Atticus Faulkner

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Jovee, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
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    ❖ FULL NAME: Atticus Leopold Faulkner
    ❖ AGE: 39
    ❖ GENDER: Male
    ❖ RACE: Ailor - Ithanian descent, with a Velheimer upbringing
    ❖ SEXUALITY: Bisexual

    + 35 Musical Arts [ +15 FROM AILOR BOOST; +20 FROM PROFICIENCY POINTS ]
    + 10 Literary Arts [ +10 FROM PROFICIENCY POINTS ]
    + 10 Hunting Knowledge [ +10 FROM CULTURAL BOOST ]
    + 3 Food & Drink Knowledge [ +3 FROM PROFICIENCY POINTS ]
    + 6 Linguistics Knowledge [ +6 FROM PROFICIENCY POINTS ]
    • Physical Stat - 5
    [ +10 LITERARY ARTS ] ÷ 2 ➸ 5 TOTAL
    • Average Body Shape
    • Average Body Fat
    He's well versed in common, so well that he's able to fabricate eloquent written pieces that would likely pass for a noble's handiwork. His accent; however; tends to muddle his speech at times.
    Atticus lived in Ithania for a good portion of his life. He had no choice but to pick up on the regional dialect through immersion and a hint of self-applied study.
    Atty was born in Drixagh and raised in Holzskagger. He was introduced to the language at a young age, so a lot of what he had learned in his youth has been long forgotten.
    ❖ Atticus teeters just above destitute, barely scraping by on the daily. He moved to Regalia after his schooling had concluded, mostly in hopes of gaining recognition for his musical endeavors, so he's been in the city for quite some time. Because he is essentially homeless due to his unreliable career, he occasionally stays with those that offer, but typically chooses to fend for himself as he'd rather not be in debt of others. Every now and again, he'll spend the evening at one of the many inns in Regalia, which is his default option if he's got the coin.

    ❖ Atticus was born into a rather average family in Drixagh; however, his father, a Piers Evelyn, died in a freak accident before Atticus was even a month old. While he wasn't entirely accepted into his mother's new family- one that she had married into for monetary reasons- Atticus accumulated a total of four half-siblings: Amadeus, Mathias, Eliana, and Amelia.

    ❖ Atticus would really love to see his daughters again; after the divorce was final, his ex-wife stole away to Ithania with both Victoria and Tegan in tow. While he's currently working toward building on his musical career in Regalia because of his thirst for greatness, he's also putting in said hours so that he has the money to support a family, if his daughters ever choose to let him back into their lives.



    ❖ EYE COLOR: Cornflower
    ❖ HAIR COLOR: Dark brown, but graying in areas
    ❖ HAIR STYLE: Short and side-swept, accompanied by stubble growth along his jaw
    ❖ SKIN COLOR: Medium-- not tan, not pale
    ❖ CLOTHING: Layered and well-worn; those today would classify him as a 20's hipster
    ❖ HEIGHT: 5'9"
    ❖ WEIGHT: 155
    ❖ VISUAL REFERENCES: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

    ❖ Atticus’ face is elongated and the hollows of his cheeks are exaggerated due both his failure to eat properly, typically choosing brandy over actual food, and his advanced age. A series of wrinkles gathers at the corners of his mouth and some deeper crevices beneath his expressive eyes. His nose is arguably petite, but it has a harsh point that is angled downward in his profile. Atticus doesn’t shave regularly, so his face is almost always covered in three or so day-old stubble and his scruff migrates upward enough to meet his sideburns; however, the tufts of hair that sit before and alongside his ears appear much lighter in color when compared to his natural tone: a faded, taupe grey. He wears his hair short and tends to part any stray bangs to the left. Furthermore, his brows are thin, but dark.
    ❖ Due to his lack of daily, physical exercise, his body is regrettably absent of any visible muscle, but this doesn’t deter him from offering taunting insults to those that rub him in the wrong direction. His core is solid enough and may be the most reliable asset to his figure, in high contrast to that of his right shoulder. As a child, he was severely injured during an accident brought on by one of his mother’s falcons, the bird’s razor-sharp talons having dug mercilessly across his right-side collarbone and nearby tissue. It never healed properly and it impedes him even to this day. Additionally, a thick layer of dark body hair spans over his chest, forearms, and legs.

