Preserved Sheet Bell Lhoril

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somewhere out there
May 16, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Bell Suriela Aragaelien Uashre Dumai Gueresonaem Lhoril (previously Bell Suriela Ailemer though she got disowned and decided to give her a few more middle names.) Commonly goes by Waddlemelon.

  • Age: 27.

  • Gender: Female.

  • Race: Ailor.

  • Main Ambition: Popularity and a lot of trinkets.
  • Special Permission: Greed Voidling Possession. (Now exorcised.)
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Forest green, with a dark grey sclera due to possession.

  • Hair Color: Dark black. Originally a vanilla platinum and creamy brown. (Heterochromatic hair.)

  • Hair Style: Cut in a zig-zag at her neck.

  • Skin Color: Olive.

  • Clothing: Simple blue dress.

  • Height: 5'1.

  • Weight: 121 lbs.

  • Body Build: Hourglass.

  • Weapon of Choice: Ice magic; frozen shard subtype. Caster level. Currently abandoned studies to practice physical fighting.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits

  • Stubborn. During her time in Daendroc, Bell developed this trait from having arguments with villagers in the villages she stayed in. This causes her to repeatedly try to get her point across last, and make it stick. However, as of recent, she has been trying to ditch this due to the arguments it causes with her family. Although, she isn't going to get it out anytime soon so for now, she still argues consistently with everyone, with a few being able to slip through the cracks and not have arguments with her.

  • Unorganized. Throughout her life, Bell has always been unorganized, be it physically or mentally. Her thoughts are always splashed around and random, and her houses are usually quite messy. She simply seems to have the inability to have things correctly in order, be it important or unimportant. This trait of hers especially kicks in when she's working on things such as stories, as she tends to have an idea then another one, and makes them all into different stories.

  • Impatient. The woman has always had the problem of being oh-so impatient. This causes her to lash out at others and generally be a nuisance. There's nothing she hates more than waiting too long. This irritates her due to her always being used to things being done very quickly, or her doing things quickly herself. Usually if something or someone is too slow, she'll take it into her own hands. Sometimes she even throws a lot of abuse at people due to this.

  • Caring. Be it friend or family, lover or carer, Bell always seems to care for people. This has to do with the way she was brought up, to care for others. Or maybe it was just the way the people around her in Daendroc acted. Either one could work, but they both lead to this trait. Even if it's just a small thing, she'll be there to help. However, in some cases she won't help, especially if she herself needs more help.

  • Charm. Bell could be described as having a sort of charm, due to her odd background. Staying in Daendroc for years and having all sorts of adventures gives you stories to tell, and she has a lot of them to tell. People often become fascinated over her, but she usually doesn't realise. Although, she does sometimes take this to her advantage and attempt to manipulate people to a certain length.

  • Active. Bell, being a noble, is oddly active. During her years in Daendroc, she was often outside adventuring. This lead to her being more active than most of her siblings at her age, and she often laughs about them not being able to run nearly as fast as her. Her activeness hasn't worn away even with her arrival to Regalia, as she walks around the city an awful lot.


  • Brave: Bell is over all quite brave, jumping into situations others wouldn't at a moments notice. While this can get her into trouble, she views this as one of her best strengths. She enjoys the thought of being a brave fighter, hence why she's so brave in situations where she should be scare, though on the rare occasion she is scared, it's to a high extent.

  • Stealthy: Due to her years of pickpocketing, Bell has become rather stealthy and quiet. She's learnt ways to get away and manipulate the area around her to her advantage. This has allowed her to learn what types of ground allow her to be quieter, and what ones allow her to be louder, etc.

  • Distinctive: Bell thinks in a very distinct way compared to others. When things come to a dilemma, she'll always give the opposite answer from others. This may be because of the little amount of education she got, or simply the way she thinks. Though, to her, her answer will always be right.

