Preserved Sheet Ayumi Xie

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❤  ;  sεrεηdιριtч
Mar 2, 2014
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( ♕ )  mιthrιℓ

She was a freckled angel, with the heart of a rabbit and eyes like sweet honey.

Tнεмε мυsιc | ۞ |




๖ۣۜ Ayumi Meixiang Xie "Madame Doctor" is a 55 year old female Talar Nelfin and Ch'ien-Ji half-breed.

๖ۣۜ On the fifth date of the fourth month, at dawn, Ayumi was born a bastard to Sachiko Jinghua Xie and Garost Talsumé in the poor district of Regalia. Coddled in the protective embrace of her lonesome mother, she acquired no siblings, and was never familiar with extended relatives. Both parents are now deceased; at the beginning of 253 AC, Garost fell victim to an opiate overdose due to profound addictive, and furthermore, suicidal tendencies. Many years following, Sachiko passed in 265 AC after becoming ill with tuberculosis, an ailment that was considered neither identifiable nor treatable.

๖ۣۜ Regalia has always been Ayumi's true home. At the current moment, she resides in a furnished house situated at the Highpass District, and owns a clinic and embalming shoppe nearing the Golden Willow Tavern that is sufficient for serving as a makeshift sanctuary on rare occasions. Otherwise, she sometimes seeks refuge at a peaceful Fendarfell village known as Sylvan, where she can be found relaxing within the mellow confines of a cozy cottage.

๖ۣۜ Ayumi's ambitions are to become a more proficient Healing Light mage, and to increase her competence and knowledge as a doctor. A beckoning desire to cure the afflicted and cease the enigma surrounding the most threatening and excruciating of misery in others ensues her current studies to concentrate explicitly on consulting means to further improve the finesse which her magic bestows. Since the rude awakening of her mother's death, Ayumi also began wishing to devise an analysis of bronchial infections, in hopes of perhaps finding a viable remedy for the disease that, unfortunately, ended in a beloved relative's demise.



B ody D εscriptiσn

๖ۣۜ Standing at 5'2" and weighing approximately 98 pounds, Ayumi is a rather petite lass, exhibiting a delicate figure and a feeble appearance, like that of a fragile little doll. Her height often rouses confusion which causes her to be mistaken for an adolescent, appraising the assumed semblance of a pure Nelfin at first glance. Diminutive in its choate shape, her abdomen is flat and proclaims no obvious signs of apparent muscle or excess fat. A slight curve upon her torso morphs into slim waist, migrating anent a gap of the thighs and a modest knock-knee formation comprising her sylphlike legs, its roots arising from an inborn distortion diagnosed as genu valgum. Absent of immense salient existence in itself, this eccentric malformation distributes no confirmation of foisting any malaise nor drastic maneuvering restrictions, other than the simple verity that she is unable to properly straighten her legs to an absolute extent. Neither a routine of accustomed exercise nor inherent strength is discernible; arranging the facade of a skeletal build, slender arms and frail ankles further validate her vulnerable state of physical weakness.

๖ۣۜ The tone of Ayumi's flesh is a pale pigment, containing a vague hue of a flourishing, olive sun-kissed. Preserving a smooth texture to it, she uses herbal ingredients and oils producing moisturizing attributes to dowse her skin during baths. She has multiple freckles scattered across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose; the messy speckling spreads in a haphazard pattern, adorning her shoulders, scapulae, and clavicles, whilst a roseate blush accentuates her generally pallid countenance. Avoiding aggressive circumstances leaves her anatomy mostly null of scarring, excepting a few barely noticeable burn cicatrices wreathing the soles of her feet as the aftermath of a past accident. Bruises or abrasions are esteemed rarities, usually eliminated using the succor of domestic remedies, though one may seldom perceive a lesser splotch of mauve wreaked from the abrupt impact of collapsing when undergoing magical fatigue. Her fingernails are left unpainted and clipped to an adequate length, peering a centimeter past the fingertips whilst revealing pastel crescents of lunulae abreast pristine cuticles. A scarlet discoloration tarnishing her palms is not an anomalous exposure, triggered due to casting flawed magic, though the rash declines several hours after completing a ritual.

๖ۣۜ Remaining almost void of hair, omitting the eyelashes, eyebrows, and scalp, she uses various cream substances and razor-edge knives to remove most obnoxious hair follicles from her figure on a regular basis.
H εαd D εscriptiσn

๖ۣۜ Almost a bit childish looking, an impression derived due to holding a relatively round contour, her face is distinguished through the presence of a short, button nose, ample doe eyes, and cute, apple cheekbones that rest high upon her visage. She has small lips displaying a daintily plump facet, whittling themselves in somewhat of an innocent or pouting expression without deliberate intent. A jawline deficient in any genre of acute prominence fades fluently into a dulcet chin, that of which demurs to bulge outward boldly nor falter from its narrow physique. Two elongated ears protrude from her skull, pointed by just a paltry breadth in comparison to the folk of her kin. In contempt of abiding by a fraught lifestyle, she, as a young woman, falls remarkably vacant of wrinkles or unattractive blemishes, flaunting none other than a youthful image.

๖ۣۜ Ayumi's irises divulge a serene and solacing shade of golden, honored by twinkling gleams that illumine the lustrous hues of honeyed tinges; thus, conveying an advent of curiosity within the glistening orbs. As if demonstrating albinism, a verging white chroma graces her frangible lashes, presenting a fair tint akin to her hair. The ocular locus simulates fair health; however, at times, darkened and groggy undertones become pronounced beneath the lower lids, instigated as a consequence of magical exhaustion or obstinate studying. A gentle, yet jubilant smile eases naturally upon her supple lips, proposing an implication of utmost friendliness; perhaps, even hinting at a timid sentiment, depending on the contemporary happenings. Looking upon a tormented creature causes her expression to avow condolence, determined through a sympathetic frown, in company with brows which furrow worriedly whenever she fathoms a concerning coincidence.

