hunter in a 1v1, however, still be very effective at supporting a raid in large-scale battles.
I support this idea, this may force the Vampires that don't know anything about Vampirism to learn more about it. They will have to train to use their skills in a good way if they wish to survive atleast. But however, there should be a limit on it. Maybe once every 12 hours? So they can't run away like cowards every time and make it hard for the people they attacked. I would hate it if a Vampire attacks a Village and when aid comes, that they flee faster than a rabbit drinking redbull! Other than that, it's looking good, work a little bit more on it and it will be great.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
if i remember it correct raising the body temerature of a vamire to 80% causes the vampire to gain slowness weakness and blindness. how is a vampire suposed to fight when he can't see a thing? maybe just lower that to 60% so he can still see what he is doing?
I understand your reasoning, however, that extra speed is really the only benefit to bloodlusting at the moment. My hope is that all the other debuffs with either force vampires to be something other than a tank, or, have to practice alot when dealing with vampire-hunters. That being said, as annoying as it is, I do believe the speed should stay higher than any player is capable of.
If you have ever fought a vampire who is bloodlusting, then you know how hard it is to hit it with a splash potion. Although I will re-think debuffs, as many people seem to think this is underpowered, if it is anything under 80%, then it is no real bonus at all, because as of now it only takes 2 holy potions to get a vampire burning, the first of which does everything other than blindness. Also, keep in mind, although it isnt out yet, Optifine will actually nullify the blindness.
Noo, don't throw weakness lol, let them stay strong bloodlusted.
I very much like this. It kind of turns bloodlust not into a "press button and receive god mode lolz", but simply a different way of fighting as a vampire that is better and worse then fighting normally.

I also like the weaknesses because it makes sense in roleplay, if a vampire is flying and flailing around like a madman it only makes sense that they would have to focus less on defending themselves. I also like that it was weaknesses that help in vampire-slaying, because in roleplay a vampire slayer, someone who has devoted his life to killing vampires, should be able to kill a single vampire without the vampire doing 360's over their head and spam attacking because they deal extra damage.
I don't know, but maybe this is a good idea (just throwing around with ideas). What if there were 3 types of bloodlust?? A defensive one, a violent one and an agile one? You could toggle them by doing /b d or /b v or /b a. The agile one would be the one you posted and serve a more escape aspect. The defensive one would lower your agile stats and slightly lower your violent stats. This would serve more to protect someone or something. Then last but not least, the violent one. This one would raise your attack stats and would serve a better raid aspect. Maybe this could be a bit overpowered, but if you work on this, it might turn out well. As I said, I'm just throwing around ideas that might still need to be balanced. :)

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.

I think this an interesting and possibly good idea. I do have one problem though. You said bloodlust would give the vampire weakness I. While it would make bloodlust less powerful (which might not be a good thing), I think it would take away the RP element of why the vampire is going into bloodlust. The name actually communicates the vampire's desire for more blood, and some how I don't a hungry vampire is going to drain its victims just by using speed and agility. When under the control of the urge to drink blood, I would think a vampire would become more animalistic and berserk. It would lose control of itself and become a stronger, less strategic vampire.

So instead of becoming weaker, I would think a vampire would become stronger. Here is a list of possible ideas for bloodlust:
  1. All of your ideas when it came to Speed III, Jump III, 80% temperature, vulnerability to sun and wood, etc...
  2. I would change weakness I into strength II
  3. As the vampire would be focusing on strength, it would get blindness (like a blood fever, berserking on everything but not really planning their attacks)
  4. The vampire, after using bloodlust, would have weakness I and a continued vulnerability to wood and the sun for 12 minecraft hours
These abilities are not unbalanced, they are just balanced in a different way (that hopefully conforms to vampire lore). Let me explain my reasoning. The vampire needs blood so it goes into a bloodlust, unleashing its inner curse and become stronger and faster at the cost of strategy and planning. After feeding, the vampire is full and bloated, needing to wrest and stay away from its weaknesses.

Tell me what you think, this was just a suggestion. Also, I really do like your idea.
Rip Shoul
I did think alot about what you said before I even posted this idea. RP wise, it would make alot of sense that bloodlust would make a vampire do more damage. That being said however, the last bloodlust gave vampires a 20% damage boost, and strength II would make it once again overpowered in my opinion, as blindness is bypassable by the use of Optifine.
Rip Shoul
Problem there is that hitting a player counts as feeding, so bloodlust will not run out easily in Pvp.

