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Played Character Blake Taylor

This character is actively played.


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party
Full Name: Blake Taylor
Race: Cearden Ailor
Age: Twenty One
Occult: Arkenborn Void Mage

Proficiency Information

Persuasion: 3 + 7 Magic (Pride Arkenborn) + 2 (Mind Control Pack) + 2 (Ailor) = 14
Add 2 to the final result (Ailor Mechanic)
Combat Style: True Mage
Base of 7 ATK / 5 DEF

Intelligence: 0
Mind Control Pack (Pride Arkenborn)
Shapeshifting Pack (Ailor Mechanic)
Sinistral Magic: 14
Magic Bolts | +2 ATK
Magic Warp | +2 ATK for same turn
Magic Bolster | +2 DEF for 20 minutes
Magic Summon | + 1 DEF /and +1 BT but does not stack
Magic Snare
Magic Shove
Magic Smog
Magic Curse

Magic Isolate
Magic Revenge
Magic Resist
Magic Cleanse
Magic Disengage
Duelist Invocation | +1 ATK / +1 DEF while in 1v1
Pride Arkenborn
Pride Arkenborn can be brutish, have magical void-script tattoos covering their body that glow in gold and/or red, can be 1 foot taller than the heritage maximum height dictates (except for Urlan)

All Magic used by Arkenborn of Pride, is classified as Void Magic and God Magic at the same time (they cannot have Ordial/Exist/Dragon Magic), as he is both the Arken of Pride, and a
Fornoss God.

Pride Arkenborn can hide themselves from the Justice Arken and Justice Arkenborn by reality-warping illusion. If they attack however, they become visible, and others can also still see them.

Pride Arkenborn gain Mind Control Pack Pack for free, but cannot use Persuasion Guidance. Additionally, they can make Persuasion Dice derive from Magic Proficiency.

Conceived between the Arken of Pride and a woman from the local gentry of Starcastle, Blake finds himself born as a naturally gifted mage; one who would later grow to develop an overindulgence in Sinistral spellcasting.

In his youth, Blakes uneducated experimenting with magic goes awry, resulting in the death of two friends by the ways of blunt force trauma. This was not without an attempt at reprisals by the fathers of aforementioned friends, who took it on themselves to purge the malignancy wrought on Starcastle by the so-called 'demon child.' An eye is lost in the act, and both fathers are added to his list of unfortunate accidents.

The tragedies, too severe to be swept away, demanded the summoning of Aelrrigan Knights of the Hechicheros Chapterhouse, who swiftly executed their duties in subduing Blake before taking him back to Girobalda with the hope of reform and admission to the knightly order as a Squire.

While this is successful in the short-term, that being between the ages of twelve and sixteen, an accident resulting in the maiming of his Knight-Tutor causes him to flee in disgrace, though mostly out of fear, of what might have happened had he stayed. Absconding to the nation of Amontaar, Blake has made a new life for himself in what he had presumed would be outside the reach of Aelrrigan Knights.

Life Goals

Annihilation of the Lothar Order
Reformation of the Aelrrigan Order
Transforming the Empire of Regalia into an Arcaneomancy.
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