Archived Basic Improvement Idea For Raids

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Aug 18, 2016
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the nearest concert
So I don't know hardly anything about coding and this idea isn't very developed, but I kinda like it so maybe this will get it going. Basically, TNT is enabled to be used in raids, but the destroyed walls and such regenerate/restore after a set time. This would make raids not only more interesting, with people using TNT cannons and other red stone devices to set up attacks, but it would also encourage more people to raid, because really, a lot of people would want to blow up the entire base of someone they didn't like with TNT, even though it would come back later. Also, it would make raids more like actual medieval combat, meaning heavily armored knights/warriors/whatever wouldn't be stopped by a dirt wall or a window or something like that. That's basically it, I'm not much of a PvPer (because I'm trash at it) so don't hate or be salty and stuff. Uh...I'll tag some PvPers --
@Tokugawryuu @jquaile @morrc5 @shinbun @ViolentViolette @Kidmodo @Sevak @Nekoii @Chappers65 @jes_
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So regeneration is a good compromise to having some walls destroyed.. however what about chests?
So I don't know hardly anything about coding and this idea isn't very developed, but I kinda like it so maybe this will get it going. Basically, TNT is enabled to be used in raids, but the destroyed walls and such regenerate/restore after a set time. This would make raids not only more interesting, with people using TNT cannons and other red stone devices to set up attacks, but it would also encourage more people to raid, because really, a lot of people would want to blow up the entire base of someone they didn't like with TNT, even though it would come back later. Also, it would make raids more like actual medieval combat, meaning heavily armored knights/warriors/whatever wouldn't be stopped by a dirt wall or a window or something like that. That's basically it, I'm not much of a PvPer (because I'm trash at it) so don't hate or be salty and stuff. Uh...I'll tag some PvPers --
@Tokugawryuu @jquaile @morrc5 @shinbun @ViolentViolette @Kidmodo @Sevak @Nekoii @Chappers65 @jes_
This is actually a pretty cool idea that's been suggested and ignored multiple times. I'm assuming it would cause a good amount of lag though so it's probably unlikely to happen but it's a good thought
So regeneration is a good compromise to having some walls destroyed.. however what about chests?
I'm sure there's a way to make it avoid chests
I don't know much about coding but I'd bet there is a way to keep it from breaking chests...of course, someone might abuse this and build walls out of chests.
This is actually a pretty cool idea that's been suggested and ignored multiple times. I'm assuming it would cause a good amount of lag though so it's probably unlikely to happen but it's a good thought

I'm sure there's a way to make it avoid chests
The lag thing is a good point, maybe it could be like a Koth where it's enabled like once a week or whenever they do Koths? Idk.
I don't know much about coding but I'd bet there is a way to keep it from breaking chests...of course, someone might abuse this and build walls out of chests.

The lag thing is a good point, maybe it could be like a Koth where it's enabled like once a week or whenever they do Koths? Idk.
Idk really. There's also not a lot the server can do in terms of coding at the moment so this may be something that'd have to get put off for a long time even if they approve it
The idea is pretty cool in concept but you have to look at it from all extremes. People would use this for trolling or griefing purposes as well. Sure it regenerates back but you're essentially giving defenders a reason to just flat out leave the factions world. If walls won't keep them safe, they'll just teleport out. Atleast for the most part defenders can have time to prepare before they start a counter attack but this way you can just completely remove their number one advantage.

Plus considering the amount of coding required here. I don't want to think about the eventual possibility of bugs and things not regenerating.
Also, TNT tends to cause a crazy amount of lag during block destruction. That's the last thing factions world needs.


I'd recommend temporary build access(20sec-2mins and exempting rare blocks or atleast blocks destroyed by this won't drop) that can be activated once a day by a faction. This faction can then use this build access to get through a few walls, but not all of them. Completely minimizing destruction and causing no lag. Still giving defenders a chance to run around and grab things, maybe even seal off the holes since they won't be TnT sized.

I still don't really like the idea. But maybe it'll point you in the right direction for a better solution.
To get around lag...

  1. Disable redstone activating tnt. This will also discourage those giant redstone cannon things.
  2. Put a cooldown on activating tnt with a flame bow/flint and steel. like 3+ minutes to light a single piece. It might activate three or four others, but the server should be able to handle that with no problem.
  3. If needed/possible, put a limit on the size of a chain reaction.
Seems like a decent compromise to me, and I am 100% in favor of the OP.

As for chests, just make it so they can't be blown up (not at all hard) and make it illegal to have entire walls of chests for that purpose (like used to be done back when lockette was used rather than lwc/massivelock).
The idea is pretty cool in concept but you have to look at it from all extremes. People would use this for trolling or griefing purposes as well. Sure it regenerates back but you're essentially giving defenders a reason to just flat out leave the factions world. If walls won't keep them safe, they'll just teleport out. Atleast for the most part defenders can have time to prepare before they start a counter attack but this way you can just completely remove their number one advantage.