    ❖ If he had the money, Atticus would probably be one of the more fashion-forward men of Aloria; however, he is quite poor and just about every article of clothing he owns is either stained or has at least one ragged hole. He usually wears layered, structured shirts that aid in making him look bulkier, fitted trousers to play down his lower half, and finishes off the ensemble with various accessories (such as a thin, untied and disheveled cravat slung about his neck, or an assortment of wrist wear). Atticus’ right, pearl earring is of high sentimental value. It once belonged to his daughter, Tegan. She left it with him when her mother stole away with both her and her sister, Victoria; he is never seen without this item.

    ❖ Atticus has a smooth, suave demeanor about him; however, he reverts to utilizing a great amount of slang that detracts from what could be a rather proper manner of speech. His voice is almost soothing, but has grown to hold traces of rasp after enduring so many years of unnecessary conversation. He can sing very well.



    How would your character express happiness and contentedness?
    Atty is usually in a jovial mood, even if he has to fake it; however, it's not difficult to tell when he's genuinely happy and just putting up a front for the sake of social pressures. When sincerely content, he's more open to joke about his insecurities and during smiles or laughter, he'll expose his teeth. While these are subtle nuances, due to Atty's commendable ability to maintain a facade, his closest friends tend to pick up on them.
    How would your character respond to experiencing fear?
    Atticus was taught that a man should show no weakness. Because this was so firmly ingrained in his person as a child, he's rather good at suppressing tell-tale factors of unease. Despite all this, he does have a collection of phobias that he's not all that willing to admit to.
    How would your character respond to experiencing stress?
    Atty's fairly good at concealing stress. He's a father of twins, has been in the food service industry since he was very young, and he's even a survivor of mild child abuse. If a circumstance arises that calls for quick decision-making, Atticus can typically step up to the plate.
    How does your character view law and authorities?
    The law hasn't really ever been on Atty's side; granted, he has a bad habit of back-talking people that tell him what to do. He doesn't support what they do, but he can show gratitude when they prove to be helpful.
    How does your character feel about races other than their own?
    Atticus is reasonably open-minded. He doesn't look down on any race in particular.
    How does your character feel about religion for themselves, and how do they feel about other faiths?
    Atty follows no religion and because he doesn't have a firm opinion on the matter, he generally doesn't mind what religion others choose to practice. That being said, he's skeptical of the Unionist faith-- he's always thought of it as a means to garner further attention for the Emperor, so much that it's borderline redundant.
    How does your character feel about the arcane and magical in the world?
    Some magic is beneficial; however, even the most useful can become dangerous in the wrong hands. He's wary of any that can use it, until he establishes an amiable relationship with them, especially if their school is of a destructive nature.
    How does your character feel toward their family?
    Atticus is a devoted father, a questionable son, and an abhorrent husband. He would do anything for his twin daughters, no matter the cost, but when it comes to his siblings and parents, he often makes mistakes. His most notable blunder is the infidelity he inflicted upon his ex-wife.
    While he's had a rough past with his loved ones, he's tried to atone for what he's done wrong. Family is very important to him, even though he'll often times dismiss it as something he's not all that passionate about.
    What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    Despite his talent with the piano being-- what he considers to be-- unparalleled, Atty is most proud of being a father to his twin daughters. He thinks about them constantly, always yearning for them to be present when he experiences just about any emotion.
    What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    Atticus' daughters are one of the few reasons that convince him to face the day. Every day. He'd be dead, if not for them.
    What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    He smokes more than he should. This has lead to health problems, such as shortness of breath and the inability to run long distances or scale multiple flights of stairs. He normally plays it off, if anyone comments on his addiction, but he spends a great deal of time reflecting on his dependency.
    What is your character's biggest fear?
    Being unable to protect his children.
    Being forgotten.
    Atticus dwells on his phobias fairly often, usually when he's supposed to be sleeping. They keep him up at night; however, not a lot of people are aware of his most prominent fears. He keeps them locked up tight.
    ❖ Physically Weak
    Atticus' lean build leaves much to be desired in terms of combat. He's not strong, nor is he able to take more than a few hits, leaving him exceedingly vulnerable in a physical fight. Atticus has also not been trained in any form of self-defense, which renders him even more useless if a physical altercation arises.
    ❖ Loose Tongue
    Atticus has no filter whatsoever. He will often times say exactly what's on his mind, usually without any sort of sugar coating, which can get him into rather unfavourable situations. While the size of his target can sometimes dissuade his tongue from blurbing inappropriate words, on most occasions he isn't hindered. He will hold back if there is any chance of serious harm that may befall him, be it apprehension by the guards, maiming, or possible death; however, these circumstances aren't too frequently experienced.
    ❖ Shoulder Injury
    His shoulder never healed properly after being dug into by a hawk's talons during a training session with his mother, which resulted in a torn rotator cuff that still ails him in the present. To this day, its mobility is compromised, even to the point that he's unable to raise his arm above his collarbone.
    ❖ Atticus often itches the back of his ear, toys with the pearl stud in his right lobe, scratches the back of his head, and rubs his palm along the side of his stubbled jawline on occasion. He is almost always seen with his left hand in his front pants' pocket.

