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Baldewin Braunschweiger's Final Prayer - The Death Of Baldewin


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score




Correctly labeled: "NONFICTION" within the Truth Ministry's library, was a letter wielding Baldewin's last words before death. The letter was stamped and labeled on the outside:

"Baldewin Braunschweiger's Final Prayer"

"We must be brave. Lady Ness, forgive our sins and bring the lost into your arms, so that we may feel warmth and mercy. Almar, bring justice to the unjust, and reveal our hearts in their honesty. Vess, liberate us in spirit even as our bodies fail us, so that we will not be imprisoned for all time. Elen, be fair in your judgment and be sure that our destiny is with the Everwatcher. Emperor Alexander, wherever you may be, allow your compassion to those whose hearts have denied it for so long.


... Theomar, bring your guidance and leadership to the generations who will follow us, and I pray that my devotion was enough. Holiest Everwatcher, I hope your glory shall be known in every corner of the world, even after I am no longer here to spread your word.

... Tell my niece I am sorry, and tell my family that I have always loved them."


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