๖ۣۜ Ayumi's hair is a light, platinum blonde color, consisting of an exiguous tinge similar to beige. Harmonizing imaginatively with the fluff of a chinchilla, she often strokes it using brushes or combs, a habit resulting in nourishing it to the softest of textures. The long, luxurious locks tumble to the upper-thigh region, kempt free-flowing and maintaining a subtle waviness that swirls into an evolution of delicate ringlets at the ends. A garland of loose braids embellish each side of her head, connecting at the back of the scalp before weaving together. Befringed bangs impel towards the sinistral side of her forehead, halting just above the hollows of the eyelids, whilst a shorter layer of wispy strands frame her cherubic facial features in an aspect of perfection.

๖ۣۜ Ayumi wears an intricate, golden cuff perched along the uppermost cartilage of her right ear, a petty ornament which she believes compliments the curved silhouette quite nicely.
C lothing & A ccessories

๖ۣۜ Ayumi's attire resembles a generic miko uniform. Woven from cotton and silken linens, the girl's choice of blouse is a white, long-sleeved haori, its layers tucked and folded in a fitted fashion. Vermilion sashes attached to four golden, chiming bells adorn the sleeves. Hoisted an inch underneath her bust is a pleated skirt, colored as a vivid tinge of maroon; equivalent in design to a feminine hakama, minus the customary representation of asunder legs, the thin fabric descends to her ankles, advising her to raise the hem of the garment to avert tripping whilst travelling on foot. A scarlet obi tied unto her waist secures the wardrobe. Upon her feet, Ayumi seeks contentment in plain, black slipper shoes; she formerly roamed barefooted, but her recently scarred dermis has since turned inordinately receptive. Amidst cold atmospheres, she is ofttimes recognized swathed beneath a bole cloak, decorated around the hood and the diverge in a trim of velutinous, auburn wolf pelt.

๖ۣۜ Laced gracefully throughout the twisting plaits of her hairstyle, she dons ribbons tailored from cerise or ivory satin, as well as a pair of dusty rose beads affixed to the locks caressing her florid cheeks.

A mage collar never ceases to envelop her throat, its tightened grasp prohibiting removal; the accessory looks to be made of a metal resembling gold, rotated backwards out of resentment to position the lapis lazuli gemstone upon the nape of her neck.



P ersonality T raits

๖ۣۜ Kind-hearted - Ayumi is a person of a cheerful nature, behaving in a playful and sociable demeanor apropos of almost anyone. She expresses a polite mannerism, hoping to remain on the good side of her peers and elude inciting negative terms. Often comforting those that experience inconvenient situations, she is caring towards others, sacrificing resources to cater to the forlorn. Her refusal to sanction patients or loved ones to tolerate grief lures her into knowingly exerting herself, thus, confirming to be a favorable trait as well as a lapse.

๖ۣۜ Trustworthy - As a girl that supports basic morals, Ayumi assists those whom she deems friends or acquaintances. She is loyal to whoever returns the favor, and with an occupation that entails relying on her to assure survival, it is presumed that she should also be trusted to retain a secret by request. Honesty is a virtue that she associates with significant importance, though she may subtly hide certain information if it could cost the life of herself or someone that she cares for.

๖ۣۜ Peaceful - Ayumi yearns for concord, to eliminate all kinds of prejudice and savage bloodshed. She is reasonably talented at maintaining a pacifist stance during an argument, refusing to scorn another in disrespect, even after sustaining an insult. Not one to act based off of hate or malice, she offers apologies after evoking disturbances, and instead of harassing others, prefers to avoid whomever she might despise. Subtle irritation is patent during stressful circumstances, but she is otherwise a calm and quiet person. Despite this, upsetting her constitutes no difficulties, and while she is one to forgive rather than to hold a grudge, cheering her up after she has been wronged is not an obligation performed at ease. Not only is she physically sensitive, she can be emotionally fragile as well, even the meaningless of ill-mannered comments spoiling her mood.

๖ۣۜ Optimistic - Ayumi reckons an elating spirit. Contrary of popular assumptions, such a mindset does not necessarily indicate insinuations of an incapable prospect whilst dissecting realism, nor differentiating between sensible and impractical cases. Being the bearer of bad news is not a role that she rejoices in contributing to; she finds it much more encouraging for herself and those present to maintain a primarily positive stance about things.

๖ۣۜ Meek - It is no surprise that Ayumi vindicates a submissive persona, a foible evident in her ordinary etiquette. Hesitant to propose an opinion, she communicates in a muted tone of voice and tends to enable people to lecture her in an insolent manner. Obviously not one of bravery, she cowers amidst riots and bites her tongue to eschew trouble, stemmed from the fear of tholing sabotage as a repercussion. Nonetheless, she fosters an inner temptation to protect those unable to do so themselves. Concerning intimidating strangers, a prone temperament conducts shyness; she has developed a minor form of anxiety that abets the quirk of nervous giggling, fidgeting fingertips, a lowly stutter, and struggling to create optical contact, though it is usually not arduous for her to warm up to others.

๖ۣۜ Naive - Raised as a sheltered child, she lacks understanding and wisdom of the world. Territories outside of the scant places which she has resided are foreign to her, and she is oblivious to events that occurred throughout society during her isolation. Most of her childhood and adolescence consisted of learning under home restricted tutoring, implying meager teachings against the merit of scholars. While she is aware of speaking coherent Common Tongue and coordinating decent grammatical comprehension, her overt education lies within medicine. In addition to her ignorance, she is susceptible to mental manipulation, often having trouble distinguishing scams from genuine statements.

