Bla Magnanimous Bla Silencio


I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Bla bla bla, Magnanimous is the source of all evil, bla bla bla, Silencio is awesome, bla bla bla, Mecharic is the best, bla bla bla, give me your money.

@Zero_00, @gridiron1024, @Terrariauk @AnyoneWhoThinksThereAren'tEnoughMagPosts

#ThisIsAJokeThread, #DoNotTakeItSeriously, #ThatMeansYouZero

Ah, f*ck it, I'm posting this.
So many beautiful threads.
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Because Magnanimous is the word the faction's name seems to be based off, I assume. WHY WASNT I TAGGED HERE?! Sad Toku :'(
Quick someone call the po-po!
umm the po-po is busy right now...
I spell it a little differently. I spell it MAD-NANNA-MOOSE

Sorry, you must be mistaken. Magnanimus is a faction, not a word in the English Dictionary.

Names are based on words. For example Argonia is based on the noble gas Argon, but people relate it to elder scrolls instead. Don't try to play it off like the faction name isn't related to the word.
Names are based on words. For example Argonia is based on the noble gas Argon, but people relate it to elder scrolls instead. Don't try to play it off like the faction name isn't related to the word.
1. I didn't create the faction, so don't ask me
2. So by your logic Argonia is just Argon spelled wrong?
3. Magnanimus is latin for Magnanimous. So technically we spelled it right. GG
Morgannwg is the Welsh word for Glamorgan, where King Arthur's Knights of the round table came from. Lancelot's home. I like that name betterer
Bla bla bla, Magnanimous is the source of all evil, bla bla bla, Silencio is awesome, bla bla bla, Mecharic is the best, bla bla bla, give me your money.
Bla MonMarty. Bla Massive.

I'm spaming this thread, yes, but I'm bored.
Bla bla bla, Magnanimous is the source of all evil, bla bla bla, Silencio is awesome, bla bla bla, Mecharic is the best, bla bla bla, give me your money.

@Zero_00, @gridiron1024, @Terrariauk @AnyoneWhoThinksThereAren'tEnoughMagPosts

#ThisIsAJokeThread, #DoNotTakeItSeriously, #ThatMeansYouZero

Ah, f*ck it, I'm posting this.
I see you tried to hide that.