    ❖ Atticus has rhythm, enough that he can dance; he was also instructed as a young adolescent how to properly waltz, two-step, and perform various other ballroom styles. He's also a self-taught dog trainer.

    ❖ Atticus would gladly offer piano lessons to any that asked, especially so if they offered a pretty penny.

    ❖ In addition to Common, he can speak in both the Kalmarra and the Citoyen dialect.

    ❖ Piano / Music / Vocals
    Atticus is an exceptional pianist, but can play a handful of other instruments if in a pinch. His voice is solid, meshing well enough with his self-composed works, and he has a deep understanding of musical theory. He's been playing religiously since the age of ten.
    ❖ Persuasion
    Atticus grew up around people that were known to be eloquent speakers, and while his accent muddles his speech from time to time, he has learned to pair his extensive vocabulary with body language in effective ways. Even if he's discussing a topic he knows little about, he can still muster up a convincing enough argument to feign knowledge on the subject. Additionally, very few have resisted his coy grin.
    ❖ Confidence
    Atticus knows he's talented. He's also aware that he's not too terribly tough on the eyes. Add these traits to experience and age, and one has a deadly combination. Atticus isn't necessarily arrogant, but he's wise to his desirable features and isn't afraid to voice his personal opinion regarding such. His track record with women only further strokes his ego
    ❖ Music
    As soon as he learned to read notes as a child, Atticus has been perpetually obsessed with bettering his musical talent. He sings and plays the piano arguably well, convinced that there is no feeling greater than that of positively commanding an entire audience's attention.
    ❖ Brandy
    While relatively strong in the mental and emotional department, Atticus wasn't equipped to cope with various instances of loss without the aid of outside forces, one being alcohol. He hasn't kicked the habit since then and has no current plans on doing so; however, he's not to the point that it's too destructive.
    ❖ Canines
    Atticus adores dogs, both large and small. He has a sort of natural affinity toward them, as he proved to be spectacular with them while growing up around a family that trained them for hunting, so it's only fair that he enjoys their company under any circumstance.

