Character Information
Full Name:
Heritage / Culture:
- Note, most Slizzar found in the world are Slizzar born tens of thousands of years ago. This is because Sarakand exists in a warped time-bubble where time can pass slower or faster than the world around it. Slizzar can in reality only become 300 years old, but many are from a different time.
- Many of her appearances she shifts into looks around her actual age.
Birthday: 5 December
Year born: 312
Gender / Pronouns:
Ungendered, They/Them
Preference appearance: Feminine
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Main Religion: Draconism
Gaia is the creator Dragon of all things flora in nature. Gaia designs the trees, the plants, the flowers, and all non-sentient life matter that form the very basic foundations of the food chains all over the world. Gaia is considered a very anti-social Dragon, in the sense that he rarely speaks with mortals, yet is touched to help them by the convictions of his lover. Gaia is worshiped to restore blighted landscapes and environments, but also for protection against the natural dangers of the dense forests, and for plants to clear the way out for anyone lost. It should be noted that not all plants are actually by Gaia's design, as many Gods of other Religions claim the mantle of nature-God, and invariably change plants in their domain to suit them.
Gaia was killed by Teled Elves during the Mage Wars, but his soul was preserved as Dragons never truly die. The current vessel of his Dragonsoul is Iorwerth, once a mortal Aelrrigan Knight from Kintyr who was trapped by the Death Gods to become a servant of the Malefica to save the soul of his lover. Iorwerth acted on behalf of the Malefica for many decades, but was freed by the intervention of mortals in Aloria, and then tasked to carry the Dragonsoul as his burden for serving the Death Gods. He remains scarred by Dark Metal shards embedded in his body, but now enjoys freedom from the control of the Malefica with his lover. -
Aurora is the Dragon of Life and Creation, traditionally held as the chief administrator of the Creation Particles, the Elderlaw principles used to create living bodies and design organisms. From the smallest creatures that require microscopes to see, to massive sky whales and dune snakes, Aurora crafts the food chains of the world, carefully balancing predators and prey, scavengers and providers. She designs each creature with the intent to live and continue the cycle of life and death, a dance between herself as the Life Dragon, and Umbra as the Death Dragon. It is her love for Umbra and his for her, that causes them both to appear as halves of each other, elements of white and black in equal balance and never truly meet. She is worshiped for good hunts and healthy children.
Aurora has a personally painful history, from the Cold March during which she led the Dregodar north into Ellador, to her eventual demise at the hands of the Dwarves where she became the Undead Dragon Frisit, or so the Dregodar becoming Isldar had thought. Aurora's body was actually possessed by the Ordial Entity known later as Frisit, an agent of the Death Goddess the Glacial, who was plotting to subject the Isldar to her rule and expand her domain in Aloria through their deadly means. When Aurora was revived, this plot was revealed, immediately plunging the Isldar into Civil War while Aurora retreated to her Craters of Creation to restore damaged ecosystems. -
Nox is traditionally held as the Dragon of Knowledge, but his unofficial title is the Dragon of Deceit, Plotting, and Scheming. Nox is the architect of the Codexes, the Draconic sites that hold information of the past 130,000 years recorded in painful detail, something that makes his sites particular targets by nefarious actors. He is however skilled in deploying all this knowledge to hide, obfuscate his intentions, and even plot around fellow Dragons to get his way, most notoriously in the creation of the Slizzar that caused him to be imprisoned for over a hundred thousand years, while he continued to influence the world through them. It is said that Nox used Elderlaw to create mirrors on Aloria, or the concept of reflection, leading his enemies to smash mirrors.
Nox is sometimes held with distrust among the faithful, especially those who harbor resentment towards the Slizzar for having been created in an act of defiance by Nox, but also because Nox while being an upstanding Dragon God, is still entertaining his own plots away from the other Dragons without their knowledge. This has also led some who hold him as patron to consider themselves above the common Draconist faithful and imitate their lord in his game of scheming against their own erstwhile allies. Nobody can deny, however, that Nox is one of the few remaining unbroken consciousnesses that has been alive since the beginning of time, and thus has endless knowledge.