๖ۣۜ Absent-minded - Quite a troublesome trait, Ayumi rues a crippling inclination of memory loss. She tends to be deficit in attentive responses during particular moments, her visual concentration dwindling at a gradual pace from whoever is conversing and elsewhere into the distance, regardless of whether she is continuing to listen. A girl kindred to a daydreamer, she is likely to become a dupe of dazing; though it is not, to a substantial measure, problematic to attract her attention once more and awaken her from these desultory trances.

๖ۣۜ Sympathetic - Most interpret propitious qualities in such an altruistic philosophy, but lamentably, vicarious thinking brings forth equal potential to arouse complications. Ayumi's forgiveness may become a hindrance to the courtesy of either herself or others; asserting distasteful reactions concerning the issue of another being abused, even if the mistreatment is deserved as a punishment, she is unable to help but feel an ounce of pity whilst witnessing anguish. Reluctance emerges if she is suggested to harm someone out of defense, a plight that could easily be a plausible jeopardy to her own well-being.
L ikes

๖ۣۜ Fauna - Reckoning them cute and suitable as some of the best companions, Ayumi adores animals, preferring to associate amongst the critters. She favors domestic felines, the sight of one urging her to emit an admiring squeal and approach it for petting. These feelings seem to be mutual, innocent beasts appreciating Ayumi's presence alike, perhaps due to her gentle and tender-hearted nature. Nothing to fear; she would not dare to harm them.

๖ۣۜ Roses - Ayumi's favorite genus of florae; she has always taken a liking to the beautiful creatures, relishing their charming fragrance and elegant design. Ones blooming pink or amber flush petals acquire an instantaneous affection.

๖ۣۜ Music boxes - Educing reminders of nonage, the pleasant sound of the lovely instrument's melodious tune relaxed and created a soothing influence for the insomnia that once beset her. Listening to one in the present day initiates nostalgia, thus provoking emotions of both comfort and mourning.

๖ۣۜ Deformities - Throughout a life of encountering a plethora of different maladies, a copious share of obscure disabilities had grasped the young doctor's attention; in particular, abnormal imperfections suffered since birth amongst the less fortunate. Upon realizing standard ignorance and reluctant attitudes in other physicians, Ayumi developed an impulse to research these strange defects in hopes of discovering a cure to recondition the damage that, in actuality, torments more children and adults alike than one would believe. Strikingly eerie for such a blissful girl, she collects limbs and organs that she has extracted via surgeries and amputations, maintaining careful preservation for the purpose of accurate references in medical studies.

๖ۣۜ Alcohol - Fond of its saccharine taste, Ayumi has an interesting penchant for alcoholic beverages, preferring Honey Mead or various sweet ales. Intoxication promotes frivolity and giddiness rather than vulgarities or mindless hollering. Despite the enjoyment of liquor, she chooses to drink at a minimal degree, for the sake of safety and taking discretion in its cons.

๖ۣۜ Cooking - While she might not be the most experienced in comparison to others, Ayumi still manages to possess a requisite amount of knowledge regarding the execution of pastries, preparing foods such as soups and stews, and brewing medicinal teas. Syrups are fermented and prescribed to ailing patients, the herbs and spices infused throughout the liquefied remedies curing a variety of burdens, ranging from fevers, poisons, bruising and swelling, and alleviating pain. Both an essential and entertaining avocation, whenever she musters enough time to accomplish rendering a recipe.
D islikes

๖ۣۜ Bugs - Nothing more than pests that haul disease and inflict itching bites or stings. Ayumi prefers not to approach the bothersome creatures, skin crawling at the glimpse of one. Mekett motivate vigilance, but are not shunned, unless it becomes their choice to misbehave.

๖ۣۜ Violence - Watching others enduring abuse is something that she despises; be it physical or verbal fighting, she cannot bear to tolerate harm done to the innocent. Attributable to a peaceful sentiment, she finds it difficult to cause pain or damage to another individual, even if the situation might beckon for a cruel outcome. She cringes in disgust at gruesome incidents involving torture or brutal beatings, enkindling revolting vibes of literal nausea.

๖ۣۜ Liars - Ayumi harbors a strong dislike for purposefully hidden truths. She considers herself to be a devoted and accepting person, and deliberate lies or broken promises prompt hurt feelings. Disappointment or betrayal are not enjoyable emotions; she approves of those that keep their word, and knowing she can trust them faithfully.

๖ۣۜ Heights - A conspicuous phobia, Ayumi is unable to stay too close to the railings of balconies or bridges without shuddering and recoiling backward. Loitering in an elevated altitude for longer than she is comfortable imposes the chance of panic attacks, leaving her nothing more than a petrified, trembling little maiden.

๖ۣۜ Opium - Its addictive grasp having been the downfall of her father, Ayumi blames the perilous substance for the absence of paternal parenting throughout her life. She occasionally uses opiates during certain medical procedures if necessary, though she is not fond of doing so; informed of the side effects induced from imprudent consumption, she fears that the patients, or perhaps even herself could become victim to its habitual problems. Ayumi refuses to risk ingesting opium, and tries shunning its usage on the afflicted as much as possible.

๖ۣۜ Lapis lazuli - Several months of imprisonment and neglect whilst locked in a jail of nothing other than azure barriers causes one to develop a hatred. Churning sensations of abhorrence arise within her gut at the mere sight of lapis, eliciting memories of her arrest and traumatizing experiences inside of the Regalian College. Sorrowful tears welling in her ducts each time she looked in the mirror, bound to stare upon the blue stone that intruded her vision for a long and stressful period, the mage collar clasped around her throat has been adjusted and reversed during a tantrum ensued after being released. Fearful of its restraints on magical thresholds, Ayumi protests performing healing whilst the ore is existing in the environment, wary that its obstructing symptoms may perchance endanger those desperately needing surgery.



