Bera Syllbess

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by GRIST_, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    The Bear of the North
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    || You have recreated me and now I stand as a symbol of hope. ||
    Full Name: Bera Syllbess
    〙Former Names » Bera Erisar Håvledal (Sterke-enn)
    〙Nicknames » Bear
    Age: 33
    〙Birthday » December 2nd, 274 A.C.
    〙Zodiac » Sagittarius.
    Gender: Female.
    Race: Maght-Url.

    〙Former Race » Velhiem, Ailor.
    〙Former Lineage » Bolven.
    Sexuality: Unknown.
    〙Status » Unknown.
    Preferred Weapon: Fists, Horns, and Hooves.
    Secondary Weapon » Battle Axe and Heavy Bow.
    Position in Regalia: Bera’s time in Regalia has been short perhaps only a couple months, and while she has no proper place in the city she believes it her duty to stand as a symbol of hope for those who seek change. Through this, she has begun working as a guard for the Arcanum and has taken her place among those who changed her, The Goretaan Throng. Often spending her time between her former family and her new family.
    Upbringing: Born to the higher parts of a Dal in Drixagh to a single mother, Bera long didn’t know her father, Hakan Sterke-enn. Later in Regalia, she would meet her half-siblings Sigrid, Aren, and Bolverk. Never having known their extended family, some of whom she’d meant when she arrived in Regalia.
    Main Ambitions: Light.

    〙To stand as a symbol of hope for all those who want to seek change within themselves.
    〙To find a sense of belonging and home within not only herself but within others as well.
    Secondary Ambitions: Development.
    〙To learn how to use a heavy bow.
    〙To understand the meanings of her new species and their goals and ideology.
    〙To understand the ever-changing world around herself and to adapt to it’s given nature.
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    || There are far better things ahead than the ones we leave behind. ||
    Proficiency Points: 38 | 5 point left for IC learning.
    〙Core Group » 14 Points Spent.
    〙+10 Fist Combat (+5 Points Spent | +5 Racial Boost)
    〙+5 Greataxe Combat (+5 Points Spent)
    〙+4 Heavy Bow Combat (+4 Points Spent)
    〙Talent Group » 0 Points Spent.
    〙+6 Strength Training (+6 Talent Points)
    〙+4 Perception Training (+4 Talent Points)
    〙Hobby Group » 16 Points Spent.
    〙+10 Fortification Art (+10 Hobby Points)
    〙+6 Pathfinding Art (+5 Points Spent)
    〙+5 Hunting Art (+5 Points Spent)
    〙+3 Gardening Art (+3 Points Spent)
    〙+2 Wooden Art (+2 Point Spent)
    〙Magical Group » 3 Points Spent.
    +3 Ritualism (3 Points Spent)
    〙Ritualist Monsterwarp (+1 Ability)
    〙Ritualist Growth (+1 Aesthetic)
    Body Shape: 40
    〙Physical Stats » 10 Fused Form + 10 Fist + 6 Strength + 5 Greataxe + 3 Pathfinding + 4 Heavy Bow + 1 Wooden + 1 Gardening = 40 Physical Stat.
    〙Body Build » Muscular.
    〙Body Fat » Low Body Fat.
    Racial Abilities: Url.
    Url Shifting.
    Url Skin.
    Oorl Telepathy.
    Url Immunity.
    Url Skeletology.

