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Beggar's Seeking Actors [ The Telikos Beggars Hosting A Play ]


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
Notices would be posted around the slums and some of the less reputable sections of the city, in alleys and the sort, one even finding its way to the tree outside the Willow.

Greetings denizens of the City and Slums! I am Cadent.
We, The Telikos Beggars, are going to be hosting a play within the next 3 weeks, and are seeking able participants! Any with aspirations for acting and performance, or simply want to have a laugh, are welcome to audition! We welcome the opportunity to
acquaint ourselves with you and your talents, for the enjoyment of all. In times like this, we all need some laughter after all. This play will be heavily satirical, in the
stylings of the old Rat King's plays. If you never had the pleasure of attending one,
I assure you, it will be a treat.

Send your letters to the Beggar's Tower, on the Southeast wall of the Slums.

@ A A Beggar Sigil.png

(AKA Start a forums convo with me if you want in, it will be on the 22nd ish, at 6-8 PM EST roughly, any time around then, since I have work.)

Tags @ Random Gang people:
@Fenlee @Sozzer @VaguelyBagley @TheBioverse @Ampers07 @Wumpatron @SilentEndurance @Aespair @MonMarty @Jouster @Patsie @Miss_Confined @TheLimpet @Beetletoes @KiddingAround @Creamiest @Halivenne @Lazzulai @GryffindorGirl13 @PrinceofKnaves @Dougstalicious @Goldifish @ShipIt @NerdyFoot (Feel free to tag anyone below or share it)
Dear Cadent,
I wish to formally audition for the part of Justinian I