S trengths

๖ۣۜ Healing - Ayumi carries a doctoral profession for a reason. Aside from her status as a magical healer, she also practices fundamental first aid, minor surgeries, and the prescription of medicine, using potent remedies and suturing to facilitate in the curative diligence which she delves. To save the stamina and avoid the threats of death or exile for tinkering with magic, she uses conventional medical thesis as an alternative method to recur helping those who are ill or injured. After several years of meticulous cogitating, Ayumi achieved a definite interest in diagnostics; she has grasped an outstanding insight of identifying illnesses through scrutinizing symptoms and enlightening herself to foresee which medicines must be prescribed, assuaging these ailments whilst continuing studious research to pursue prevention of their origins.

Altogether, she is educated a great deal in the subject of disease and anatomical inquiries, owning an advanced knowledge of how to accommodate the sick and wounded. Despite the tendencies for surgical procedures to herald painful environments, she is adept in countering these conflicts, fact being proven time and again that patients wholeheartedly appreciate gazing upon a pretty face during their moments of agony. With both Ayumi's expertise and formidable drive to aid the poorly, her technique of treatment has become considerably impressive, and at times, even desired.

๖ۣۜ Benign - Ayumi is a gracious, compassionate person, providing services to all who require it. Not enough emphasis could be put forth to her clement heart, treating the fellow people with solicitous heed and an overall friendly and cordial orientation. With a sweet smile and a ginger touch, it is no doubt this girl is of loving nature.

๖ۣۜ Comprehension - For a girl who is scarce of exceeding erudition, Ayumi somehow retains a superb ability to learn rather quickly. Embarking at a young age, she was taught many skills as a medic within a span of merely eight years. Though she rarely has the time to put forth much effort into extensive theories, it is considerably facile for her to begin understanding a specific concept if she is focused enough.
W eaknesses

๖ۣۜ Infirm - Ayumi's immune system is dearth in proper functioning and is exceptionally prone to contracting a multitude of syndromes, especially common colds and influenza. Her bones are feeble and vulnerable to breakage via measly collisions, alongside lungs that evince an absence of vigor; a corollary received from defective familial genetics, as well as an infancy of enduring nearly constant secondhand smoking. Despite the probable liabilities of falling ill, she contends the best that she can to care for those who have been struck by a worse plague, endangering her own well-being in order to fulfill the duties of tending to troubled victims.

๖ۣۜ Dependent - Ayumi relies heavily on the kindness of strangers to assist in the strifes that she encounters. Living in loneliness is a thought that she cannot bear, nor does she fancy the notion of returning to the time that friendship was a forsaken objective. Hence a secluded lifestyle as a youth, she sometimes struggles with concluding major decisions on her own, seeking support and opinions from whoever is available, whether those perspectives are beneficial or perchance hazardous.

๖ۣۜ Combat - Ayumi is a fragile girl who has chosen to dedicate the life she dwells to magic and healing. Therefore, useful techniques of fighting are void of entity when it comes to the weakling's endowments. Due to a small physique and persistent nursing or meditating, she lacks the time nor talent to even begin contemplating the likelihood for warfare to desist in triumph if she happens to be the target. She does not favor these activities regardless, and wishes not to engage in violent affairs, nonetheless deems herself capable of annihilating another.

๖ۣۜ Handwriting - Never prioritizing a tuition of honing neat penmanship, collecting a written letter from Ayumi should be a dreaded incident. Printing compact and ineligible for those endeavoring to read them, the inscribing is frequently surmised as the product of either a toddler, or an illiterate peasant. Perhaps signatures are the sole aspect accomplished in a readable script; she seems to be erudite respecting cursive, despite choosing not to waste time detailing entire messages in ornate fonts.
C σmbαt S tyε

Ayumi demonstrates none other than failure whilst the matter of combative dexterity is imminent. Due to a pacifist nature, she has no specific method of attacking, only flailing in fright and attempting to flee as an exclusive option. Introducing the courage that is invalid on a usual rationale determines utilizing the wrath of her shakujō, its blunt yet surprisingly lethal momentum walloping whomever could be sadistic enough to declare an assault against her.
W εαpσn σf C hσicε

๖ۣۜ Shakujō - Known also as a khakkhara, Ayumi wields a shakujō, a staff with six golden, metal rings. In rhythm with her movements, it jingles quietly to warn insects as well as other miniature animals to evade being accidentally trampled on whilst her whereabouts are nigh. Its sturdy hilt is crafted from a burgundy oak wood that matures into a tin butt, and is primarily handled as a walking stick, preempting her from stumbling if she is met by magical toil. Convenient for parrying attacks or impaling aggressors, the sharp tip of the finial could surely pierce through one's flesh; but beyond that, Ayumi wishes for anything but to hurt people, and is less likely to willingly be seen brandishing the staff offensively.
M αgicα A biitiεs

Having thoroughly studied the subject of magic with great interest since she was eleven years old, in preparation for the elaborate tutoring from Sachiko Xie when she became the acceptable age of fourteen, Ayumi is currently at the level of a Mage. She dabbles in the form of light magic, specializing essentially with healing. Ayumi uses gestures and speech to cast magic; uttering brief Ch'ien-ji statements, she enacts a detailed motioning of the fingertips to begin tracing a hanzi symbol upon the location that she intends to nurse, that which translates to 'Heal' or 'Recover' ( ). Following the glyph, Ayumi vocalizes three different spells; these phrases are spoken to initiate specific kinds of magical faculties, homologous to the lingual meaning of said command. She is sometimes known to create circles of salt on the ground before performing healing; according to superstitious theories, she believes salt amplifies Void connections and enhances magical ritual prowess.

"Kizuguchiwonuu, chiyu hikari," is muttered if she covets mending injuries.

"Nadameru gekitsuu, chiyu hikari," is whispered to soothe pain.
"Chiryou shikkan, chiyu hikari," is murmured before alleviating symptoms of illness.

