Archived Aura Plugin

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
in roleplay, all people have an 'aura', a unique magical energy inside them. this is purely roleplay, but I think there could be a plugin for it if the coders tried really hard. firstly there could be a command for choosing the colour and smell of your aura. this would determine what colour the particles are when you cast a spell, and anyone near you when a spell is casted will get a message that says: you can smell <smell> in the air! next you would enter a command that determines what magic you cast, for example: necromancy, levitation, restoration, naturistic ect. and that will determine what you can do. For the moment I will focus on necromancy, because it is awesome. For necromancy, first to go into spell mode press zero, and on default you will be in raise dead mode. this will allow you to raise something from the dead if you right click on the 'corpse' before it disappears, and it will fight for you, make zombie noises by default, and burn in sunlight. For another spell, you would enter the command /necro <spell> and that will be the spell on default for zero. For an example of another spell, Posessing things. this would make it so when something is on half a heat left (including players) you could right click them and control them, while your normal character disappears. you will then have the inventory, health, exp and hunger of that mob or player, and when you die you re-spawn in the same place, and be your normal character, with the hunger, health ect. of before you possessed the mob/player. also, you will have the respective powers of the mob you are, for example- zombie burns in day, passive mobs cant attack, skeletons use bows and whatever.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This idea is brilliant it could be cool if like as thy cast the spell is would form a solid body of light that that's auras color
I felt like merging this thread, since it is almost the exact same proposal.
isnt necromancy pretty OP? because if you could control players you would be able to grief and steal and if the person disappear you wouldnt be able to see if someone were controlled. And what about the person that would be controlled do? look whilst the necromancer steals and grief etc. but a pretty good idea anyway! (party)
I like the whole general "aura" deal, but people began useing the msging like the /msg (name) like telepathy. But the idea about auras is good, since it is in the Role Playing kind of deal. Now the problem is... who is smart enough to make a plugin that makes a floating fairy thing follow you around and changes color with the emotions you are having.... all in all good. ;3 <3
._. Look in the strict RP section for information about this.
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