Best Evil Build

I don't know everyone who's in that faction but I know @DisturbedReaper is in it. You should see the inside, it truly looks awesome.
;-; I bet they don't have a super kawaii altar room like me ;n;

Meh, the most evil build was @Skip_HD.
The best well, I need to see it ingame to say I haven't seen better. (If one of my dirt boxes can be judged better).
How much building materials did it take though... If still wanting donation pm me ing I have some chests filled with stuff I don't need.
Gotta give credit to some of Chronikatr's old builds. They weren't big but they sure were evil looking.
Gotta give credit to some of Chronikatr's old builds. They weren't big but they sure were evil looking.
Most were evil looking, but I think that most of them were fairly basic or not decorated. Don't take that as an insult, anyone who sees this, I'm not trying to offend you. Buildings are very subjectively rated by anyone anyway :P
Here is some more progress:


Nearing completion now which is pretty exciting
I would love to get a portal to see it! It's an awesome build and I can tell you worked really hard. I can imagine some raider tries to go in but gets to scared after he sees the front gate.