Other: Depends on the form she takes
Magic Realm: To be Determined
Magic School:
The Mend School covers the concept of repairing, restoring, or reverting humanoid or animal bodies. This is in essence healing Magic. The Mend School is almost universally thought of positively because it cannot harm, and can restore even lost limbs.
The Body School covers the usage of Magic to alter the physical states of the body. This is not healing Magic like from the Mend School, but should be considered for example steroids Magic, or Shapeshifting Magic in its simplest interpretation.
The Summoning School covers the usage of Magic to dominate Spirits or Demons, restrain them, or add additional security to Demon summonings and contract binding. It also includes using Magic to perform Exorcisms and cast out Demons.
Magic Origin:
Birth Origin refers to a Mage who was aligned to any realm from birth, and manifested from an early age.
Teaching Origin refers to a Mage who was aligned by being taught by a mentor, or book.
Mentor Training refers to a Mage who was taught Magic by singular or multiple Mage mentors.
Book Training refers to a Mage who is largely self-taught, learning theory and techniques from books.
Affinity: None
Affliction: None
Belialus is a Demon of the Abyss, one which has sought out Unionism in an attempt to join the faith, accepting the dogma and serving the Everwatcher's vision on its terms. Belialus is a God of the Evintarian Schism which believes that society as a whole should advance not only materially and spiritually, but metaphysically through contact with Demons and Magic to overcome otherwise natural limitations. Belialus's children are not born through conventional contact but by the use of something called Divine Countenance.
When a child of Belialus is born, to their parents and those of Evintarian beliefs, this is usually a blessing. Belialus offers child-birth to those who are unable to for whatever reason, whether it is barren-ness same-sex incompatibility, or solitude. Outsiders however see Belialus Godborn as nothing but Demon-children, no better than Arkenborn but only protected by technical legal distinctions between Demon-spawn and Evintarian theological concepts. Belialus Godborn are not treated like Arkenborn legally, even if Purists would like them to be. - Belialus's Divine Countenance is called the Mask of Amandaros, which is a divine blessed mask created by Belialus and preserved by the Evintarian priests. For Belialus, the idea that all inhabitants of the world of Aloria should be allowed to experience the full complexities of life extends itself to the thought that Demons should also be allowed to feel the joy of intimate encounters, and child-birth. It furthermore extends onto the idea that even the world of Aloria itself inflicts this cruelty of denying the joys of childbirth onto random couples who are unable to conceive, or unwilling to perform the act for whatever reason. Belialus believes that everyone should be able to enjoy this aspect of life, and so the Mask of Amandaros is worn to invoke his Spirit and use him as a proxy to conceive. Such a child will always be a Belialus Godborn.
- None
Character Occupation:
Depends on the form she takes
Character Title:
Arya Silverstag | Mother
Arenthir | Father
The Dark Lord's Child
One with many faces
Appearance Information:
Eye Color:
Dark Green
Skin Color:
Black and Silver
Can be seen around 2-3 meters tall but is around 6-7 meters in length due to her snake lower half
Body Type:
Muscular upper body with her lower half appearing that of a snake.
Additional Features:
To Be Determined
To Be Determined
Name: Aria Blossom
Heritage: Lanlath
Religion: Draconist
Occupation: Alchemist and Medic
Eye Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Personality: To be Determined
Extra Details:
She appears a lot like Arenthir, even if it was never intentional. -
Name: Grace Sterling
Heritage: Ailor
Religion: Unionism
Occupation: Mercenary
Eye Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: Brown
Personality: To be Determined
Extra Details: - To be Determined
Skill Information:
Hobbies and Talents:
Alchemy Hobby
Alchemy Hobby covers broadly things done with potions, chemicals, and science. This includes but is not limited to medical healing and concoctions, salves and potions for different hair colors, hormone replacement therapy, making fireworks, cleaning foams, changing materials, or generally adding alchemical parts to daily tasks or the body to create a better standard of living.
Medical Hobby
Medical Hobby covers broadly things done to heal, treat, and diagnose people and animals. This includes but is not limited to diagnosing ailments, prescribing medicine, performing check-ups, and other basic medical roleplay. While "realistically" non-magical medical healing is slower, we do not enforce this on players, and can treat people with medicine and technology just as good as you can with magic.
