Archived Beheading Immune

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Romeo Santos
Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
The Bronx, New York
KOB (Kings Of Bachata)
Tired of Being Beheaded? Hate seeing your head in other faction's walls or thrones.
Hi Yankee here, what has come to my thought and from others opinions I am bringing up the idea of having a trait called Beheading Immune. Some people like my self are tired of always getting beheaded by another player and even if your not premium you don't get the chance to behead anyone. So this trait will give people a immunity like what Harm Immune or ArmorpenImmune do to you. I think the trait shouldn't be that pricey maybe 50 to 75 points at most but I'm not staff or anything so I dont make the last call. So I would like to hear anyone else's opinion of my suggestions.
Shoutout to @Joshy54100 from helping me broadcast the Idea.
Long Live Caesar!!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Tired of Being Beheaded? Hate seeing your head in other faction's walls or thrones.
Hi Yankee here, what has come to my thought and from others opinions I am bringing up the idea of having a trait called Beheading Immune. Some people like my self are tired of always getting beheaded by another player and even if your not premium you don't get the chance to behead anyone. So this trait will give people a immunity like what Harm Immune or ArmorpenImmune do to you. I think the trait shouldn't be that pricey maybe 50 to 75 points at most but I'm not staff or anything so I dont make the last call. So I would like to hear anyone else's opinion of my suggestions.
Shoutout to @Joshy54100 from helping me broadcast the Idea.
Long Live Caesar!!
It would make less room for other traits if you are a real stickler about loseing heads, I approve.
Almost no one knows who I am anyways so I don't see my head....

-looks through future posts about people having my head and aggressively rates Yankee's idea agree-
I find it fun acquiring a enemy's head... I think its a fun aspect of the game that has some competition in it, y'know, who has the most heads of [Name]. I don't know, some people like the idea, but I personally don't. I hope that this trait doesn't get added in...
I enjoy getting enemy heads :)

Edit: I would be open to this idea if it was worth 100 trait points.
You could always do what I did and run your head value into that of a dirt block.

Hard to be proud of having a head when they get sold for 6r in trade chat.
I like this idea, though I doubt I'll ever use it. Anyone who can kill me can have my head, its not exactly something to be proud of, killing lil'ol'me.
You could get behead immune, or you could just not die in PVP. It works for me.
Ehe. I doubt anyone has my head. x'3 OH GOD THAT MAKES IT RARE SHOOOOT. -Hides-

Idk, I'm not overly concerned if someone were to acquire my head. I kinda like the idea of someone finding my head to be valuable enough to mount it on the wall ou o Though, like Mecharic admitted before me, I'm painfully easy to kill. Having my head isn't any real accomplishment in the least x3
The only people with my head are the people I sold it to for a quick regal. I have no issue with it. Never get killed because I live underground. #PerksAboutBeingADwarf
I like this idea, though I doubt I'll ever use it. Anyone who can kill me can have my head, its not exactly something to be proud of, killing lil'ol'me.
Wanna fight in bluered arena a few times? :3

Also, I personally am against this being added, because it is one of the only rewards for killing a pacifist true premium/someonewhose drops are worthless.
Tired of Being Beheaded? Hate seeing your head in other faction's walls or thrones.
Hi Yankee here, what has come to my thought and from others opinions I am bringing up the idea of having a trait called Beheading Immune. Some people like my self are tired of always getting beheaded by another player and even if your not premium you don't get the chance to behead anyone. So this trait will give people a immunity like what Harm Immune or ArmorpenImmune do to you. I think the trait shouldn't be that pricey maybe 50 to 75 points at most but I'm not staff or anything so I dont make the last call. So I would like to hear anyone else's opinion of my suggestions.
Shoutout to @Joshy54100 from helping me broadcast the Idea.
Long Live Caesar!!
It's a great idea, except one thing. It should be called Iron Neck.
I personally wouldn't use this, but I support it. It's a very useless trait unless you absolutely hate being beheaded, but that's why it's interesting to add, since maybe just a few people would use it.
I won't use this, but if you can find more than 15 people who will I'll support it.
-Doesn't ever pvp, like ever, except for once but that was once-
I will probably use I when not in combat. Yes I'm a bit paranoid about people having my head.
I'd think it'd be nice, because if someone /really/ does not want to see there head sold/on walls, they could have that trait. 50-100 points would be good, your other traits better be awesome with this dead weight of a trait in PvP. (Not saying it's a bad idea, it's a great idea.)
While I understand the sentiment of not wanting your head glorified around enemy factions, implementing a beheading immune trait kinda makes this distinctive feature for premium a bit null.
You could always do what I did and run your head value into that of a dirt block.

Hard to be proud of having a head when they get sold for 6r in trade chat.
Yep, I've played boop so many times my head is worthless. Not like anybody wants it anyways. xD
Ehe. I doubt anyone has my head. x'3 OH GOD THAT MAKES IT RARE SHOOOOT. -Hides-

Idk, I'm not overly concerned if someone were to acquire my head. I kinda like the idea of someone finding my head to be valuable enough to mount it on the wall ou o Though, like Mecharic admitted before me, I'm painfully easy to kill. Having my head isn't any real accomplishment in the least x3
same here... my PVP wings were clipped when my 2ND hard drive on my PC gave out T_T 2FPS during PVP is amazing!
Is much fun getting beheaded. What with all the gore and such.
...I no support.
Perhaps the trait could be prem only? :)
Usually it's premiums that are out and PVP'ing, I wouldn't quite think it would go well on the premiums, those are the most competitive heads VS Non premiums who don't even try like me.
My player head would probably be worth absolutely nothing, unless people actually valued me.

I would kind of agree to this, because it stops lots of bragging, hostility, and people amusing other people who are easily amused.
However, that's what gives it the fun. If you truly take pride in your own face, you would get it back by hitting that guy straight on, or even pay him back to get your own head.
That adds a very decent aspect to PVP that doesn't even take place during battle.

Oh, and if you don't want people bragging about your player head, what I do on other servers is make them think it's completely worthless, so they won't value it so much, and by actually putting a lower value on it yourself, you don't have to worry about spending all these materials just to get your single head back, so they might actually just put it in a corner, and you save yourself from using all of these expensive materials just to get it back.