Once the spell is successfully awakened and she commences concentrating, a spherical haze similar to mist emanates from the center of Ayumi's palms; within seconds, shrouding each finger. Radiating a pure, glowing white light, a soft golden hue consisting of a glittering accent pulsates and shimmers throughout its mien as it expands in both radius and luminescence. With an enchanting appearance alone, mesmerizing to most gawking upon the element, these gleaming orbs contain the arcane magical aptitude of healing wounds, including fractured bone marrow and lacerated viscera to some extent, however, achieving the desired outcome requires absurd amounts of perseverance. Healing poisoning and certain prodromes indicating illness is also possible, though this never cures the exact source of the disease itself.

Upon bonding with trauma, an uncomfortable tingling, burning sensation manifests unto the area receiving healing; although startling, the arrival of painful feelings confirms a promising aspect, meaning the damaged tissue is regenerating prosperously, no longer risking exposure to infection and halting blood loss. The repercussions of most surgeries cause the patient to suffer sore aches around the nerves of the healed area. Severe injuries require more effort to mend, exhausting Ayumi and imposing several negative side effects; the defective magical faults tend to cause nosebleeds, migraines, fatigue, nausea, vertigo, uncontrollable trembling and reddening of the hands, and in some cases, sending the healer comatose for several days. Under immense magical stress or languor, casting fails to inaugurate.

Despite the strenuous possibilities and encountering less than pleasant complications, Ayumi's enhanced assimilation as a mage is a privileged blessing. She is more often satisfied in the outcome of the spells, emotions of fulfillment overcoming the consequential sickness upon realizing that her abilities are becoming more adept as she continues to mend injuries; in the long run, posing much fewer tedious or traumatizing experiences for the patient than applying traditional medicinal protocol would. Even if she is obligated to sacrifice personal health, the prospect of using magic is a component in life that Ayumi finds gratifying.

Speech during rituals has the potential to interrupt the Void connection that she is requesting, as it distracts her from the avid attention that casting magic requires. Losing concentration causes the magic to become imbalanced and function less efficiently, whereas loud yelling and sudden movement imposes an augmented risk of ending the spell, obliging a restart. Ayumi's magical threshold is measured through the amount of stamina required to tap into the Void, and the minutes that she continues upholding a surgery. Thus, disruptions squander endurance and further fatigue her.

Routine therapeutic operations are frequently offered to those suffering ailments or permanent bodily damage; though provisional, diminishing after a varied calculation of hours, Ayumi's magic is capable of easing pain by initiating one of the spell's effects. Usage involves settling the light over the agonized location, a task much less threatening than mending lesions. While the concept is not intimidating, per se, one must accept that the spell's intent shall not cure the condition bothering them. Instead, only prescribing relief through temporary numbing.

Healing internal troubles, such as broken bones, abscesses, or ulcers introduces a major imperfection of Ayumi's magic. Reaching the core of the scourge requires precise physical contact, meaning she must gain access to the innards by cutting one's flesh, creating yet another wound to heal and causing increased magical strain. As mentioned before, due to the procedure necessitating direct touch, patients are sedated using the best possible technique to dull the emphasized pain. The risk of Ayumi falling unconscious during the procedure is prone, though her fortitude is monitored, halting before fainting to assure that the patient is not left hemorrhaging until she is accompanied alongside another trained healer to assist in suturing.



๖ۣۜ Handkerchief - A delicate linen napkin embroidered in elaborate, floral patterns on the corners. Distinct blots of crimson stain the white fabric from nosebleeds that Ayumi sustains after healing.

๖ۣۜ Bandages - Gauze bandages crafted from comfortable cotton. Used to dress injuries and stop excessive blood flow.

๖ۣۜ Perfume - A feminine aroma, similar to cherry blossoms and vanilla.



๖ۣۜ Edryn Mithandir - Trustworthy friend. .

๖ۣۜ Millie Coen - Respected. Ex-patroness. Ex-employer. Ayumi formerly served Millie as her handmaiden, before resigning due to becoming overwhelmed with medical duties. Regardless, the women continued sharing a bond with each other, ensuing a perplexing friendship between a wealthy noble and a half-breed commoner. In return for Ayumi's loyal servitude and healing a nasty stab wound after an attempted assassination, Millie began the charitable supplying of funds to The Crimson Curette for medicine and other basic necessities; however, since Millie's denouncement from House Coen, this particular association has been severed.

๖ۣۜ Elijah Hark - Acquaintance. Medical interest. A fellow physician who shares a similar fascination with epidermal defects, melanism piquing notable distinction. Ayumi and Elijah met after some curious inquiries regarding the mask which he, for some unknown reason, refused to remove at the time; this factor roused concern in the young healer, aware of the general discomfort that plague prevention costumes tend to beget.

๖ۣۜ Rose Edeline - Neutral. A peculiar mute girl whom Ayumi once treated at The Crimson Curette, requesting bandages for the bloodied abrasion upon her knee. Ayumi has not encountered Rose since the incident, but she is unable to resist feeling a sense of concern after noticing severe tissue damage within her right arm, resulting in sporadic neural spasms.