Plus considering the amount of coding required here. I don't want to think about the eventual possibility of bugs and things not regenerating.
Also, TNT tends to cause a crazy amount of lag during block destruction. That's the last thing factions world needs.


I'd recommend temporary build access(20sec-2mins and exempting rare blocks or atleast blocks destroyed by this won't drop) that can be activated once a day by a faction. This faction can then use this build access to get through a few walls, but not all of them. Completely minimizing destruction and causing no lag. Still giving defenders a chance to run around and grab things, maybe even seal off the holes since they won't be TnT sized.

I still don't really like the idea. But maybe it'll point you in the right direction for a better solution.
I like it
To get around lag...

  1. Disable redstone activating tnt. This will also discourage those giant redstone cannon things.
  2. Put a cooldown on activating tnt with a flame bow/flint and steel. like 3+ minutes to light a single piece. It might activate three or four others, but the server should be able to handle that with no problem.
  3. If needed/possible, put a limit on the size of a chain reaction.
Seems like a decent compromise to me, and I am 100% in favor of the OP.

As for chests, just make it so they can't be blown up (not at all hard) and make it illegal to have entire walls of chests for that purpose (like used to be done back when lockette was used rather than lwc/massivelock).
glad you like it (i know these respondes were super brief but i'm busy atm )
The way I'm assuming this idea would work is that certain blocks would be stronger then others, for instance obsidian>>cobble or the cannons would only break x amount of layers of x block. This would be a huge problem because you would start to see a bunch of multiple layered obsidian or cobble boxes around the faction worlds in order to deter raiders
The way I'm assuming this idea would work is that certain blocks would be stronger then others, for instance obsidian>>cobble or the cannons would only break x amount of layers of x block. This would be a huge problem because you would start to see a bunch of multiple layered obsidian or cobble boxes around the faction worlds in order to deter raiders
Those are illegal as per building rules so it wouldn't really matter.
If you can't get through walls, how on earth are you supposed to raid anyways? Can't factions just put up a fence around anything vaguely important and keep everyone and everything out?
Yep, which is why this is a good idea, lol.

I think there's probably more to it than that... I find it hard to believe that a raiding system would allow insurmountable protection from a fence and a sign that says "MY STUFF DONUT STEEL" or there would have been more people complaining about it by now.
To get around lag...
So regeneration is a good compromise to having some walls destroyed.. however what about chests?
Basically, TNT is enabled to be used in raids, but the destroyed walls and such regenerate/restore after a set time. This would make raids not only more interesting, with people using TNT cannons and other red stone devices to set up attacks, but it would also encourage more people to raid, because really, a lot of people would want to blow up the entire base of someone they didn't like with TNT, even though it would come back later.
My Solution:
You could implement a server-wide mandate, stating that all bases must have an entry point via porticullus gates, doors, or trapdoors. Then after that, you could implement a lockpicking pluggin. Making it so a player does /lockpick then hits a door, trapdoor, lever, or chest. A successful lockpick gives a minute of temporary access. This way nobody has to deal with the aftermath (Lag) of TnT and regen. Also this would make raiding better than just killing people for loot. It'd let you take their stuff. Which is how it should be.

Even if this feature is implemented for just Doors and levers, it'd still make raiding way better.
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My Solution:
You could implement a server-wide mandate, stating that all bases must have an entry point via porticullus gates, doors, or trapdoors. Then after that, you could implement a lockpicking pluggin. Making it so a player does /lockpick then hits a door, trapdoor, lever, or chest. A successful lockpick gives a minute of temporary access. This way nobody has to deal with the aftermath (Lag) of TnT and regen. Also this would make raiding better than just killing people for loot. It'd let you take their stuff. Which is how it should be.

Even if this feature is implemented for just Doors and levers, it'd still make raiding way better.
Will the /lockpick command only be available when raiding enemy factions. If not, couldn't the command be abused? Someone could easily steal loot from their allies or truced factions.
Players should be allowed to steal, regardless relation. I do also think that players should be able to buy better locks. Novice, Adept, Expert, Master, and Legendary. Generally, your most important stuff should be kept in your /bp and Enderchest. If you have so much stuff that you need more space, you deserved to get robbed.

However, knowing this community, and the stance on theft. I only see a /lockpick command being enabled for doors, trapdoors, and levers (Not chests) with a fee per usage.
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That's a lot of code, pokyug. I agree with your idea but at the very least it should start out as just "you can pick doors with /lockpick, which breaks the lock on the door." They'd have to replace the door later, but it's a lot easier to code than the rest of it and is a good starting point for a proof-of-concept.
This feature would require a significant amount of coding and may be too abuseable. There seem to be quite a few conflicting opinions in regards to this topic. This, along with the time it would take Tech staff to implement such a feature - the positives do not outweigh the negatives. At this time I will reject this feature suggestion and will review more recent similar suggestions for raiding features.
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