Athletic Hobby
Athletic Hobby cover broadly things involving physical labor. This includes but is not limited to lifting heavy objects, carrying other people around, helping others reach a physical fitness goal of theirs, as well as other basic physical labor or athletic roleplay. This hobby is fairly simple but very open ended, allowing the user to manifest their physical prowess however they see fit. Players are asked to self-moderate with what is reasonable and acceptable in roleplay to all participants. -
Magical Talent
Magical Talent covers broadly things done with magic or that have a magical feel to them. MassiveCraft does not in theory limit the creative freedom of magic roleplay. A mage can create autonomous lights or brooms, give magical effects to drinks, or ignite and douse fires with a simple gesture. Mages can also use their magic to heal and cleanse, so magically closing wounds and restoring lost limbs or healing magical rot of the world can be done. Healing cannot be done before or in combat. Alternatively, mages can use their magic to corrupt and harm.
Magic talent has no morality, but to use magic talent a character must be considered a mage of some alignment, and some uses of magic Talent can be considered sinistral magic. - Chem Feeding does not grant any Abilities, but grants utility for dealing with the Afflicted. The Chemist can produce Magic Aureates, which are apple-sized edible crystals which can satiate the feeding hunger of Vampires or Geists. The same object sates any of their hungers as if they have fed from a real person. Aureates can be produced one of two ways. Firstly, the Chemist must use an attack emote against someone. If they succeed in doing at least 1 HP Damage, they gain 1 Magic Aureate, and only one can be produced per day. The second method, is to take a blood sample of their own, and mix it through a complex alchemical process to become a Magic Aureate. Up to three can be produced this way, but any Afflicted who consumes this Aureate becomes enthralled to the Chemist, meaning they listen to the commands and directives of the chemist against their will (this is all within reason, and with consent, the Chemist should not start acting against the interest of the Afflicted, and any weirdness forces the addiction to be retconned). This mechanic is disabled if the Chemist becomes Afflicted themselves. The only exception to this is if the Chemist has an Invaded or Vested Spirit Affliction. Chem Feeding is gained for free upon Point Buying any Chem Point Buy Pack.
- To Be Determined
Mechanic 1: Slizzar are immune to any type of mind control or mind scrying from mortals, particularly Mind Control, but also Mechanics that would result in thralling, emotion-reading, emotion influencing and so forth. Additionally, if someone is actively attempting to do any of these things to a Slizzar, that Slizzar becomes aware of the attempt, and who is attempting it.
Mechanic 2: Slizzar can perfectly mimic Afflictions and Affinities, including Transformations and even the aesthetics of Abilities and Mechanics, even if they do not actually work that way. For example, a Slizzar can perfectly mimic the appearance of a Vampire and then use fake Vampire teeth to engage in fake blood drinking. There is no way to distinguish this from the real thing, meaning Slizzar can seamlessly infiltrate groups. Anyone attempting to call out a Slizzar for not being authentic in their mimicry of something they are not, is engaging in meta-gaming. Note, however, this does not actually give them the Mechanics. They can for example summon Archon-like wings if they are mimicking Archon, but that does not give them flight or the function as described in the Archon Mechanic.
Mechanic 3: Slizzar have an advanced network of off-screen politicians and Nobles under their control. As a result, whenever an Imperial Assembly is called, Slizzar are able to sit in the noble section of the Assembly, and their votes count for 2 Votes instead of one. Votes are always cast as "Aye" or "Nay", in order to use this mechanic, the Slizzar must say "Aye (a political Power)" for the vote to work. Additionally, Slizzar can be embedded into Noble Families, attaching to their Family-Leader as either an Ally or Manipulator. So long as both the Family Leader and the Slizzar are present at the same Imperial Assembly (in absentia or proxy voting does not count), the Family Leader may also use this Mechanic (but must be sure to use the formatting described above for it to count). Additionally, for this to count the Slizzar must self-register as embedded into a particular Noble Family through the Ticket Bot. It is not possible to stack this effect multiple times for multiple Slizzar embedded.
