At's Art Thread 2.0


Weirdo Snake
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Nowhere, Ireland
I have an art new art thread now. Here, have some strange/not looking as good as I want it to be digital art because i don't have a tablet yet and my scanner is horrible, annoying, and horribly annoying:
Well, seeing as this is basically a practise thread for my artsy stuff, as my digital art does need improving, I'll admit, if anyone wants, I'll do free commissions for practise work~
Also, here are my two latest drawings from the lands of drawing software and drawing tablets~~~

I like your style at lot!

If you are taking free commissions and would like the practice, you could try this one, it was a request I filled a while back that nobody jumped on.

Character Name: Ecthelor Topale
Link to Character Intro:
Skin (You can base the picture off skin and character intro: (will be uploaded in post)

Picture Specifications:
I would like a small, plain iron shortsword to be unsheathed and in his left hand, though not being held in any fighting position. Rather, he is holding it idly and lowered, and is holding up and inspecting a compass in his right hand. I will not be a stickler on how the short-sword is designed as it is not meaningful and I have not envisioned it looking a particular way.


There should be a black belt around his green cloth outfit by his waist, that also has a strap going over his shoulder. On his right side is a leather pouch attached to the belt, containing an enderpearl, though the pearl doesn't need to be seen, perhaps a small bulge in the pouch can be drawn.

I would like emphasis on Ecthelors eyes, while his eye color is dark blue he should have a slightly haggard appearance, with slight bags over his eyes and being slightly bloodshot.

I would also like his beard to be less thick than it is in the skin, being only an all around stubble.

Even though you said free commission, I will still pay you some regals if you do this and it turns out well. :)
I like your style at lot!

If you are taking free commissions and would like the practice, you could try this one, it was a request I filled a while back that nobody jumped on.

Character Name: Ecthelor Topale
Link to Character Intro:
Skin (You can base the picture off skin and character intro: (will be uploaded in post)

Picture Specifications:
I would like a small, plain iron shortsword to be unsheathed and in his left hand, though not being held in any fighting position. Rather, he is holding it idly and lowered, and is holding up and inspecting a compass in his right hand. I will not be a stickler on how the short-sword is designed as it is not meaningful and I have not envisioned it looking a particular way.


There should be a black belt around his green cloth outfit by his waist, that also has a strap going over his shoulder. On his right side is a leather pouch attached to the belt, containing an enderpearl, though the pearl doesn't need to be seen, perhaps a small bulge in the pouch can be drawn.

I would like emphasis on Ecthelors eyes, while his eye color is dark blue he should have a slightly haggard appearance, with slight bags over his eyes and being slightly bloodshot.

I would also like his beard to be less thick than it is in the skin, being only an all around stubble.

Even though you said free commission, I will still pay you some regals if you do this and it turns out well. :)

Working on it, should be done soon, maybe tomorrow or Friday~
I like your style at lot!

If you are taking free commissions and would like the practice, you could try this one, it was a request I filled a while back that nobody jumped on.

Character Name: Ecthelor Topale
Link to Character Intro:
Skin (You can base the picture off skin and character intro: (will be uploaded in post)

Picture Specifications:
I would like a small, plain iron shortsword to be unsheathed and in his left hand, though not being held in any fighting position. Rather, he is holding it idly and lowered, and is holding up and inspecting a compass in his right hand. I will not be a stickler on how the short-sword is designed as it is not meaningful and I have not envisioned it looking a particular way.


There should be a black belt around his green cloth outfit by his waist, that also has a strap going over his shoulder. On his right side is a leather pouch attached to the belt, containing an enderpearl, though the pearl doesn't need to be seen, perhaps a small bulge in the pouch can be drawn.

I would like emphasis on Ecthelors eyes, while his eye color is dark blue he should have a slightly haggard appearance, with slight bags over his eyes and being slightly bloodshot.

I would also like his beard to be less thick than it is in the skin, being only an all around stubble.