    Fine Form.
    Clean Form.
    Fused Form.
    Gore Form.
    Shatter Form.
    Languages: 3
    〙Skodje | 10/10 (Native Language)
    〙Common | 8/10 (Military Learned)
    〙Oortaal | 10/10 (Symbiosis Learned)
    Hidebound: Through their change to Url, Bera has decided to cling onto her past in certain ways. Her past is difficult and frankly bad for her new life and therefore is likely not something the Url should hold onto. Their past family is somewhat holding them back from developing fully and it’s a constant battle with herself to figure out how to transverse through the dangerous terrain of their new and old family.
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    || Be kind to everything that lives. ||
    Url Head: Highland Cow.
    Eye Color: Orange Coloration with Black Sclera.
    Hair Color: Hickory Brown.
    Hair Style: Tangled Fur along the back of the head.
    Skin Color: Ivory Pale.
    Clothing: White Wrap, Red Sash and Grey Skirt.
    Height: 6'7"
    Paragraph One: Facial Features and Body.
    Bovine in shape the Url’s represents the visage of a highland cow with much shorter and fluffier fur. Much like these cows, her fur is a light tan color while her long and rather tangled hair is a darker brown color. Much like a buffalo, the Url has a set of large horns that curl over the back of their head and upwards, ridges, and cracks texturing them. Grey in color much like the second set of horns that grow slightly above her brow. Small white tusks stick from her lips, while their eyes are orange in coloration with black sclera. Due to their new structure, the Url stands at a height of seven feet tall and has a very muscular build. With skagger blue tattoos of geometric shape covering various places of her body, especially on her arms. The Url’s skin is an ivory pale color due to their heritage and due to being an Url their lower legs are plantigrade and large hooves span over the ends of them.
    Paragraph Two: Accessories and Voice.
    Being simple in their entirety the Url often wears very neutral colors, or if anything dark reds and blues. She enjoys furs, cotton, and other simple and primitive clothing. In contrast, she also does not wear many pieces of jewelry often only having a few pieces on their ears and horns. As to her appearance, the last thing to touch on is her voice. Normally ever calm and patient, the Url is likely to speak very slowly. Picking most words they speak with care and interest when they do choose to speak as often they enjoy keeping their words to a minimum if at all possible. They speak fluently in Skodje which is their given language as well as of course Oortal, their common is the only thing broken due to the accent they hold from their heritage.
    Battle Axe: Large Battle Axe, simple in style. Only carried while on duty.
    Anglian Longbow: Large Longbow, simple in style. Only carried while on duty.
    Bola: Throwing Item, simple in style. Carried around on the belt always.
    Regals: Spare Regals, only few at a time. Carried around in the pockets always.
    Bear Horn Necklace: Wooden Necklace, bear in shape and with a horn carved into it. Carried around the neck always.
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    || Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm. ||
    Option One: Main Pick.
    〙Paragraph One | Experiences » Happiness, Fear, and Stress.
    〙Bera has always experienced happiness when she is around the warmth and comfort of what she deems as family. She thrives in environments where she feels safe and cared about, therefore being around those that give her that is what brings her joy. She is stronger when she has people standing with her. Now because she relies so heavily on this feeling of safety and caring, her biggest weaknesses come from when she stands alone. The longer she is alone the weaker she becomes, feelings of insecurities and fear clouding her better judgment and mind. Oftentimes the Url struggles to make emotional choices on their own and is one to easily get lost without guidance. As a skagger, the Url tries to let fear and stress become a thing of use rather than weakness. In times of stress, it is better for her to try and keep a leveled head. With the practice of Hertok, the Url often quickly is able to remove unwanted stress and disdain that they feel towards others. Helping her remain stoic on most occasions.
    〙Paragraph Two | Views » Authorities, Races, Religions, Arcane and Family.
    〙Bera views the authorities as supposed peacekeepers, especially the Arcanum. She sees them, and therefore herself as defenders and therefore has a settled respect for laws and their purpose. However, this doesn’t trump their own instincts, which they often trust over anything else. Through their accepting nature, Bera is open to many views of culture and religion. Of course, she prefers the company of other Url and in some cases Velhiem over anyone else, but her interest in knowledge drives her to understand other things around her. Through this, she is also generally accepting of most magic. But being one of defense and passiveness the Url does not tolerate those who push the bounds with the abilities they were given. Through this, she has little tolerance for Vampires or Void like creatures. Being a defender by nature the people that the Url views as a family will always come first for them. Family is a sweet spot that drives the Url in their day to day lives, and friends come with great value to her and the breaking of such trust and friendship is something Bera does not take lightly.
    〙Paragraph Three | Most » Pride and Motivation.
    〙Bera, like most Url, has a heightened sense of pride in her appearance. For her, however, it is more than just how she looks, but how she acts. She is proud of how she holds herself, how she learns, and how in general she is. To say that the Url has a bit of an ego wouldn’t be too far fetched. Her motivation in keeping herself that way stems from her longing to find a place to belong in. She’s always searched for a sense of caring from others, a sense of want from them towards her. Through gaining this her motivation is to keep this forever, oftentimes keeping her sense of appearance up and her demeanor to make sure that she can make these people she cares for proud of her so that she can never lose them.
    〙Paragraph Four | Biggest » Insecurities and Fears.
    〙Bera struggles with the idea of abandonment because of the above mentioned. It is likely her biggest insecurity. She needs to feel like she fits in and therefore might change her demeanor to accommodate herself to others' needs. Perhaps this opens her to being taken advantage of. Of course, hand and hand with abandonment comes loneliness which would be the Url’s biggest fear. Longing for settlement and security that she for a long time didn’t have, anything to threaten this is something for the Url to fear.
    Option Two: Flavor Pick.
    〙Alignment » Neutral Good.
    〙Personality Type » The Defender.
    〙Religion » Confused, but believes in a higher power.
    〙Paragraph One: Quirks and Extra Skills.
    Being one of poor writing skills one might find that an easy quirk for Bera is her lack of being able to write most things herself, instead most people prefer to write for her. Through this writing is not one of her skills being one mostly hunting and fighting, Bera’s extra skills do not expand much. Though there are a couple of things she can focus on within her own skillset. Such as baking is most of her extent of cooking, and in the sense of carpentry, she mostly carves. If all other sources, most of Bera’s skills are around lifting things.