Mechanic 4: Slizzar have an advanced network of bureaucrats, bankers, and other wealthy persons they can call upon, to give them access to the new wealth of the Regalian Empire. Firstly, this means they have access to an off-screen wealth that is close but not equivalent to registered Aristocrats. It essentially means Slizzar are wealthy, and have money to throw around. Secondly, it creates a situation where Slizzar can "claim" Noble Countryside Estates. These claims are not exclusionary, that is to say, we only have a limited number of Estates available, and multiple players trying to "claim" the same Estate. For this reason, we request players make use of the holographic display to indicate if players are already present, and suspend disbelief about who owns what Estate. Chances of multiple players trying to use the same Estate at the same time, is low.
Mechanic 5: Slizzar are natural Persuaders with their ability to get into the heads of others. Any Persuasion Rolls done by a Slizzar, have their final Dice result increased by +1. This effect does not stack with other Mechanics that have the same effect on Persuasion Rolls. - Shifting is the term Slizzar use when they change appearances. While it is in theory possible for Slizzar to play the lottery and appear randomly each time, most Slizzar use so-called Templates, which are pre-set designs of appearances they strongly remember, and can thus reliably re-create. Slizzar all treat shapeshifting very differently. Some Slizzar never shapeshift, preferring to be out in the open as their birth self, while others are always shapeshifted, to avoid detection. Then some combine a mixture of the two, or those who reveal their identity as a Slizzar on some Templates, but not on others. How a Slizzar feels about Shapeshifting and their Templates, depends on the Slizzar, and their ideology, and the motivations for what they do. Some Slizzar may benefit from revealing their true identity to their strongest allies for the benefit of trust, while others keep their identity completely hidden so as to always have an escape route available if things go bad. Exact rules on Shapeshifting are defined in the Heritage Traits. Keep in mind that Shapeshifting overall is incredibly powerful and flexible in Roleplay, but also meaningful OOC. If you find that your Character is not being trusted by the people around them, experiment with a bit of open-ness about their Slizzar identity. We have found that players who retain 100% secrecy as a Slizzar, have a hard time making meaningful IC connections because it OOC sucks for other players to emotionally invest in Characters that are deceiving theirs. That is technically Metagaming, but this feeling is still very strong, and we do not blame them.
- Because many Slizzar go through life entirely disguised and pretending to be a different people or society, their reproduction cycle could unintentionally reveal them. At a base line, all children born from at least one Slizzar parent will always be full Slizzar. In case this is not desirable, the Slizzar can perform the Birth Rites, in which they have more clearer control over how their offspring will be created, this allows them to dictate several different processes. Firstly, they can choose to have one or two children born. Secondly, they can choose for each child born, whether they will be born not-Slizzar (taking the Heritage from their biological parent, and whatever the Slizzar pretended to be), full Slizzar, or Delayed Slizzar. Delayed Slizzar will be born as not-Slizzar, but when they become 18 years old, are suddenly informed through visions and dreams about their true identity, and how to become a full Slizzar. If they agree and venture to the nearest Dragon Temple to connect with their true self, they become full Slizzar, if they reject for up to 12 months and never visit such a site, they will be not-Slizzar forever. It is also possible, if two children are chosen, to have each born differently, for example one as Delayed Slizzar, and one as not-Slizzar, or full Slizzar, or other combinations. Note, most Slizzar found in the world are Slizzar born tens of thousands of years ago. This is because Sarakand exists in a warped time-bubble where time can pass slower or faster than the world around it. Slizzar can in reality only become 300 years old, but many are from a different time.
Light Manipulator
You can produce bright lights in your hands, at your fingertips, or in the air that will light up large areas like rooms or large open caverns. This light can be used to make an area that is conventionally dark as night appear bright as day, but does not have any Combat applications, and some Magical forms of darkness overrule Light Manipulation.
Emotion Sense
You can sense the emotional states of others, even when they are trying to hide it with their expression or body language. This will not detail why or how they came to such an emotion, you will just be able to feel it by looking at them. You can also try to telepathically heighten or lessen these emotions, though it is up to the other person whether this succeeds.
Demon Kindred
Demons see you as one of them, despite not being a Demon yourself. During Duke Summonings, the Duke will not use anything you say against you or as extra cost. You can Veilwalk without negative consequences, and Demons cannot possess you, or consume your soul under any circumstances, meaning you have some natural protections against Demons that other mortals do not.