    ❖ Losing / Being Proven Wrong
    Ever a competitive man, Atticus craves the rewarding sensation of being correct or besting someone in a contest. When he loses, he grows bitter, often times lashing out verbally in defense of his pride.
    ❖ Darkness
    Atticus is terrified of the dark. As a child, his stepfather locked him in the attic for nearly an entire day. He swore he could see figures shifting in the dark recesses of the uppermost floor of the Faulkner household and even to this day, he avoids venturing anywhere dimly lit without the presence of a candle or torch.
    ❖ Birds
    Birds carry disease. They're loud and obnoxious. Additionally, his shoulder is permanently marred by the talons of a rogue hawk, scarring that he's carried far into adulthood with no visible healing progress.
    *The gray color denotes an NPC

    Piers Evelyn [ Father; deceased ]
    Winston Faulkner [ Stepfather ]
    Lovisa Faulkner [ Mother ]
    Amadeus Faulkner [ Younger brother ]
    Mathias Faulkner [ Youngest brother ]
    Eliana Faulkner [ Younger sister ]
    Amelia Faulkner [ Youngest sister ]
    Shani Lemaire [ Ex-wife ]
    Tegan Lemaire [ Eldest Daughter ]
    Victoria Lemaire [ Youngest Daughter ]
    Daphne Roberts [ Former Instructor ]
    Fjola Skogul [ @VanCeryneia • Ex-Lover; deceased ]
    Athalia Vorul [ @littlesmiff13 • Past Lover ]
    "K'ivi" [ @Nesstro • Friend ]
    Mei Zu [ @LlamaDelBae • Friend ]
    Jocelyn von Duerr [ @Dekuras • Friend ]
    Susanna Bottone [ @Betel_ • Friend ]
    Amelie Belrose [ @SlyChung • Friend ]
    Maja Khalil [ @SlyChung • Casual Lay ]
    Fawzi Krazz'la [ @RightChat • Friend ]
    Olivia Ombre [ @Posidem • Friend ]
    Lariaye [ @Grotlenator • Acquaintance ]
    Rena Ulvtjener [ @flareskies • Friend ]
    Victor Staltwell [ @Viktar • Current Lover ]
    Tomatsu Katsuki [ @Pauleen • Current Lover ]
    Marjorie Roccamare [ @Honeyrnoon • Friend ]
    Caroline [ @Viktar • Friend ]
    Lucian [ @Rinus • Friend ]
    Keanu Hath [ @Owiver • Friend ]
    Tullion Kearney [ @ShipIt • Acquaintance ]
    Elias [ @HobblingHobbit • Employer ]
    Ivan Grey [ @Kihle • Acquaintance ]
    Aesling Sylfina [ @Bellarmina • Acquaintance ]
    Yariel Kearney [ @MrChadington • Acquaintance ]
    Alfhild Ulfheide [ @SlyChung • Questionable Ex-Friend; deceased ]
    Dorian Ardelan [ @Yigit • Ex-Employer; deceased ]
    Iannis Ardelan [ @Llatzerus • Ex-Employer ]
    Oddvar Etheloth [ @Rinus • Friend ]
    Silyoran Dei Veleno [ @Resirolas • Friend ]
    Kai-si'en [ @Nesstro • Friend ]
    Sylas Atwood [ @Empaul • Acquaintance ]
    Isak "Bjorn" Atwood [ @HobblingHobbit • Acquaintance ]
    Carrick Kearney [ @HereticTakao • Acquaintance ]



    • On October 25, 267 AD, Atticus was born to Piers Evelyn-- an Ithanian craftsman-- and the artisan’s northerne wife, Lovisa in Drixagh.
    • Piers Evelyn met an early demise not long after his son arrived, so Atticus never got the privilege to formally meet his father.
    • Lovisa was desperate to find work in order to support the baby Atticus, so when a childhood friend [Winston Faulkner] whom owned a reputable falconry business in Holzskagger offered help on the matter, she couldn’t turn it down. The two’s relationship soon blossomed into a romantic one and the both of them were wed within the year.
    • Atty’s first brother, Amadeus, was born in 272 AD.
    • Winston showed partiality for Amadeus and the favoritism was blatantly obvious. There were instances where Atticus’ stepfather would berate him for nearly nothing, usually resulting in backtalk and a somber whipping by extension.
    • Atticus was permanently marred by the family’s falcon whilst trying to learn how to handle her. Out of panic, the young boy lashed out at the bird and happened to injure her as well, which infuriated Winston. The livid stepfather proceeded to take out his frustrations through corporal punishment.


