Character Information
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- Full Name: Balíá Nova Estradas Salas
- Heritage / Culture: Tierravera Ailor
- Age: 25
- Gender / Pronouns: Female (She / Her)
- Occult: N/A
A young adult committed to her upstart into the art of Perfuming. Balía is a worshiper of Unionism, specifically Mother Gods Ness and Eora, who intends to utilize her skills by replicating fragrances, utilizing Olfactories and memories to heal what has been lost.

Appearance Information
Balía Salas is a Tierraveran woman, standing at 5'6 and a half, dripping in silver. It is abnormal for her to be seen otherwise as silver isn't an accent for Balíá, whereas florals, tans, pinks and whites are. She is often seen sporting pink wimples or hennins that are veiled in warm toned Hibiscus flowers, keeping otherwise shaggy hair free from her face. Her style is often refined and modest with an excessive amount of accessories to distract from her prosthetic hand. Her features are soft and rounded, but most noticeably, Balía has a darker vermillion border, making her lips naturally lined.

- Combat Style
- Chembomber
- Hobbies and Talents
- Alchemy Hobby
Proficiencies Point Buy: 8/14
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- Strength: 0
- Constitution: 0
- Intelligence: 2
- Mindcontrol Pack
- Wardrobe Pack
- Wisdom: 6
- Chem Bolts
- Chem Hyperfocus
- Chem Cleanse
- Chem Revive
- Chem Bang
- Chem Mend
- Dexterity: 0
- Faith: 0
- Magic: 0
- Languages
- Common
- Droque
- d'Ithanie
Life Story / Plot Hooks
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