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    || Nature is not a place to visit, it is home. ||
    Paragraph One | Childhood: 274 - 284 AC.
    Through the cold winter nights a lone mother brought to the world a single child, one that she would never care for as her own. Though through this the child survived and was raised in the hills of Drixagh with little to their name. Little to their knowledge they were born a beast through their father, though this would not matter until much later in their life. Often being alone and untaught, the child sought true independence physically early on, to some extent they even picked their own name, Bera Eriser Håvledal. There is only so much a child can do to take care of things on their own, and of course like all people she had help from a neighboring villager. It was this woman who would teach the child many things that she lacked in her earlier life. Stories of the Velhiem culture, tradition, and religion were soon brought into Bera’s mind. As she grew older as did her skills, such as hunting, building, and carving.
    Paragraph Two | Teenage Years: 284 - 294 AC.
    At the young age of fourteen with the help of the one who truly raised her, she went off to Skagger school. At the Kløydalen Lodge, they taught the Björntass Discipline, a place for those who wished to show their great strength and honor. With their head filled with wonderful tales of great warriors and legends, the young woman wanted to prove herself to be such. Though school fastly turned into a simple learning of social life for them. A time where she could truly connect to those who lived in this world around her. Though she learned many things in combat, she also quickly learned to care for a sense of social wanting. It was here that she began to be dubbed “The Bear of the North” by those friends that she made that would guide her to fully accept her culture and their traditions, like receiving skagger tattoos. Graduating meant the parting of ways for most, but the memories would always remain.
    Paragraph Three | Young Adult: 294 - 299 AC.
    With no feelings of her real home within her mind, Bera decided that she would lead a new path with the lessons that she had learned. Traveling to lands of lords and great nobility, the young warrior quickly became an asset to the military. She was a quick rise to success fairing well in an environment where each soldier had one another's backs. For years she dwelled in her homelands, raging in great battles among side her kin. She became well known for being able to track through dangerous terrain and setting up ambushes. War was full of losses and hardship as well as lessons learned and during one of these great battles Bera found themselves run through the shoulder by a halberd. The grave injured brought about a weakness they’d never faced, healing. Patience had never been something they had toyed with but now faced with many months of healing they had to learn how to use it. Through these months was when she decided to finally search for her long lost father. Hakan Sterke-enn, the name was still so bitter on her tongue. Not only because she had been abandoned by him, but because he was nothing more than a letdown and an old fool. In a moment of pure rage, the only thing he taught her was that he had given her a terrible curse. With this curse now sparked and her mentality completely altered, the Velhiem had no choice but to seek those who knew how to live with it.
    Paragraph Four | Present: 299 - 308 AC.
    〙Confused and lost, the once Velhiem stumbled into Regalia in search of their half-siblings. Once found they began a new life of crime. It was not long though, as luck struck them in the unlikeliest of places. A new family cleansed her and recreated her as new. Now an Url, Bera has a new path laid out before her. One that led her down the path of good to aid those in need. By merging her new path and old path together many things change about the Url. With two new families by her side, there are new goals in the Url’s sight and as she learned from her new families more skills came to her. She began to learn how to care for nature and how to use a bola from Ingemar. As well as ritualism and magical knowledge from her father, Einherjar. Paving the way for new greatest to come to the Url.
    Family: Kinship.
    〙Sigrid Sterke-enn » I have learned many ideals of strength, but your strength is by far the strongest. You have strength of mind and soul and for that I admire you.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇ | Family Bond.
    〙Aren Sterke-enn » You are a funny man and perhaps not the most accepting, but I care for you regardless.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇ | Family Bond.
    Friends: Close Companions.
    〙Quin » You have shown me a greater path unlike no other, a greater purpose. From you I have learned much, and have much to learn.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇ | Overall Friendship.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇ | Overall Caring.
    〙Einherjar » You are my rock in a place of madness that will always keep me grounded. My love for you is unmatched because you about all have always been the same.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ | Overall Friendship.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ | Overall Caring.
    〙Eigoth » I was told not to give up on you, yet everyday you push me further from saving you and further into the darkness that I will use to end your suffering, and therefore my own.
    » ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ | Overall Friendship.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇ | Overall Caring.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇ | Overall Hatred.
    〙Ingemar » You are a teacher and my mentor in most things. I am glad you are proud of me, and I will always try to make you so.
    » ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ | Overall Friendship.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇ | Overall Caring.
    〙Nym’vrae » You are my leader, I look up to you. Though this is true there is much you can learn. Not only from me, but from people you’d never even think of.
    » ◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇ | Overall Friendship.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇ | Overall Caring.
    〙Tommy » You are interesting, and I feel as though I must protect you. Therefore you will never not be on my mind.
    » ◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇ | Overall Friendship.
    » ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇ | Overall Caring.
    〙Other Friends: Companions.
    〙Mene, Abelhard, Theresia, Kuzma, Awewyn, Wasa, Sae'viir, Mani.
    • Winner x 14
    • Powerful x 4
    • Friendly x 2
    • Cuddles! x 1
    • Creative x 1
    #1 GRIST_, Jul 7, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2020
  2. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    Claimed for staff review!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    @Katiesc Hi, Sorry. I ended up changing to Bolven. Edited that with this purple color.

