Athila Mikaladis

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Clewii, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. Clewii

    Clewii Woman

    Jul 29, 2016
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    ╔═════════════ { ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ } ═════════════╗

    When men overcome the desires of their hearts, that is when the world shall prosper.”

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    Basic Information
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    ull Name | Athila Syri Mikaladis.
    Age | 20 years. Born January 19th, 288 AC.
    Gender | Female.
    Race | Etosian.
    Sexuality | Don’t be a nosey whore.
    Preferred Weapon | Trident.

    Total Points | 35 (20 + 5 from age, +10 hobby points)
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    +8 Musical Arts (Hobby Points)
    +2 Architecture Arts (Hobby Points)
    +15 Maritime Knowledge | Yacht-Tier Vessel, The Dory
    +5 Pole Combat Skill
    +5 Shielding Combat Skill

    Physical Stat | 25
    (1.0 x 25 Maritime Knowledge, Pole Combat, Shielding Combat Skill = 25)

    Body Shape | Ripped
    Body Fat | Moderate

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    Etosian Dialect | Native Tongue
    Common | Learned in Childhood

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    "Do make haste; we haven't got all day."
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    Visual Information
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    Eye Color | Hazel
    Hair Color | Dark brown, nearly black.
    Hair Style | Thick, mostly straight tresses, worn down with a veil.
    Skin Color | Olive tan.
    Clothing | Long, layered linen robes in classic Etosian style.
    Height | 5’6”

    Personality & Abilities
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    Alignment | Lawful Evil
    While not necessarily “evil” in the most basic sense of the word, Athila seeks only self-benefit in the name of family success. She has no qualms with following the law, nor with manipulating it to get ahead; in fact, she finds it useful in furthering her schemes.

    Personality Type | The Protagonist
    “Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.”

    Preferring to lead rather than to follow, Athila gravitates towards a position of command in any situation. This falls in line with her stern, somewhat stoic demeanor.

    Religion | Unionism , 9 / 10

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    "Knowing when to listen is just as powerful as knowing when to speak."
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    Life Story
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    Athila Syri Mikaladis was born on the isle of Atolia in 288 AC to two Etosian parents, Meria and Emilius, their firstborn child. The family was large and loving, surrounded by many cousins and relatives. Being the oldest of her siblings, however, she was given heavy responsibilities along with her dominion from an early age, causing the girl to be years beyond her maturity her entire life. She didn’t mind this, though, seeming to prefer keeping others in line to participating in games or playing with toys. She spent her time equally between her parents, shadowing them; from her mother, she learned the ways of the home, and from her father, the family trade, sailing. While it couldn’t be said she found joy in this, the stoic young girl took it upon herself to learn each to the best of her ability, committing herself fully to the task.

    When she was nine years old, life took a sudden, drastic turn for the worse. Her mother caught an incurable disease that brought her to death's door. During the long, drawn-out period of her failing health, Emilius became extremely withdrawn, too grieved by the prospect of losing his wife to pay much attention to his children. The once bright, carefree children were forced to mature, leaving their childish inclinations in the past. Athila, however, took this in stride, taking up her mother’s position almost without pause.

    It seemed to be her coping mechanism to pretend as though everything were normal. And so, life went on as normally as she was able to make it, through cooking, cleaning, and chastising her siblings. This hardened the child emotionally, but she refused to become withdrawn, instead forcing herself and her family back into their previous social engagements. It was during this time that her leadership skills really grew, giving her the confidence to make her next bold move.

    On the cusp of her twentieth birthday, after years of thought, Athila decided to move to Regalia, seeing no chance for success left in the close-knit fishing community in which she was raised and having a desire for a more lavish lifestyle. She offered the opportunity to any and all who wished to accompany her, and both her siblings along with many cousins agreed. Her father was blindsided, suddenly at risk of losing his children, too, and begged them to stay. Nonetheless, Athila remained steadfast in her decision, and the party sailed away towards the far-off land of promise.

    Upon arriving, Athila was mildly disappointed, as the city didn’t quite meet her unrealistic expectations, being quite mundane. Never one to give up, though, she’s committed herself to making the most of her new circumstances, looking for ways to increase the family's status, power, and wealth. She serves as the brainpower behind her cousin's leadership of the house, the true decision maker under his ceremonial title.
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    "Farewell, and Spirit bless."
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    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 3
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 Clewii, Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
  2. Oatpancakes


    Jan 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
  3. Clewii

    Clewii Woman

    Jul 29, 2016
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    :crab: toxic nocoa :crab:
  4. Oatpancakes


    Jan 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    toxic nocoa
  5. Arhbi

    Arhbi Peacemaker

    Aug 19, 2018
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    Claimed for Aspirant review.
  6. Arhbi

    Arhbi Peacemaker

    Aug 19, 2018
    Likes Received:
    This is a really, really nice looking application. Good work with all of the effort you've put into making it aesthetically pleasing. This sheet is approved.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  7. skullpanda90

    skullpanda90 Sleeping Extraordinaire

    Jun 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Oh my god the aesthetics on this is on POINT
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1

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