Even though you said free commission, I will still pay you some regals if you do this and it turns out well. :)

I'm horrible. I haven't really had that much time to work on this, and your application is a little too complex for me, so it won't be too good, I'm sorry to say, however, I am still working on it, but I may need a fair bit of time.
EDIT: I am not able to draw this. I'm not very good a figures, or hands, and it won't work. The thing I had that looked almost alright with it somehow stopped working in GIMP, and my tablet is acting up now. So, if you want me to draw a simpler drawing of head & upper body, please say so. I am really, really sorry.
Golemlord Ok, once again, sorry it isn't a figure like you requested, but I'm not very good with proportion or anything like that in general unless I'm using an actual penciland paper. But anyways, here:


  • Ecthelor.png
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Golemlord Ok, once again, sorry it isn't a figure like you requested, but I'm not very good with proportion or anything like that in general unless I'm using an actual penciland paper. But anyways, here:

I like it! I know you said you had a lot of trouble with it, but it is still nice, and it captures Ecthelors look. Thanks :) You did a nice job on it, especially since what I gave you was a pretty hard commission.
The art you do needs enproving,the facial feators need to be simetricly alined,and you need to add a lot mour deateals, tacke a look at other peapoles art and learn,a bit of constructive critisisam
It's nice to see you getting better!, looking at this thread I can see you are getting better at scaling and facial structure, keep it up you can only get better
No offens tacken my good man,you sead you have art that you made IRL,so if you have a scaner scan that art and post it on the forum so that the massive comunety chan see it
Just a tip instead of using the wash tool to shade try changing the opacity of a darker colour to something like 15% and then draw over it if you can do that with that program
I used the software raynesummer suggested, and it works quite well. And the fill tool is much easier. I like that. I should probably zoom in on the drawing,
New D'Ithanie vampire character perhaps?
Mhm.. I don't mind these at all but I have a little hysteric attack when I see a large face kinda thing.

- just a little bit of tips to show -

Do you read? Take a look at some drawings to get an idea for a figure of a face or body.. It's actually quite well put. (Not just tutorials but anatomy.. As I was told.)

Smudged... Smudged smudged and smudged.
Try toning down the blur to something a little less -whoa-. I like to test brushes options out and it helps me find stuff easier to draw (for example, blending, blur, opacity), even though I haven't drawn something that is nice to show.

Anyway.. Keep improving in your drawings, they're rather nice.
Some constructive criticism, one artist to another-
Your heads are incredibly inhuman, and very bean-shaped. There is almost no definition to them. Ontop of that, they're far to tall, and their faces and bodies are un-proportional with their overly tall, skinny, beanshaped heads.

Their necks are too big, going back to the un-proportional nature of the artwork. Your necks extend all the way out to the end of the jaw, almost-- and it shouldn't be. If you haven't taken an anatomy class and have the ability to, then do so. It'll help your understanding of the body and your ability to draw it will improve. As well, if you arent taking an artclass, do so. Immediately. It'll help you in ways that you'd never imagine by testing and stretching your abilities while taking you out of your zone of comfort. Without art classes I'd still be just outside of stick figures.

Your foreheads are much too large and your faces are much too low. You give far too much room for the forehead- while important, the forehead should be shorter unless that individual has a much larger forehead then the norm. You dont start your facial features high enough, leading to low-set eyes, low (and cramped, atleast in that Lilian picture you posted) cheekbones, small chins, and lower hanging noses, resulting in your noses and mouths being right atop one another. (while this does happen, and often enough to be considered normal, not every person is the same proportionally in the face, and the majority of peoples noses and mouths arent that incredibly low, causing them to have no chin.

You need to isolate what it is that makes your style; what you like about it, what you don't, factor in criticism, and then start looking at other styles and figuring out what to adopt, what to keep, etc. That is the easiest way to change your style. Also the most productive. As well as that, look at your current creative process. What do you draw first? And do you draw an outline, or just jump right into the final product? I recommend making a skeleton first, like even just a simple head-shape and stick-body outline on a separate layer than your original- and also with an opacity lower than that of your going-to-be final product, like somewhere in the 50-60% range. Like this:
and here she is with as far as I've gotten (with all the various changes I've had to make along the way):

This method takes a tad longer, but it ends up looking much better.