    • Lovisa suggested formal schooling, a mutual benefit for both opposing parties, as the two of them would see little to none of one another. Winston begrudgingly agreed and ten-year-old Atticus departed for Ithania once his shoulder had recovered.
    • Mathias, the second of Winston’s line, was born just after Atticus’ leave in 277 AD.
    • Atticus proved to be a natural in music. He absorbed every lesson like a sponge and effortlessly socialized with the other students in his age-range. Without Winston there to inhibit his motivation, Atticus thrived.
    • From 277 AD to 284 AD, Atticus endured year after year of musical theory and undaunted practice sessions on the piano. He honestly didn’t want his time at the School of Music to end, but he felt obligated to seek out job opportunities as soon as his education came to a close.
    • Additionally, he was essentially required to leave his former instructor behind, as he had slept with her on more than one occasion. She was removed from her position and Atticus didn't want to stick around to see what her husband had to say on the matter.
    • Atty never finished his formal schooling in regards to instrumental music; however, he was intent to learn on his own time, even without the aid of a proper tutor.

    • Atticus decided to depart for Regalia, as his talents were considered a dime a dozen whilst among the art-loving community prevalent in Ithania.
    • He hopped from job to job, occasionally picking up shifts at run-down taverns and pubs, taking on manual labor tasks, and performing intermittent piano gigs where applicable.
    • One evening, Atticus was paired with a Qadir vocalist by the name of Shani whom would become his wife in the following year. They hit it off well, courted for a short while, and ultimately found her pregnant-- leading to a hasty marriage in 296 AD.
    • Tegan and Victoria, identical twins, were born in 297 AD.

    • Atticus struggled with employment. His talents weren’t as celebrated as they had been in Ithania, and his build was not ideal for manual labor. He took to smoking, in hopes that it would dull his persistent thoughts of self-loathing.
    • His daughters were difficult to keep up on as well, having to deal with two infants at the same time; this caused funds and patience to run even thinner still, which brought about further arguments without much provocation.
    • His homelife wasn't all that enjoyable, either; Atticus' odd jobs weren't paying the bills and when he returned home, his wife wasn't emotionally available because she expended all of her energy on the growing girls. It was then that Atty began to seek romantic attention outside of his marriage, to make up for what he lacked in his current relationship. His extra-marital affairs didn't go on for long before Shani caught wind. Upon learning of her husband's infidelities, she gathered the girls and their belongings, boarded the next ship to Ithania, and cut all ties with Atticus for what felt like eons.
    • Atty’s pitiable lifestyle saw little change; however, his ex-wife eventually permitted visits, despite being few and far-between.
    • Atticus had only returned to Holzskagger a grand total of two times since his initial departure. While he writes his family every now and again, he doesn’t make much of an effort to visit them.

    Atticus was born to Piers Evelyn-- an Ithanian craftsman-- and the artisan's northerne wife, Lovisa in Drixagh. He was a happy and well-behaved child, even with the stipulation of growing up without a proper father. A few weeks after Atticus’ birth, Piers was mauled by a bear whilst out chopping wood. With no man to provide income and a child to raise on her own, Lovisa was desperate. Upon vacating her hometown in hopes of a fresh start, Lovisa met with a childhood friend-- Winston Faulkner-- whom owned a reputable business in Holzskagger that specialized in falconry. Because he was so affluent, he offered to help her with finding work, but their relationship soon blossomed into a romantic one. The two were wed within the year.

