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Shelved Character Aurora Mistwalker |

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Countess Silverberry
Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score

Character Information

Full Name:
Aurora Mistwalker

Heritage / Culture:
Paria Caste Kota Allar

  • The Paria Caste are the untouchables. There is no real other way around it, those that belong to the Paria Caste are Mages generally speaking, as well as Arkenborn or Godborn, or anything else that isn't fully "normal" in the view of Allar society, even if they aren't strictly Occult. A member of another Caste can also be downgraded to the Paria Caste if they become Afflicted or Occult somehow, which is why it is exceedingly rare to find a Learned-Mage Allar, and sad to find a Born-Mage Allar. Despite being untouchable, the Paria Caste is still taken care of by the other Castes by given housing (on the edge of town), free food and services, they just can't be touched by non-Paria Caste members for fear of Occult infection. It should be noted that among Rumah-Allar, this is completely inverted, the Paria Caste is directly below the Rama Caste, and instead of being untouchable, they are eagerly accepted, with the Rumah-Allar believing access to the Occult brings good fortune, and they are given a more lavish lifestyle accordingly.

  • The Kota-Allar or "City-Allar" are by far the most common Allar to find. Kota-Allar have a predisposition to social engagement, as they live in very densely packed coastal cities or major Regalian cities where space is a premium and most people have to be able to get along with each other. Kota-Allar are very open and hospitable to other Races, and generally approachable people who take pride in their employment and service to society, while bearing the fruits of that labor. Kota-Allar are also politically engaged, with many of the leading Allar politicians coming from this cultural outlook, and mingling with the Regalian Empire's aristocrats and Dukes at court. Kota-Allar are most likely to integrate in Regalian society wearing Ailor clothes.


Birthday: 11 October
Year born:

Gender / Pronouns:
Female, She/Her




Unionist Caan Godborn

Caan is a Half-Maquixtl (and Ailor) Unionist God of burdened but beautiful Magic. He is the patron of Mages, Aelrrigan Knights, and those who teach Magic but warn for its corruption. Caan is best described as an incredibly handsome and mysterious, but deeply antisocial and often awkward God who despite his divinity, is very approachable and interacts with a wide range of mortals while doing his work for the Aelrrigan Order as one of its Mage-Knights, the highest ranked and most powerful members. Caan's most recognizable and passing traits are his ginger/auburn hair and his magical arms, which manifest differently in each child. While Caan technically has a set hair color, his children can inherit other hair colors. He grants brightly glowing (any color) eye-mutations to his children, so bright that they need darkened glasses to see, or are blind. Unlike other Godborn, these cannot be turned off.

Unlike Nolvan Godborn, Caan Godborn are born entirely outside of religious expectations. Caan Godborn often end up induced into the Aelrrigan Order and are almost always born with innate Magic. Due to the high degree of Magic in Caanborn, Caan Godborn are considered the "cursed" Godborn, while Nolvan Godborn are the "blessed", leading to a modicum of rivalry or competition between the two.

Character Occupation:
Aelrrigan Knight, Unknown chapter

Character Title:




Appearance Information:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:
Black Scales


7 ft

Body Type:

Additional Features:

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:

Mechanic 1: Allar are immune to any (non Magical) disease or illness, such as viruses or bacteria, though they can become asymptomatic carriers.

Mechanic 2: Allar bodyparts regrow over the timespan of 24 hours when lost, though scars can be left behind if desired.

Mechanic 3: Allar have sensitive taste, their tongue capable of deeply analyzing anything they taste, what the ingredients are, and whether it has alchemical functions.

Mechanic 4 : Allar have perfect sight at night and in dark environments, capable of seeing in the dark without needing any external light source.

Mechanic 5: Allar can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.

Mechanic 1: Caan Godborn can use a form of Magic sonar that floods an area with tiny magical particles that create an outline that they can see despite their blindness or difficulty of seeing. Objects and people that are anti-Magic repel this effect and appear like a void, while incredibly powerful people or artifacts are almost intolerably bright.

Mechanic 2: Caan Godborn must sacrifice one Heritage Trait Mechanic of their own, which becomes a commutable Mechanic. Caan Godborn can then align with any other Heritage and choose one Mechanic from their Heritage Traits. This does not change their Design appearance, but can change the appearance of their mutated Arms to bear the aesthetics, symbols, or colors associated with the aligned Heritage.

Mechanic 3: Caan Godborn can supercharge the glowing light in their eyes, removing any eye cover or goggles they were wearing to dampen its effect, and use the glow from their eyes as a (laser) weapon. This does not change any Combat Mechanics or Styles, it is purely for the aesthetic flair of Emotes. Additionally, Caan Godborn cannot be blindfolded or blinded by having their eyes covered, since they see through Magic.

Sign language [ Sign ]
d'Ithanie [ d'I ]
Calem [ Cal ]
Aontaithe [ Aon ]
Hellas [ Hel ]
Kriv [ Kri ]


Taken into the Aelrrigan order when they were young, learning the ways of magic and knighthood as a result.

plot hooks:

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7

Defense Stat: 5

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0

Diving Tackle Pack [ Mele ] [ Movement Technique ] [ Free Pack ]

Constitution: 0

Intelligence: 0
Oceanic Pack [ Free Pack ]
The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.

  • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Oceanic Pack also allows the user to extend the full effects of Oceanic Pack to 2 additional Allies so long as they remain within 10 Blocks of the user (no longer needing to hold their hand). If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Faith: 0

Magic: 14


Found Family:
To be determined

Close Allie/Friend:
To be Determined

To be Determined

To be Determined

To be Determined
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