    *Edit: I actually went back in and changed a couple more things. Hence the tag change, sorry. It's all in purple and it's all just very little things.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #4 GRIST_, Jul 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  5. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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  6. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    Note: You are not allowed to change lineage after this.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    @Katiesc Be me, hate the app. Be me, redo it all.

    Please love me.
  8. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Approved :dagger:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  9. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    @Katiesc I did a complete overhaul of the app. Changed pretty much everything. Two points I want to make you aware of.
    • Yes, there is only 1 point in Heavy Bow. That is intentional I'm taking the route of learning it ICLY. I'll be updating this as she learns.
    • The theme is a place holder - don't come for me.
    Love ya
  10. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    and sorta approved.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    Updated with the New System. @Katiesc
    • Proficiency Points Completely Changed, Leeway with 3 for IC learning.
    • Changed to Include a decided Religion.
    • Redid parts of the life story to match new prof spread.
    Last two changes marked in blue so it's easier for you to see. Left the Proficiency Part uncolored because of course that changed.
  12. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I'm sorry I'm a monkey, I jumped the jump when the update came out and was increasingly displeased with the points spread. I re-did the entire thing once more and edited out the part of the life story that had frontline because I completely removed it. @Katiesc
  14. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    Approved you mongrel of a monkey.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @Katiesc Made some light changes with things I was unhappy over, left the tag on cause..they aren't big changes. But- they are in green none the less.

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