Zahram (Arabic) [ Zor ]
Altalar (High Elven) [ Alt ]
Katharic/Pannarokh (Unique) [ K ]
- A Slizzar born from Rakthashira, also known as Arenthir, and Arya Silverstag. One that was swiftly taken away to the Slizzar city known as Sarakand, where time was far different compared to the rest of the world. After all, barely a few days later they returned as one would consider a young adult.
- To Be Determined
- To Be Determined
- To Be Determined
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Magic: 10
Wisdom: 5
Shapeshift Pack [ Racial Pack ]
The Shapeshift Pack allows a Character to change the fundamental genetic composition of their Character through for example the use of body-changing Alchemy or body-morphing technology like nanites. The Character can change their heritage (for example from Ailor to Eronidas or Solvaan, or even a combination of the two or three), including but not limited to taking visual aspects of individual peoples and combining them visually, though this never changes their Heritage Traits. Furthermore, they can change Gender Presentation, Biological Sex, Height, Hair, Facial Structure, Body Shape, Hair Color and texture, and even apply visual effects on their body like Tattoos, Mutations, and additional (non-combat) functional limbs or body parts. The Mundane version of this Pack does not count as a Disguise but is applied indefinitely, meaning the Shapeshifting does not break until an antidote or reversal is applied. Keep in mind that Shapeshifting should not be used in anti-RP ways to avoid consequences perpetually, while it can help with Crime RP or to keep one step ahead of one's enemies, making a character completely untouchable may result in Staff intervention. Also keep in mind that Shapeshifters have a bad reputation in the lore, your Character may receive hostility for openly Shapeshifting in front of other Characters.
Mind Control Pack [ Racial Pack ]
The Mind Control Pack allows a Character to establish a level of control or influence on other Characters through the use of Alchemical addiction, or pheromone serums, or mind-control chips and machines. This Pack has several functions, each of which is explained below. Keep in mind that Mind Control, to rob someone of their free will and agency, is one of the most heinous moral crimes in most cultures and Religions. You should expect Characters to react with extreme hostility if your Character is found to be using Mind Control. Some Characters may also be immune to Mind Control, but in such instances, these Mechanics simply don't work, they don't suddenly notice that someone tried to Mind Control them. Using any form of Mind Control is not telegraphed, meaning it cannot be seen when used by others (unless someone was there when it was applied). This means the only way to discover Mind Control of any kind, is with educated guesswork.
Control Thralling: The Character can establish Mind Control over a Character with OOC consent (which can be revoked at any time). Mind Control can vary from the Target becoming completely unable to act and waiting for commands, or being mostly in control of themselves, but just not being able to reject commands from the user. Mind Control cannot be overwritten, and can be removed from any Knocked Out person (they will always violently resist being freed) by removing the device or substance that Mind Controls them. There is no upper limit to the amount of people Mind Controlled this way. Make sure to always communicate the level of (dis)comfort Players may have with Mind Control before engaging in it.
Chem Berserk Pack [ Chem ] [ Instant Technique ]
Target yourself and increase the Damage dealt on Melee Basic Attacks by +1, but also increase the Damage you take from incoming Attacks by +1 for your next 3 Successful Attack Rolls. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack. After those 3 Turns, apply the Weakened and Bloody Status Effects to yourself for 2 Turns. You cannot use Chem Berserk whilst you have the Status Effects applied by Chem Berserk.
Timer: Twice per Combat
Range: Self
Chem Purge Pack [ Chem ] [ Counter Technique ]
You can only use Chem Purge when you have a Status Effect applied by an Enemy, remove all Status Effects. Additionally, set your Maximum Defense Roll to 6 (cannot be raised) for a number of Defense Rolls equal to the number of Status Effects removed. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack.
Timer: Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Range: Self
Chem Bang Pack [ Chem ] [ Counter Technique ]
You can only use this when an Enemy in Range would use a Movement Ability, reduce the range of that Movement Ability by 7 Blocks. Additionally, if the Enemy was Mounted, they cannot gain increased Move Range for 2 Moves after this effect.