Her name was Sachiko Jing-Hua Xie, a Ch'ien-ji woman and one of the somewhat few children that were sent away from the Yang-Tzu islands by their parents to escape the oppression by the Wulong. She was shipped off to the city of Regalia, where she lived being raised and taken care of by a family willing to foster the orphaned Ch'ien-ji children.
As Sachiko grew into adulthood, she met a mysterious Elven man who went by the name of Garost. He claimed to work as a mercenary, but despite this, the two fell in love after a few years of courtship. Sachiko eventually fell pregnant, giving birth to a beautiful newborn baby girl many months later.
However, a major flaw in the two's relationship finally began to take place as little Ayumi neared infanthood. The Chrysant War between Regalians and the Naga society had just begun, and with knowledge of Garost's occupation as a mercenary, it was requested that he assist the military in the war. The man obliged, and headed off to Hadar to fight, leaving his lover and daughter behind.
Sachiko waited months for Garost to return, constantly tending to Ayumi with barely any help from another party - her existence was frowned upon by the majority of women in the city due to having produced a child out of wedlock. A year had passed, and unfortunately, Sachiko never saw Garost or any traces of him ever again. She accepted the fact that he would more than likely not be returning, and presumed him to be dead. Though she was grieving, she knew that she would have to raise her daughter on her own, and strived to do the best that she could as a single mother.
Ayumi lived a harsh life as a child. She was only a young one, weak and dependent of the protection from her mother. She was very quiet and shy, often clinging to her mother wherever they went. Her timid personality was almost crippling for her, causing her to have difficulty speaking to others, not only for this reason - Ayumi had been plagued with a speech impediment. She pronounced the majority of her words incorrectly, and seemed to stutter almost excessively with every sentence.
The little girl was frequently bullied by her peers, being teased for her speech impediment, and other mindless excuses as well. She was frowned upon and neglected by other Elves due to her race - a half-breed. It was not uncommon to find snobby human children who were taught by their parents to dislike Elves or those with "abnormal" eye colors such as herself, tormenting and insulting her when they caught her alone; throwing insults such as "dagger ears" at her.
None of the children wanted to play with her, considering her to be a freak because of her speech impediment, and were typically swayed away by their parents - they did not want their children to associate with a bastard girl who was the daughter of a "harlot" mother; as they rather enjoyed calling her, Ayumi having been born to an unmarried couple.
Days spent with constant bullying caused Ayumi to begin suffering from extreme insomnia. Her mother reassured her that she would keep her safe, and set an antique music box on a small table next to Ayumi's bedside; playing a melodious tune for her every night before bed time, thus relaxing her and putting her to rest rather easily.
Sachiko had a strong drive to shelter her daughter after the breaking point of these recent happenings. She wanted her to be safe, and would not allow any further risk of being potentially harmed - neither physically nor emotionally. She prohibited Ayumi from venturing outside on her own or interacting with any of the children her age. She was never taught of history or the events occurring outside; of other races, other languages - even other countries or cultures. Ayumi remained a very naive and uneducated girl, aside from selective teachings from her mother at home.
She never learned of the Chrysant War, what had happened to her father, nor exactly who he was. Any time she attempted to mention the topic, her mother would either downright ignore her, or forcefully change the subject. She always feared telling her, figuring she was too young to handle such information - never knowing when the right time or age would be.
Ayumi began to question why she looked so different from her mother. She had not a clue where these strange "dagger ear" appendages appeared from, or whom she was supposed to resemble; the only similarities she could recognize between herself and her mother were their eye color. She wondered if something was wrong with her - what it was, and why she had to suffer, living in fear and isolation. Despite her mother's actions and ill opinions of her from the rest of the city, Ayumi still loved her, cared for her deeply, and was highly attached to her presence as but an unguided child.
Slowly but surely, Ayumi's mother began teaching her how to act properly. She learned to behave in a much more sophisticated manner, to communicate civilly, and to present a generally appealing demeanor to her peers when the time finally made its way into her life. Being raised solely by her mother, Ayumi acquired a similarly caring and gentle personality. Once a cowardly little girl, soon evolved into a sociable and mannerly young lady as she approached the age of eleven years. She was taught more vocabulary of her language and thoroughly guided on proper pronunciation, eventually inching her way out of her speech impediment and talking normally like the rest of her peers.
Sachiko earned her profit to support both her and her child through her occupation as a healer. She was a fairly renowned light mage, having dabbled within it ever since she lived with her previous family in the eastern isles. Ayumi's mother told stories of how life was back when she lived in the Yang-Tzu islands. She was told of the Chi'i people and their great proficiency concerning magic; something that intrigued Ayumi greatly.
She had read various tomes about magic; dreamed of the practice. She was always discouraged by the insults of human children, whom said her ears were like daggers and almost indirectly labeled her as a murderer. Due to this factor, she wanted to dedicate her life to helping others; to prove their prejudiced assumptions wrong, and knew that light magic would be the best for her.
At the age of sixty years, Sachiko was incredibly skilled in her forte of magical prowess, presumably being classed at the level of an expert mage. With this knowledge in mind, Ayumi was eager to begin studying. She begged her mother constantly until she eventually gave in, becoming her daughter's mentor in the secrecy of their own household.
Ayumi spent the rest of her childhood researching magic. She was meticulously educated in the subject of understanding her connection with the Conduit, and to properly perform healing. She learned rather quickly, most likely as a result of her Chi'i heritage and skilled mage ancestors. Focusing positively with determination despite having a tendency to exhaust herself through the training, it did not take long for her to finally cast a stabilized spell successfully.
Throughout years of rigorous practicing, she had perfected the basics of healing magic, and was now considered to be of the mage kind. Her mother continued to mentor her while she meditated on a daily basis, thus ranking the power of her skills efficiently. Ayumi was warned to keep her arcane ability a secret, as she would face the potential risk of being arrested; or even worse, harmed or killed by those who disapproved of the practice. She had been kept sheltered all this time, but now she possessed a new type of knowledge; the art of magic.
Ayumi began to mature, and at the age of fifteen, it was decided that she was of proper age to finally be allowed to venture outside by herself again. This time, she was fully aware that it would be an unwise decision to attempt interacting with strangers, and avoided it as much as she possibly could for her own safety. She took interest in many different subjects, things that she had seen amongst the city when she went exploring - however, she became especially attracted to anything involving nature, often spending her free time observing the forest nearby to the city, but made sure not to wander off too far.
She discovered many different types of herbs sprouting from the mossy soil, differently shaped mushrooms, and the one thing that she instantly fell in love with - flowers. So many different types, so many different colors.. such an appealing sight to her eyes, she wished that she could raise them herself, to have many growing inside of her home so she could always look upon their beauty.
She learned to extract seeds from various plants, and after realizing her ability to plant and grow healthy flowers, Ayumi decided to begin evolving her skills as an herbalist. She created a small nursery in her room and continued to grow many different breeds of flowers and herbs. Though there was one particular profession that she took interest in; one that took much less time than gardening, and seemed a lot more entertaining. This was the art of alchemy. She did not know much about it, other than that it involved brewing certain ingredients into distilled water with heat, and said combination may create miracle events that come into effect when the potion is consumed. Ayumi still possessed a strong feeling of eagerness to help people and become a healer, even if it didn't involve using her magic.