  • Social cues: Be it facial cues or physical cues, the woman simply doesn't understand them. She barely notices sarcasm, and when someone tells her to stop she doesn't stop. Be this due to an odd way of thinking, or a simple thing that she never learnt too much about the cues, she just doesn't understand them.

  • Easily stressed: Due to the amount of workload she tends to put on herself, Bell tends to be stressed very easily. It doesn't matter what it's over, she's always stressed over it. Even the tiniest things can make her be stressed, and it isn't a good way either because it causes her to vomit and have headaches.

  • Weak leg bone: During her first few months in Regalia, she fell and ended up breaking her leg. She never got it properly tended to, and hence caused it to not heal properly. If it gets hit, it causes her more pain than most other places. She generally tries to keep it out of the way in combat, be it putting it behind her other leg or protecting it with other means,

Life Story (Required)

  • Birth - "... I don't remember this. Well, of course I don't." Bell Ailemer was born to Rosette and Jesse Ailemer, on September the 26th in the Barony of Letiate. She was an only child, and grew up around a few siblings of hers. Her parents took care of her, though she was always a father-child.

  • Childhood (4-7) - "Exploring. Yeeessss." Bell heard stories of adventures from her mother, catching on to her mothers dream to go explore and see all the beauty in Aloria. She would draw all the different races she had ever heard of, especially the Shendar and the Isldar, as those ones always were the most exciting and mysterious to her. At this age, she also began to try cook, but never got the hang of it. Though, she was quite good at sewing.

  • Childhood x2 (8-12) - "Scars are cool, y'know." The girl started to learn more convoluted words in Common, excelling in this. Languages were her strong point from then on. She still held the dream to explore the world once she was old enough, though. Many of her friends called this childish, though she didn't care. Her skill range only grew, and so did her weaknesses. At this rebellious age, she tended to run away from her parents and explore nearby Letiate. It didn't take her long to realise this was a bad idea, as she fell off a tree, causing her to scar the side of her stomach. She had slowly limped home, crying. However, after a few years, she didn't let that stop her, as she began doing what she did previously once again.

  • Adolescent (13-16) "This memory is a bit fuzzy. But, ehh. Magic! Like. Actual magic. Cool." As she grew from a child, Bell became quieter than ever. She stopped her rebellious ways, and started to become more of a bookworm than anything. In this time, she also attempted to secretly study Elves, learning a small amount of Elvish. It was only simple things, like hello and goodbye. But to her, it was still something. She would sit in bed at night in candlelight, reading about all the mythical tales and wars that they had waged. Her curiosity got the better of her, and at sixteen, she decided that once she turned seventeen, she was going off to Daendroc to explore. Despite her father's disapproval, she was permitted to go. Around this time, she also began to study Ice magic in secret, due to her obsession with Elves and all their magical adventures. She learnt from an old Isldar who lived not too far away in a small village nearby Letiate, and progressed rather slowly actually. At this point, she only studied it and couldn't actually summon anything.

  • Adult (17-26) - "A lot happened." A few months after she turned seventeen, Bell was allowed to get on a ship and go off to the north shores of Daendroc. The best thing about this was being able to practice her magic without hiding it, and so she was oddly excited, which caused a small amount of suspicion. By this time, she could create around five shards, and a bigger one that went to her knees. She gave her parents a final wave goodbye and hopped aboard. After a lot of travelling, she finally arrived. It was hot, and sandy. She finally settled down in a small village by the shore, staying in a small inn, renting herself a room. As she explored more and more, she eventually came across a band of half Altalar half Ailors. They quickly became friends with the girl, due to being Estale followers, and Bell having studied Estale. However, there was a special one who went by the name Quirengael Dsocorro. Eventually, Bell managed to find out that one of the members of the band were a Soul mage. After a while, a large dispute happened between Bell and Quirengael, which ended up in the Soul mage in the band swapping Quirengaels and Bells souls as a punishment. This was a punishment in his eyes due to him knowing that Bell would never want to be someone else other than herself, as she always loved herself. However, the mage was ill at the time, and after the events the illness worsened and eventually killed him, even after how much the others tried to help him, and so, he wasn't able to switch their souls back. This left Quirengael in Bells body and Bell in Quirengaels. As of that, they parted ways and Bell left for Regalia.