You're trying to add in far too much extra detail to define things for your current skill level. You have to know your own limits, and break them in steps, not all at once. For example, the detail in the neck and on the chin in the Lilian picture. You could do without that extra detail for now because it detracts more than adds, as it distracts from the core picture itself by adding more things you have to shade, and since your current shading method- using the blur/smudge/water tool (or even the burn and blur, not quite sure which) creates unfavorable results, you should either just do flats or make as few things you need to shade as possible. The current detailing style you have doesn't look well to begin with, as its either thick lines or no lines at all, relying entirely on the smudging/darkening/whatever tool you're using to do your shading to create effects. Its jarring. Detail isn't meant to detract and distract from the original piece, but rather to add to and accent it. If there's too much detail in a small area or too distracting of detail, then you're going to take away from the original image itself.

The hair.
Your hair has almost no shape or volume to it. Its so paper thin that they might as well be bald, as the hair itself is just a distraction from the face and head-shape, and while they are flawed as well, the hair is a bad distraction. If you're not going to draw hyper realistic hair, which you probably don't want to, look into a more anime/cartoon style of hair. Its well volume-ized, it looks nice, and so long as you keep it proportional to the head, it can look absolutely fantastic.

Those eyes. They're trying to be like real eyes, but you currently either lack the skill or ability (physically, not in terms of preformance, just due to your set-up) to do real eyes, with all the important detail that makes that style of eye actually look good. The result of these psuedo-realistic eyes is a set of cold, piercing lemon eyes. Creepy as hell. You might also try a more cartoony, but still semi-real looking and rather nice looking eye-style. Look at, for example, Ravenwolfthorn or Ryciera's avatars for a female example of that. Looks nice, its rather simple, but at the same time, sort of a hard style to truly get down- especially with starting out. I'll tack eyebrows here too: They're too damn thick. Thick and almost taped-on looking. You need to downsize them by a lot. I seriously recommend just devoting a few hours-- even a day-- to studying other peoples drawing styles and seeing what you can take from them. Eyebrows are much harder to explain for me, so I cant offer much in the way of telling you how to fix it. Just know they'r too thick.

When you're coloring, you're not getting it all. There are still white spots all over the picture if you're looking at it in full view. If its far away, you cant tell. But once you expand it to full view, its jarring. Absolutely abysmally jarring. It looks plain lazy. Its an honest mistake to make sometimes, but you've made that very mistake consistently. Seriously, if you dont believe me go back and look. As well, and many people have said this: Don't shade with the blur tool! It doesnt look good! If you're going to shade, just do simple darker color tones of the same color applied in different areas the way you would see on a skin. It takes a bit longer that way, but it looks really good. The blur style shading is something some professionals I've seen cant even make good use out of. Its unfavored because its messy and blurs up your entire picture. Its different from a shading stump on traditional media. Significantly so. Rather than a stumpy's method of taking the currently placed graphite and spreading it more through friction, filling in patches in the paper that might not have been entirely colored before because of the texture, and also smoothing out the effected area; the blur tool just blurs everything. It doesnt smooth it at all. It smudges it. Makes the picture muddy.

Ninth and final:
Use different layers! You've gone digital, mate! Use the damn things! Makes life as an artist so much better. If the program you're using doesnt offer them, you can literally download Photoshop CS2 for free from adobes website (if you want I can send you the link with instructions, its a tad complicated, but its from adobe themselves and its not a trial)
You can tell you arent using different layers just because your blur tool not only blurs color but also your lines. Its obvious. Layers lead to smother, cleaner final products. Its important to digital art.
Also, if you've yet to purchase a tablet and are serious on any level about this, then get one. Mouse artwork just doesnt turn out the same in the end unless you're truly truly gifted.

