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Played Character Beaumont Delahoussaye

This character is actively played.


Local Bread Provider
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
A small rickety wooden cart, on it's way to Helgen
Character Information
Full Name: Beaumont Obraive-Regalois Vin Coeur Delahoussaye Renard de Rougebassin
Heritage / Culture: Ithanian Ailor
Age: 32
Gender / Pronouns: He/They
Occult: Void Mage; Vintgast Fledgling Vampire

Core Concept
A secretive rogue and avid partygoer, Beaumont enjoys the hustle and bustle of feasts and festivities alike, both to introduce his latest vintages to the world and, in a similar fashion, introduce himself to the fine vintage of any unsuspecting attendees. He cares little for the grand schemes of covens and such, choosing a more laid-back approach to life beneficial to him and his lifestyle alone.

Appearance Information

Standing at 6'1, Beaumont has forgone muscle for a more lithe and athletic build with a more slender but well-defined physique. He often sports elegant fabrics in red and dark hues, and keeps his hair long and flowing well past his shoulders. His grey eyes have a thin, red line underneath, providing some semblance of color on an otherwise pale face.

Combat Style

Spy; Dexterity Attack Stat, Wisdom Defense Stat.

Hobbies & Talents

Alchemy Hobby


Strength: 0
Constitution: 0

Familiar Disrupt Pack (Ailor Pack)
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 5

Chem Point Buy:
Chem Feeding (Free Pack)
Chem Hyperfocus
Technique Parry
Chem Purge
Chem Bloodboil
Chem Mend
Dexterity: 7
Cutthroat Point Buy:
Cutthroat Stance (Free Stance)
Cutthroat Backstab
Cutthroat Dodge
Cutthroat Reversal
Cutthroat Flank
Cutthroat Evasion
Cutthroat Flash
Cutthroat Tears
Faith: 0
Magic: 2

Magic Isolate
Magic Summon
Magic Revenge (Free Ailor Pack)



Life Story / Plot Hooks

Born within the townscape of Rougebassin, Beaumont was surrounded by distilleries, vineyards and mansions from the get-go; born within a well-off family that had all but solidified themselves as expert winemakers, producers of some of the finest vintages within the local area. Beaumont, alongside his brother and sisters, would be inducted into this generations-old tradition by his parents and grandparents alike.

Beaumont found joy within the lifestyle he was ushered into, though grew resentful over the years due to a lack of success and praise in comparison to his far more successful siblings. His self-produced wines never matched the quality of his elder sister, nor did he introduce the wide assortment of flavors that were courtesy of his brother.

Under the guise of a sales trip did Beaumont depart from home for an extended time, hopeful to find a way, whether through tome or through tutor, to improve himself past his limits. He found his way within a secluded winery far from civilized lands, belonging to a self-proclaimed wine expert. He was willing to teach Beaumont, though would only do so under agreement that Beaumont spoke not of the methodology used to anyone. An agreeable request, at least to the Ithanian, and soon his teaching began.

His mentor taught him many things, though still, Beaumont was unsated. In the deepest blackness of the night did he infiltrate the winemaker's basement, with the knowledge that he stored his finest vintages within the darkest recesses of the underground structure. Within, he found, uncorked, and drank from a bottle that contained not wine, but the blood of Vintgast.

Whether his mentor had left it there for him to find, he would never know; nor would he dare to ask. He thanked him all the same, paid for his tutelage, and departed for new grounds soon thereafter. Beaumont spent years mingling with the Ithanians, both commoner and aristocrat alike, and with a newfound talent for the art that he had so desperately wished to perfect, he was finally content.

In recent times, he has once more set sail towards new horizons; on the hunt for one aristocrat in particular who he had hit it off with particularly well, who he believed to have pinpointed within Regalia.