Timer: Twice per Combat
Range: 10 Blocks
Technique Parry Pack [ Chem ] [ Counter Technique ]
You can only use this when you would be affected by an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy, ignore all effects from that ability on yourself, including refunded Basic Attacks. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack.
Timer: Once per Combat
Range: Self -
Oceanic Pack
The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.
Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Oceanic Pack also allows the user to extend the full effects of Oceanic Pack to 2 additional Allies so long as they remain within 10 Blocks of the user (no longer needing to hold their hand). If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
Safeguard Pack
The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are more willing to seek Curing, dampening that influence on their mentality only. Thirdly, while it usually takes 72 hours for a Thrall to turn into a Fledgling, the Safeguard Pack extends this from 72 Hours to 1 Week, giving them more time to seek curing before it costs Divinium. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of magic where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
Wardrobe Pack
The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.
Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to one other person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
Conjurer Stance Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Stance ]
You can enter Conjurer Stance without using an Action, but exiting it requires one. Conjurer Stance confers the following benefits and limitations: You cannot use Abilities from Shielding Point Buy. You may place one Conjuration upon entering Conjurer Stance, but can only place 3 Max at once. Conjurations cannot move, but any Ability that allows you to place a Conjuration allows you to move one that already exists instead. Conjurations do not have Opportunity Attacks, can be walked through, count for Impact as a player would, and Abilities with Melee Range can be cast through one of your Conjurations. But, if a Conjuration is removed and re-placed, any Abilities cast through it are also removed. Additionally, if you make an Attack against an Enemy whilst you or the Enemy is Adjacent to one of your Conjurations, gain +1 Attack for each Adjacent Conjuration. Destroy all Conjurations when you exit Conjurer Stance.
Timer: 20 Minutes once Ended
Range: Emote Range
Conjurer Bolt Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Instant Power ]
Place a Conjuration on any unoccupied block within Emote Range that you can see. Additionally, make a Ranged Attack with +2 Attack against anyone within Melee Range of any of your Conjurations regardless of Line of Sight.
Timer: Four Times per Combat, Twice per Health Stage
Range: Emote Range
Conjurer Fog Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Instant Power ]
Place a Conjuration on any unoccupied block within Emote Range that you can see. Additionally, apply the Blinded Status Effect for 4 Turns Enemies who are within Melee Range of each of your Conjurations, up to a total number of Enemies equal to your current number of Conjurations.
Timer: Twice per Combat
Range: Emote Range
Conjurer Bleed Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Instant Power ]
Place a Conjuration on any unoccupied block within Emote Range that you can see. Additionally, Displace an Enemy within Range 4 Blocks toward one of your Conjurations of your choosing, if they Impact, apply the Bloody Status Effect to them for their next 4 Defense Rolls.
Timer: Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Range: Emote Range
Conjurer Garrotte Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Instant Power ]
Target an Enemy within Range and make an Attack Roll against them that inflicts -1HP Damage and applies the Silenced or Weakened Status Effect to the Target for 3 Turns if successful. If the Attack roll fails, apply the Silenced or Weakened Status Effect to the Target for 2 Turns instead.
Timer: Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Range: Melee Range
Conjurer Fetter Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Instant Power ]
You cannot use Conjurer Fetter unless you have at least 2 Conjurations Active. Target two Enemies within Range and apply -2 Attack to one, and -2 Defense to the other that lasts for their next 3 Rolls of the affected Stat. Conjurer Fetter does not Stack.
Timer: Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Range: Emote Range
Conjurer Plague Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Instant Power ]
You cannot use Conjurer Plague unless you have at least 3 Conjurations Active. Apply one of the the Bloody, Fleeting, or Vulnerable Status Effects to all Enemies within Melee Range of one of your Conjurations. If Bloody is chosen, apply it until the end of their current Health Stage.
Timer: Once per Combat
Range: Emote Range
Conjurer Warp Pack [ Conjurer ] [ Movement Power ]
Place a Conjuration on any unoccupied block within Emote Range that you can see. Additionally, teleport horizontally to a block adjacent to any of your Conjurations within 10 Blocks, ignoring Opportunity Attacks and moving through people.
Timer: Once per Combat
Range: Emote Range
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