Ayumi made her way over to the merchant section of Regalia and purchased a book with guides based on potion brewing, as well as a brand new brewing stand included with three holsters. She carefully studied this guide book daily, comprehending and memorizing the specific steps to creating a perfect potion. The contents of the book were incredibly detailed, explaining thoroughly which ingredients contained certain properties, and different variations of what could be combined to create certain effects, as well as how to combine them efficiently and avoid complications. She read that it was entirely possible to brew recovery potions using certain herbs and fruits, and though they may not heal as effectively as magic, this made Ayumi incredibly determined to begin learning - mostly due to the fact that her mother had put great emphasis on the importance of hiding her magic.
Ayumi spent the following years practicing magic, spending her time reading books and regularly training it to become more powerful as she increased her connection with the Conduit as well as her proficiency as a mage. She learned to create different types of potions; a wide variety with different outcomes, and what ingredients to use in order to enhance the effects of the ones she already knew. She used her gardening skills and knowledge of healing to learn of herbs which contained healing abilities, and used them to make her own medicines and salves.
She began to sell potions for profit, setting up a small street shop containing various potions that she had brewed herself - and despite only being her very first occupation, fished in a higher amount of income than her mother made rather efficiently. When word got out of her amazing ability to create remedies, as well as her gentle demeanor which proved to be potentially useful in soothing agitated victims, she was eventually qualified as a nurse, where she regularly traveled to Regalian homes to help the sick and injured; all at the age of only sixteen. She was also granted an upgrade from her less than fancy street shop, and instead permission to use a more professional building in Regalia to sell her potions at. During this time, Ayumi's status as a mage was never discovered by the townsfolk, and she continued to live freely while she still could.
She eventually became admired by her peers, treated with much more respect than she was previously given and viewed as equals to them, as a result of her successful careers and evolution out of her speech impediment, thus allowing them to at least be able to understand her better. Bigots still remained the same, however she learned to ignore them, only focusing her time with those who accepted her and showed her kindness.
Her life as a free mage ended as the age of eighteen dawned upon her. With suspicion that Sachiko had been educating her daughter with magic, since she was a mage herself, the Azule Order infiltrated their home until they found enough evidence to arrest Ayumi and hold her hostage inside of the College. Her mother had already endured the tests when she was younger and possessed a collar, her punishment for mentoring Ayumi without permission from the College resulting in house arrest and forcing her into participating on a daily basis at the local healing house in Regalia for community service.
Ayumi clung to her mother in fear, sobbing with tears streaming down her face - she could not bear the thought of being separated from her family, the one who she was attached to the most. With their strength in comparison to her own, the guards dragged her away forcefully and imprisoned her within the Regalian College. It was there that Ayumi was tested by the College, concerning both her magic and state of mind.
She remained locked inside of cell encased with lapis lazuli, restrained behind sturdy iron bars and segregated within the College for several months. She could feel her mind becoming clouded, feeling mentally weak and confused - she was unsure as to why this was occurring, or what the cause of such torment was derived from. Her time within the College was incredibly exhausting for her, not only as a result of the excessive amounts of lapis, but what she had to endure during her trials. She felt drowsy almost all the time, her speech beginning to slur every so often, which got her scolded during the reciting of Regalian mage laws - something that she was required to do multiple times per day, thus causing her voice to become slightly hoarse.
The punishments given for her mistakes were minor in comparison to other imprisoned mages, typically only involving mental or emotional abuse. Despite her crimes of dabbling in magic arts, it was not uncommon to find members of the Azule Order that could not help but feel a bit of sympathy for her, particularly due to her age and evident childish naivety. She was well behaved and did not seem to display any signs of lacking mental stability. Some might have even found her strong desire to heal people admirable. The strength of her magic was tested on guards and random citizens that happened to be injured, despite being quite the risk without knowledge if it was defective or not - however, she proved to be dexterous in her ability.
Ayumi did not know how long it had been. She allowed a content sigh to escape from her lips as the warmth of the much yearned for sun caressed her flesh, having faded to an almost sickly pale color during her isolation. She finally passed the required tests of the College, and was allowed to be released, returning to her home with the escort of a guard as well as a souvenir permanently locked around her small neck; an accessory known as a 'collar', granted to her by the College and providing proof that she was to be trusted as a mage. It harbored miniscule amounts of lapis lazuli infused within the metal, only slightly weakening her out of caution. She proved that she was sane, both magically and mentally, and would not use her magic for dangerous or malicious reasons.
When Ayumi returned to her home in the Regalian poor district, she was greeted by something that she was not expecting in the least bit; her mother had fallen sick. Ayumi was confident that she could cure her - she knew many methods of healing, and was a nurse, after all. She tried several things; potions, oils, herb powders.. none of them had any effect. She even attempted using her magic on her, and yet, there were still no signs of recovery. She began desperately looking for help, seeking out doctors and healers from around the city, in hopes that they could do anything to fix this. Nobody had a clue. It was assumed that it was nothing more than a simple flu, but the fact that Ayumi's medicine was not working proved that speculation to be false.
Her mother rapidly began to become weak and frail, her skin turning into a pale, gray tinted hue. She already looked like she was decomposing, as if she were a living corpse. There was nothing Ayumi could do, and she resented herself for it. What happened? Why couldn't she heal her? She had already helped so many people before, but why couldn't she do anything for her own mother?
The illness became so terrible that her mother could barely even speak any longer, only utter faint whispers and cough every few minutes. All Ayumi could do was cry; she hated to see her mother suffering. She knew it was her fault, all her fault. She should have worked harder to become a better healer, but she didn't, and now this is what was happening. Her mother was dying - she knew she had to accept it, but she just couldn't. She was so young, too young to die.
Ayumi stayed at her bedside and held her mother's hand as much as she could. Though she was grieving, she wanted to do her best to make her mother feel as comfortable as possible during her time of departure.
Sachiko had given in to the illness and finally passed on. Ayumi managed to afford a proper funeral arrangement for her mother. She surrounded the casket which she lay in with an arrangement of different types of flowers Ayumi grew - roses, peonies, tulips and orchids. Her body encased in a cheap, yet fairly protective funeral container, she was buried in a cemetery nearby to Regalia. Now that her mother was gone, and she was all alone, she knew not of what to do, and continued living in the poor district whilst working community service at the local healing house and making profit from potions. This was not something that she minded, considering the occupation she strived for; though she grieved deeply for her mother each day.
A few months later, Ayumi met a man in the Golden Willow Tavern who went by the name of 'Arian Wu'. He presented her with the offer of joining a faction in New Ceardia known as Mithril - heavily protected by high, sturdy walls, as well as a powerful military. She would oblige and migrate to this kingdom, and seek a new life for herself there.
She was escorted to her destination and granted a lovely home there, now primarily residing within the walls of Mithril city, where she lives in a community of loving members and cherished friends that she has met. She works to support the military in their wars, producing potions for them to use during their battles and healing those who have been injured.
Ayumi still visits Regalia frequently, finding it to be an entertaining city on certain occasions, though she typically only stays there when requested for community service at the healing house. She misses her mother, but despite this, she now lives a fairly happy and comfortable life, meeting new people and experiencing and learning more things each and every day.
Last edited: EVEN THE PINK, I just...WOW, So purdy GAH.
OMG it's so girly and pink -squeals- (even for a tomboy like moi I love it.)