  • Now! (27) - "Past present and future... I guess it's future and present?" Still carrying on her magic practice, Bell arrived in Regalia a few months ago, and immediately started off by finding a family member. She eventually met a Wind elf (@Mattyb0y hi.), too, which yielded some odd results, although it did end with her bearing two children of his. After this, they are now together. However, there are some things in the way of her mind currently, that she hopes to resolve in the future. For now though, she has all the friends she needs, and has begun her physical training, though in order for this she has dumped her magical studies. However, in the small times she has used her magic, she has over used it and become possessed by a Greed Voidling. This caused her to become almost twice as greedy with trinkets and people as she was previously. This will only get worse over time, and ruin her magic, as she managed to pick up Chaotic Antimagic due to her possession. She only currently has one side effect, and no-one knows, not even herself.
  • ".. What? I've always been this clingy! I haven't changed one bit. I mean, I always had this longing for trinkets!" It was a rainy day outside on the 27th of July, and Bell had taken the opportunity to practice her magic in the Elven district. She concentrated as she tried to make a small flurry of ice crystals, managing to, although she simply let them flop down. After a lot of practicing on simple flurries, she decided it was about time she tried something new, something bigger. And at that, she attempted to summon an ice-crystal barrier that went up to her waist. However, she had finally pushed herself past her limit, and collapsed on the spot. As she did, however, a Greed voidling latched onto her right before she passed out.
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Added the Relationships with a spoiler.. after some tests. I'll add them later.
28/08/2016 15:36 pm GMT fixed quotes due to recent events
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Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • You should specify what her natural hair color is so there's no confusion. Just edit that part to say what her natural hair color is and that she has it dyed strawberry pink :D.
  • You didn't mention her magic at all in her life story. This actually caused me to forget that I was reviewing an ice mage character lol. The questions that I think should be addressed in the life story are: Who taught her? When did she learn? How fast did she progress?
Other than that, you've made a very fleshed out and nice character here. This is a character that I enjoyed reviewing thoroughly, and I am excited to see what kind of adventures Bell gets into in the future. Have fun ^-^
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • You should specify what her natural hair color is so there's no confusion. Just edit that part to say what her natural hair color is and that she has it dyed strawberry pink :D.
  • You didn't mention her magic at all in her life story. This actually caused me to forget that I was reviewing an ice mage character lol. The questions that I think should be addressed in the life story are: Who taught her? When did she learn? How fast did she progress?
Other than that, you've made a very fleshed out and nice character here. This is a character that I enjoyed reviewing thoroughly, and I am excited to see what kind of adventures Bell gets into in the future. Have fun ^-^
Done. Perhaps maybe a little clunky and misplaced, but done.
edit: no keemstar pls
Decided to give her a Greed possession after a bit of thinking and deciding!
It's a brand new one though, she only has one side affect, being Chaotic Antimagic.
I'd like someone to point out areas where I should add this!​
i'm sure im gonna get something for clunky placement though as i had to last-minute shove some things in there
My review:
  • The trait of troublesome is more a collection of flaws that serve as a character weakness to her, perhaps change it to fit this.
    • Isldar nearby in a small Regalian village? A stretch...also, why ice magic, she studied the Shendar and Altalar, the magic doesn't have any ties to either
    • How did she come to be friends with Void Worshippers? Shendar are not exactly friendly to people like her, where did she live exactly in Daendroc? Why was switching their bodies a punishment, and why did he not change them back after a short amount of time
    • Where did the Greed infestation occur, when?
    • She seems to know about so much magic for just a simple Regalian low noble family, it seems like too much to me personally. Maybe cut down on it a little bit, she's so far encountered spirit magic, ice magic and chaotic antimagic.
Tag me once you've done these edits in green.
Could you explain what you mean about this to me? I'm kind of confused.
Traits that make up someone who is troublesome are things such as Impatient, Rude, Snappy, Arrogant etc., they are a combination of different traits that make someone troublesome for other people.
Added quotes.
"Shut up, I know I'm an asshole!"
"Fuck off, Bell."
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... I feel like I spammed this thread, whoops.
You did, a lot. If you have addition notes to add to a previous point, please use the edit function. That being said, I have re-reviewed the character.