Obviously, balancing could be almost endlessly debated, however, if the staff took a general liking to this idea, I assume they would run some tests to try and find a nice balance using this idea as a basis to the traits, not the ends to it.
I personally even as a person in Algaron, a famously anti-Vampire faction think vampires should get a slight buff. However there is one problem I think you have in your thinking. A normal diamond sword does 3 1/2 hearts of damage. I believe that despite what the wiki says, sharpness level gives .5-1.5 higher with an average of 1. hat means an average of 8 1/2 hearts a hit with a god sword. A wooden sword does 2 hearts damage usually which is multiplied by 3 against a vampire. If you multiply this by 1.15 then it still is only a bit less than 7 hearts of damage. Therefore I think that while the wood damage bonus should stay to help nubs, the sun debuff should be increased to 20 or 25%.
Buffs/debuffs need to be tested, in my opinion, for us to get the best results, and make it easiest to find a good balance for Bloodlust.
I think this may NOT be powerful enough, contrary to many comments.

I think that the heat increase will be devastating, as will th 15% increase damage taken from wood.

On the other hand, from an RP perspective, increased speed and jump makes sense.
I think this may NOT be powerful enough, contrary to many comments.

I think that the heat increase will be devastating, as will th 15% increase damage taken from wood.

On the other hand, from an RP perspective, increased speed and jump makes sense.
Allow me to explain my reasoning for the buff:
First off, premiums have a global 15% damage buff, which would be nullified by this buff.
Just the other day, I fought a vampire in his own land (Premium + Faction land reduction = 45%), and even without bloodlust, he was able to kill me with a Sharp III diamond axe quicker than I could kill him with a Sharp V wooden axe. And that is without bloodlust. That being said, a vampire premium defending his base would be a bit insane to fight without a few necessary debuffs.
As a vampire, id like to say that after much time with it being gone, I dont want it back, having that kinda power conflicts with the lore's logic of keeping it a secret, even on the battlefield. However it was the only defense against wood, so in my opinion get rid of weakness to wood and all is fair.
I personally even as a person in Algaron, a famously anti-Vampire faction think vampires should get a slight buff. However there is one problem I think you have in your thinking. A normal diamond sword does 3 1/2 hearts of damage. I believe that despite what the wiki says, sharpness level gives .5-1.5 higher with an average of 1. hat means an average of 8 1/2 hearts a hit with a god sword. A wooden sword does 2 hearts damage usually which is multiplied by 3 against a vampire. If you multiply this by 1.15 then it still is only a bit less than 7 hearts of damage. Therefore I think that while the wood damage bonus should stay to help nubs, the sun debuff should be increased to 20 or 25%.

๖ۣۜA lot of "nubs" often do not PVP as Vampyres... However, there also is the thing that a majority of the time, the raider will only bring their God weapon, and not a wooden sword. If you think about it as well, a wooden stake in the heart would kill anyone, but thinking of increased velocity they are flinging towards the blade trying to evade, it would almost guarantee a kill on someone right away, as it would go either VERY deep into them, or it would tear off a large mound of flesh in the process... Thinking "Real life-wise", of course.

But nonetheless, the Bloodlust is specifically from so far reasoning to chip into escapes and some forms of quicker moving in PVP, moving at such speeds, you will most likely be hitting the human a lot more than the human will hit you. Also knowing, a lot of people will not be raiding without armour. They would be able to survive a few good hits before they REALLY die. If you are hopping about all around the raider, going above them, behind them, around them in a circle, they most likely are not going to be able to keep up very easily.
๖ۣۜA lot of "nubs" often do not PVP as Vampyres... However, there also is the thing that a majority of the time, the raider will only bring their God weapon, and not a wooden sword. If you think about it as well, a wooden stake in the heart would kill anyone, but thinking of increased velocity they are flinging towards the blade trying to evade, it would almost guarantee a kill on someone right away, as it would go either VERY deep into them, or it would tear off a large mound of flesh in the process... Thinking "Real life-wise", of course.

But nonetheless, the Bloodlust is specifically from so far reasoning to chip into escapes and some forms of quicker moving in PVP, moving at such speeds, you will most likely be hitting the human a lot more than the human will hit you. Also knowing, a lot of people will not be raiding without armour. They would be able to survive a few good hits before they REALLY die. If you are hopping about all around the raider, going above them, behind them, around them in a circle, they most likely are not going to be able to keep up very easily.

I always bring my god weapon AND a wood sword if I need it, good to be safe y'anno?
Did everyone disregard the truly amazing pun for the title of this thread?
"Pffft heathen swine, filthy blood sucking dogs... tired of these monster stories walking around, well I'm here to help put them in the ground"

1: Splash vampire with slowness potion.
2: Splash the vampire with holy water.
3: hit the burning vampire with a wooden axe or sword.
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