    Winston showed no love toward his stepson and this fact was only solidified with the arrival of children of his own. Amadeus came first, then Mathias, and Winston showered them with adoration, always offering tender words of encouragement, where Atticus was reduced to being excommunicated in his room as punishment for trivial, and rather typical, childish behavior. In an attempt to separate her son from her new husband, Lovisa chose to introduce Atticus to training avians and dogs, which consequentially was a staple of the Faulkner family business. While he excelled in interacting with the canines his family held, the young boy failed miserably at training the falconry. During one session, he was attacked by a larger bird mid-flight that decimated his right shoulder's rotator cuff; the shock from the injury caused Atticus to lash out at the creature, which in turn rendered the prized hunter useless to the family. Winston was furious, taking out his frustrations through corporal punishment.

    Desperate to both protect her son and maintain her relationship with Winston, Lovisa suggested formal schooling, a mutual benefit for both opposing parties. Winston warily agreed, and ten-year-old Atticus departed for Ithania shortly after recovering from the injury on his shoulder.

    Atticus was shipped off to a music institution in the heart of Ithania, where Piers had once studied himself. At first, Atty was hesitant to make friends; however, having been freed from the constant stress perpetuated by Winston's watchful eye, the young boy thrived. He took to music like a fish to water, his attention unperturbed by the looming possibility of bodily harm from his stepfather. Years flew by and his fingers grew nimble, ultimately coming to learn nearly all there was to know about music theory. It was at this time, he encountered another love, second only to piano. One of his instructors, an attractive woman named Daphne, seemed to share a similar affection, and the two of them would occasionally share evenings with one another. Their fling endured a good half-year before Daphne had no choice but to cut their intimate time short, in fear of being discovered by her superiors. Despite his efforts to keep their affair a secret, Daphne was found out, removed from her position, and, while afraid of the consequences to come, she advised that Atticus leave as soon as he was able. Her husband wasn't the most understanding of men.

    All in all, Atticus was nearly through with his education at this point, so with the conclusion of he and Daphne's relationship, he felt it only right to vacate Ithania in search for work and to conveniently put distance between he and his ex-lover. Instead of returning to Holzskagger, a location he was certain held no love for musical endeavors, he chose the central, holy city of the Empire. His mother was mildly disheartened, as she had given birth to Eliana and Amelia by that time, but she wished him the very best in the form of a letter.

    After an exhausting boat trip over choppy waters, he found himself alone, with little coin to his name amongst the chaos that was Regalia. Falsely optimistic, he hopped from job to job, occasionally picking up shifts at run-down taverns and pubs, taking on manual labor tasks, and performing intermittent piano gigs where applicable. It was during one evening where he played at a raggedy bar that he was paired with a Qadir vocalist by the name of Shani, his future wife. They hit it off well, courted for a short while, and ultimately slept with one another. Shani was soon found to be with child, which led to a hasty marriage. They were blessed with two healthy baby girls, Tegan and Victoria, whom solidified their still new, but budding relationship.

    While the situation at home was proving to be favorable, Atticus struggled heavily with employment. Taverns that dotted the poor district slowly went out of business, thinning out his options, and he proved to have a less desirable physique for manual labor when compared to a good majority of Regalia's populace. As if to fan the flames, they soon realized that raising twin girls made funds run out much quicker, which only exacerbated their financial plight, and frustrations boiled beneath the surface for the desperate musician. Atticus took to excessive smoke in order to dull the sensation of self-loathing. The Faulkner funds dwindled dangerously close to zero, which also added to the pressure and stress that Atticus endured on a daily basis, so his dirty habits worsened by extension.

    Atticus and Meredith struggled to keep from arguing so frequent it nearly happened every day. He grew restless, leaping from job to job, and when he came home, he received next to no romantic relief. Desperate for that release, he sought out other options, outside his marriage. It didn't last long; Shani caught on to his infidelities fairly quickly. Their marriage was fundamentally over at this juncture, his most recent transgressions having been its breaking point.