And just a tad before I go, your reaction to lord_deadpool was unnecessary. Sure he was blunt. Its criticism. If you sugar coat it, like some of your mates seem to be doing, the point is lost-- and in your response, you unnecessarily put words that weren't there onto the page. He never said anything about your art not being hyper realistic. His blunt critique was rather short, yes. But it was not open ended. All he said in the end was "Your faces should be more symmetrical and you should look at other peoples art and try to learn from it, and also you should add more detail."
You went off on a rant, and in a manner that made it look like you were covering your ass. It was a tad childish, and made you look like you're unwilling to take criticism.
Yes, your style is constantly developing. So is every other artists. You never stop growing unless you refuse to improve yourself. That is no excuse to not heed criticism. If you draw something, you draw it in your style automatically. The only way you don't is if you trace it. Even if you were drawing hyper-realism, it'd be in your style. Every artist has a particular way about them and their lines and the way they do perspective that makes them unique. That is again no excuse. It just makes you look like you're justifying the way your art is now and acting like you know you should improve, but aren't currently. That doesn't seem to be the case based on the thread, but that's how that particular post makes you look. Once you start justifying and defending your artwork with flimsy excuses, you dont stop. And then you cut out room to improve. Its important to heed any words of criticism, because all critiques are important. Some more thought out and kinder than others, some quick and blunt.
Final thing to say: Art isnt hard. Anyone can make art.


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I actually don't know how to use layers. I have a tablet, I have layers, I just can't use them to save my life. I don't shade with the blur tool anymore. At least, since the Orc and Lilian. The art programme I use makes fill colouring hard, leaving white spaces. I'm afraid of getting rid of said white spaces because I'm afraid I'll destroy the line. I can't really take anatomy classes. I have my art class once a week in school, where I'm doing Topography, and nothing else within my area. I'm stilll quite new to digital art, and my good drawings on pen and paper fail to load when i try to upload them from the computer to here. And, I do admit my reaction to lord_deadpool was uncalled for. I have quite low self-esteem and I on especially bad days for me, I become irritable and write out long rants to try and defend myself, because in honesty, I'm pushed around a lot.
I am extremely bad at drawing lines and skeletons for drawing. I'm well, I can't justify it, I'm pretty lazy. I try to get things done quickly, and that does show up in most of my drawings. is something I'm terrible at. On paper, on digital, I can't do it. I just don't seem to be able to.
Eyes I can do on pen and paper. THey were the first thing I learned to draw with a relatively realism to them. Digital is too complicated for me.
I used to draw facial features to high on the drawing. I'm talking eyes at the hairline. I have a fear of this happening now, and so I throw them down too low.
Thanks for the advice, and @Lord_Deadpool , sorry if I insulted you in any way.
Maybe the program you're using isn't user friendly enough, then? again, Photoshop CS 2 is free. Its pretty easy to learn, and you can set up the work space to your comfort. Because if you use layers, you don't have to use the fill tool. You can just scribble the color you want in the area you want it and then hide it with future layers and later erase the stuff outside of the lines. There's plenty you can do to fix it, that you- as you said- currently aren't doing because you want to get it done quick. You aught to slow down and take the time to make the skeletons and work on the areas you have trouble in on your own time, if your art class currently isnt doing it for you. If you don't, you're not going to improve. As well, study the human frame a bit in your spare time, just do a good few hundred look overs of different anatomy models.
I started to draw in a more cartoony style. THis time, however, even though eyes aren't proportional, because cartoon, I did use lines. I'm quite happy with how this turned out. @KSTRandom Any input on this?

@KSTRandom Any input on this?
There are some noticeable improvements improvements in the eyes and eyebrows, and the proportioning on the body itself isnt that bad, personally I think your noses are a tad too realistic without the fine and minute details required to make them actually look realistic, but you could make it work if you keep practicing. As well, the head shape itself hasnt really changed, its still rather bean shaped with almost no actual shape to the face. Look at some pictures of peoples faces. And also, try drawing from some different angles other then straight forward, it might help you bring out some more shape to your faces. As well, the female's face is very masculine. Her body isnt very feminine either. Female anatomy is harder, so if you plan to draw dem ladies then you'll have to study that form. study it hard.