Let me read the rest. Lovely work.
at least she likes the drink XD
JK its all great love the details.
I have three things to say
1. Teach moi how to put the Mc People in there :3
2. I love eeeeeet though I dont even like pink!
3. Squeeeeeeaaaa -fangirls- Cutteeeeeee
I threw up rainbows after reading this, it's so adorable, Vyii <3
It's also very well-written and shiz, but it's adorabubble. 'nuff said.
Wow... That's excellent! Great job!
Oh, and I might be making a swashbuckling pirate cat in the future! Not anytime soon though, I wouldn't think..
๖ۣۜI somewhat disliked the colour pink until you made this. Now it is my favourite colour. Seriously... WOW! Do you know how beautifully made this is? There are people who have made applications their whole time on Massive, and still can't beat this quality! :o
I have three things to say
1. Teach moi how to put the Mc People in there :3
2. I love eeeeeet though I dont even like pink!
3. Squeeeeeeaaaa -fangirls- Cutteeeeeee

I just opened up the MPM editor and took a screenshot, then erased the background from the characters. o:

And thank you very much!
Wait Chi's are Mammals right?Hmmmm...
So a Tigran/Chi hybrid.
Where all doomed.Wait she might be peaceful :D
AHMAIGAWD, SAH CUTE AND FLUFFING ADORABLE, PIIINNNKKKK <3 Also, I love the into and all! Way better den mine xD
Umm. Chi'i are obviously mammals. That's why there can be half Chi'i half human. In all reality, crossbreeds with humanoid figures such as humans, Chi'i, or Qadir, mixed with Tigrans, would turn out to be complete abominations. Like that wax human/dog that I had nightmares about once. o_e But luckily this is Massivecraft and anything is possible.
Welp -deletes whole application- I give up... <3
Vyi, you may have to wait a while, there's a backlog going on, and they have to review the older applications first.
The gender stereotype. It hurts.
I fail to see how this is sexist?

I like the color pink. My character's primary outfit choice is pink. Wanting to make a feminine female character using my favorite color for the app doesn't make me sexist nor stereotypical of genders.
Eh, I think it's more of the character seeming to fulfill the weaboo-furry stereotype more than sexism, but meh.
An amazing character to rp with, Vyi you are a great roleplayer and you can roleplay above a standard most can, dont allow people to keep you down, Keep to the lore and keep rping the way you are happy with, you will go far with this character :) .
An amazing character to rp with, Vyi you are a great roleplayer and you can roleplay above a standard most can, dont allow people to keep you down, Keep to the lore and keep rping the way you are happy with, you will go far with this character :) .
Due to the backlog of character applications, I need to postpone this until they are done and reviewed. Though not tagged as pending yet, I will however input some opinions into the review this as I believe I have gathered a good amount of well-backed opinions from both staff and roleplayers who know this character.
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Hey Vyi just so you know I love your backstory/character lore. Just ignore the negativity and know that you wrote a lovely app and used a lovely format. I know that I didn't take the time to do anything like what you did I mean hell I didn't even have an avatar or anything at the time my character was overly manly brick wall that 6'7 and caved Orc's faces in for fun. Anyway I'm getting off topic ignore the negativity and be proud of yourself for being able to write something like this.
Hey Vyi just so you know I love your backstory/character lore. Just ignore the negativity and know that you wrote a lovely app and used a lovely format. I know that I didn't take the time to do anything like what you did I mean hell I didn't even have an avatar or anything at the time my character was overly manly brick wall that 6'7 and caved Orc's faces in for fun. Anyway I'm getting off topic ignore the negativity and be proud of yourself for being able to write something like this.

Thank you. It means a lot. ^^