    Shani gathered the girls and their belongings, boarded the next ship to Ithania come dawn, and cut all ties with Atticus for what felt like eons.

    Atticus was devastated; however, he picked up the pieces of his shattered life and managed to scrape by on shockingly low funds from week to week. Eventually, Shani permitted visits, but they were few and far between. Any time spent with his daughters seemed to validate his pathetic existence just enough to motivate bare-bone survival. In fact, if asked, he'd somberly admit that they were the only reason he had any will to live on. While time had passed since his split with Shani, Atticus' lifestyle underwent very little change, but self-detrimental thoughts have mostly faded over the years. He still misses her, though refuses to confess that small admittance.

    • Winner Winner x 7
    • Like Like x 2
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 2
    #1 Jovee, Feb 16, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  2. soapboxstage

    soapboxstage a muppet of a man

    Aug 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    the only thing I see at a glance is that the strengths and weaknesses are dwindling in content.
  3. xX_OliverOnly_Xx

    xX_OliverOnly_Xx sugoi

    Sep 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    It looks pretty good so far ;333
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oh, I was under the impression that we needed 3 of each. Is that wrong? I'm a bit dated, to be fair.

    You're a gem, bud.~
  5. soapboxstage

    soapboxstage a muppet of a man

    Aug 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    no you have the right amount but each one is a little short
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Ah. That's fair. I'll try to elaborate a bit on each, but I didn't think that there was anything wrong with being appropriately concise. ^^;
  7. SlyChung

    SlyChung A Sly Person

    Nov 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    D'aww. I feel bad for him. Don't worry! Amelie will help.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Amelie is a sweetheart. Also, love the art for your profile pic! [:
  9. SlyChung

    SlyChung A Sly Person

    Nov 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    She really isn't.

    Oh the woderful art piece was made by *cough* @Ghirko *cough*
    • Like Like x 1
  10. BeetrootSalad

    BeetrootSalad the gremlin Supremium

    Jun 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Peer Review!
    Hmm. Elaborate, perhaps? It's a bit short.
    This isn't mandatory, but some people color code their negative, neutral and positive traits.
    Elaborate how this plays into his life, and how he may use this.
    Add how he may have a fear of them or may find any reason to hurt one. It is a slightly random dislike, until you read about how they maimed his shoulders, but you should add how this plays into his life in general.
    Same with the above.

    @Tag me when the edits are complete!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  11. TyrolleanEagle

    TyrolleanEagle Grand Elder of Calemberg

    Aug 9, 2013
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    @Jovee I will be reviewing this sheet.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  12. TyrolleanEagle

    TyrolleanEagle Grand Elder of Calemberg

    Aug 9, 2013
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    @Jovee Review complete!
    • The Weakness “Loose Tongue” and the Personality Trait “Cautious” seem to be somewhat at odds. Perhaps you could define the proverbial “line in the sand”, where Atticus’ loose lips don’t cross? Speaking before powerful aristocrats, Orcs, Guards, etc.
    • For the Weakness “Shoulder Injury”, give us some more backstory. How did he mangle his shoulder? Falling from a tree, a robbery attempt at his home, a tragic gardening accident, etc.
    Aside from the points above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you’re finished. Pending.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
  14. TyrolleanEagle

    TyrolleanEagle Grand Elder of Calemberg

    Aug 9, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  15. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thanks so much! [:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. RightChat