All the needed, remaining edits involve the Life Story

Oh, the Isldar actually lived nearby the Barony of Letiate, not Regalia. Also, I accidentally put Altalar instead of Isldar, whoops.
You didn't make this edit.
As well, why did she stop training in ice magic, and how did an Altalar even know Ice Magic in the first place?

Another issue that has been determined in the supposed group of "Cielothar and Shendar halfings" she found. This is impossible, the Shendar want to destroy life while the Cielothar cultivate it. An entire group of them is impossible.

Tag me once these edits are done in green.
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You didn't make this edit.
As well, why did she stop training in ice magic, and how did an Altalar even know Ice Magic in the first place?
Edit made. Isldar taught her Ice magic. And she didn't stop training until recently (to focus on physical training.)
Another issue that has been determined in the supposed group of "Cielothar and Shendar halfings" she found. This is impossible, the Shendar want to destroy life while the Cielothar cultivate it. An entire group of them is impossible.
Changed to simple Altalar-Ailor halflings.
(@Mattyb0y) "What an asshole he is. Cute, but an asshole." Bell has an odd relationship with this particular wind elf. She like-likes him ifyknowwhatimean but also seems to find relations of herself in him. Arguments, fights and.. truth and dares. Basically everything. Yep. She has no idea how their relationship is still even standing properly (or maybe its the leaning tower of piza)
Christopher Ailemer (@lionohuma) "M' favourite cousin. I'you asked me to throw him off a cliff though, I'd do it." An odd familial relationship. She often skirts around questions on how she feels around him, simply just changing the subject. They share secrets'n'stuff. This's a very 'FIND OUT IC GUYS' relationship, to be honest.
Halafarin Traric (@Completely_Evan)
"... I'm confused. Repeat that? Pleaaase?" ... dude go away.
Godwin Ailemer (i forgot the tag!!!)
"He's an asshole, honestly. He actually noticed it, though. I'm surprised. And sorta conflicted." She wants to hug him, but punch him at the same time. Or just... shove him off a cliff. She honestly doesn't know. Nevertheless, they're cousins, and she wishes they weren't.
Or didn't even know eachother.
I hate u
... I broke the app. I lost more than half of if when editing. Is it possible to retrieve all of this, as the google docs one I have is outdated?
I had the same problem yesterday and lost all of my lore.

Staff can't do anything about this, even thought massive forums has a good auto save system, sometimes it can glitch over time if left up for hours, and can make you lose all your work.

So just an idea, next time when you make an application, make it on Microsoft word, or another software similar to that, and save it as a document to then use to build your application. Hope this post was useful in any way. But I guess for now, try working on remaking your Lost data.
I had the same problem yesterday and lost all of my lore.

Staff can't do anything about this, even thought massive forums has a good auto save system, sometimes it can glitch over time if left up for hours, and can make you lose all your work.

So just an idea, next time when you make an application, make it on Microsoft word, or another software similar to that, and save it as a document to then use to build your application. Hope this post was useful in any way. But I guess for now, try working on remaking your Lost data.
... I lost most of the app and I can't memorise the edits I had to make. I already kept it on google docs but that ones broken and it was outdated.
... I lost most of the app and I can't memorise the edits I had to make. I already kept it on google docs but that ones broken and it was outdated.
If you can't access your documents, then i guess try to make it from scratch again.. and it's not amusing, trust me, but it's still better than to never fix the problem at hand.