    RightChat It's an Aurelion Sol main

    Mar 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Atticus Finch
    • Educated Educated x 1
  17. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I've updated Atticus' format to fit the new layout. I'm not sure if that warrants a re-review, so I figured it's better to be safe than sorry. Thanks!~
  18. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    My Review
    • Your first personality paragraph isn't quiiiite there, it is pretty good but remember the perspective: It's how strangers and bystanders might see him. You just need to change up some of the wording and it should be fine.
    • The Life Story is over the maximum of 900, please cut it down.
    • Also, I am having a small question about his parentage that his life story doesn't quite clear up for me. Both his parents were Ithanian? So what were they doing living in Drixagh.
    Please tag me once the edits have been done in green @Jovee
    (Also, on a personal note perhaps maybe want to wait until Sunday to do any edits to the application. Something may be coming then which you might be very interested in as you have a music character)
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  19. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thanks so much! I'll do the edits as requested, but you don't have to check back in until after Sunday ;] That's really exciting! :0

    Also, I'm at a little over 900 words. ^^; I'm really trying, but it's getting difficult to trim the fat.
    #19 Jovee, Aug 11, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  20. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Before I get to editing a bit more, I've just a few questions in regard to schooling of the musical variety:
    • What is the youngest age that one can enroll?
    • The last bit of the wiki page was a bit foggy-- are you able to be both expert in Musical Theory /and/ in Instrumental Music?
    • Are there set locations for Schools of Music? Do you have to attend a school, or are you able to be tutored privately?
    • Specifically here in this universe, can you learn both Musical Theory and Instrumental Music at the same time? Is that permitted? Or are you expected to spend separate time learning one, then the other?
    [I.e., it takes a total of 7.75 years to become an expert in instrumental, but 5.75 to do the same in music theory. Do you add the total, or can you say that during the 7.75 years, 5.75 years of that span was spent also learning music theory?]​
    • Can you further your knowledge of music theory on your own time, or do you still have to attend a physical school?

    Thanks so much for all the help. Hope I'm not being too obnoxious x'3
  21. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1. 10
    2. Yes
    3. Both, tutelage only goes up to scholar if ur doing it privately
    4. Yes and how it generally works is, if you want to be expert in musical theory and instrumental/vocal music, you just add 1 year onto the time it takes to reach expert in instrumental
    5. yes, you can do it on your own with a textbook
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  22. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I do believe I've patched up this application! Thanks so much for the pointers so far! [:
  23. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    For now approved but be aware this may change in the future due to the double expert on one character, internal debate is still occurring as to whether this is allowed.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  24. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thanks, man! I'll bear that in mind.
  25. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hey, @HydraLana [:

    I figured it'd just be easier to stick to one schooling expertise. It'd make more sense if he learned piano through his own methods, anyway. If you want to take a peek at the edits, I've color-coded them in green.~

    Thanks again!

    Additionally, each time I go to edit this app, I end up losing the Approved tag. I'm still unsure as to whether or not it's a default function of the forums or just my browser glitching out.
  26. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Where did the skill section go?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  27. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oh my god. I'll deal with that straightaway after I get off work tonight. Jeeze, I'm a mess ^^ Apologies!
  28. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I'm so sorry about that. Everything should be fixed at this point-- edits still indicated in green.~
  29. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  30. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Are you seeking a re-review?
  31. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I think the tag dropped off. ^^; I only added a reference image.
  32. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Tag restored.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  33. Pauleen

    Pauleen "this guy sucks"

    Sep 10, 2017
    Likes Received:
    • Generous Generous x 1
  34. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I gotta add you!
  35. Pauleen

    Pauleen "this guy sucks"

    Sep 10, 2017
    Likes Received:
    #blessed ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
    • Winner Winner x 1
  36. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I changed the age of his youngest daughter, added more reference images, and cleaned up his relationships, so it seems I've lost the approved tag again. ^^; If anyone could lend me a hand on the matter, that'd be real swell.~
  37. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia

    Jun 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Wow no Noelle as a friend I see how it is

    Jk they only spoke like once
    • Winner Winner x 1
  38. Jovee

    Jovee Piano Man

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Aww. Rest in peace, Noelle.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  39. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Tag restored, please tag the reviewer next time it happens.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  40. Ryria

    Ryria i amne jusst a litle creechr

    Oct 22, 2015
    Likes Received:
    i love edward norton
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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