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Needs Help/Review Athasse

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Aug 23, 2024
Reaction score

Character Information
Full Name: Athasse
Heritage / Culture: Senlon Yanar
Age: (Minimum 17) 164
Gender / Pronouns: He/She
Religion: Estelley
Character Occupation: Farmer/Botanist
Appearance Information: Name: Athasse
Age: 160 years
Race: Senlon Yanar
Occupation: Master Botanist and Farmer
Height: 5'9"
Appearance: Lush green and teal hues, curvaceous and vibrant

Athasse is a vision of natural beauty, her form shaped by centuries of growth and the life-giving energy of the earth. Standing at 5'9", her figure is both statuesque and alluring, with curves that echo the fertile landscapes she tends. Her skin is a blend of rich green and vibrant teal, with subtle patterns resembling leaves and vines that shift slightly with her emotions. Her hair, a cascade of soft, vine-like tendrils, flows down her back in shades of deep emerald and turquoise, often adorned with small, blooming flowers that change with the seasons.

Her eyes are large and almond-shaped, a deep, shimmering green that reflects the forests she loves. They have an almost hypnotic quality, drawing those who meet her gaze into the depths of her ancient wisdom. Her lips are a soft, natural pink, often curved into a gentle smile that exudes warmth and tranquility. When she moves, there is a grace to her step, as though she is always in tune with the rhythm of the earth beneath her feet.

Athasse is the embodiment of serenity and compassion. Her long life has granted her a deep understanding of the cycles of nature, and this wisdom manifests in her calm demeanor. She speaks with a soft, melodic voice that soothes the soul, her words always carefully chosen to nurture and heal. Despite her gentle nature, there is a quiet strength about her, a resolve that comes from centuries of tending to the land and protecting the delicate balance of life.

She has a profound connection to the world around her, able to sense the emotions of plants and animals as easily as one might read a book. This empathy extends to the people she meets as well; she is quick to offer comfort to those in distress and guidance to those who are lost. However, her kindness should not be mistaken for weakness—when her home or loved ones are threatened, Athasse can be as fierce and unyielding as the ancient trees that shelter her.

Athasse is also deeply introspective, spending much of her time in quiet contemplation. She believes that understanding oneself is key to understanding the world, and she often engages in meditation to maintain her inner harmony. Despite her age, she has a youthful curiosity and a love for learning, always eager to discover new species of plants or develop new techniques for cultivation.

Background and Skills:
Early Life: Athasse was born in the heart of Daendroc, in a secluded glade surrounded by ancient trees and teeming with life. From the moment she emerged from the earth, she was aware of her unique bond with the natural world. As a young Yanar, she spent her days exploring the vast wilderness, learning the language of the plants and animals. She would often lose herself in the study of a single leaf or the delicate structure of a flower, fascinated by the intricate designs that nature produced.

Her early mentors were the eldest Yanar of her grove, who recognized her potential and guided her in the ways of botany and agriculture. They taught her the secrets of the soil, the importance of the seasons, and the methods to coax the best yields from even the most barren lands. Under their tutelage, Athasse grew into a skilled botanist, her gardens becoming the pride of her community.

The Path of the Botanist: As she reached maturity, Athasse set out on a journey across Aloria to expand her knowledge. She visited distant lands, studying the flora of different regions and learning from other cultures. Her travels took her to deserts, swamps, and high mountain valleys, each new environment presenting its own challenges and rewards. In each place, Athasse sought to understand how life could thrive in even the harshest conditions.

Over the decades, her reputation grew. She became known not only for her expertise in cultivating rare and powerful plants but also for her ability to heal the land itself. Farmers and rulers alike sought her help to restore fields devastated by blight or war, and Athasse never turned down a plea for aid. Her methods were unconventional, often involving rituals and songs that seemed strange to outsiders but always produced miraculous results.

In her later years, Athasse returned to her homeland and established a vast garden that served as both her home and a sanctuary for endangered species of plants. This garden, hidden deep within the forest, is said to be a place of unparalleled beauty, where every plant thrives under Athasse's care. Here, she continues her research, experimenting with new hybrids and developing plants with unique properties that could benefit all of Aloria.

Skills and Abilities:

Botanical Mastery: Athasse possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of plants, including their medicinal properties, growth requirements, and magical potential. She can cultivate plants that are resistant to disease, yield abundant harvests, or possess unique qualities such as bioluminescence or enhanced potency in potions.
Earth Magic: Though not a traditional spellcaster, Athasse has a natural affinity for earth magic. She can accelerate plant growth, purify soil, and even communicate with the spirits of the land. Her magic is subtle but powerful, often manifesting through rituals, songs, or simply her presence.
Healing Touch: Athasse's connection to life allows her to heal both plants and creatures. Her touch can mend broken stems, revitalize withered plants, and soothe injured animals. While she cannot heal severe wounds in humanoids, she can provide relief from pain and speed up natural healing processes.
Current Life:
Now, at 160 years old, Athasse continues to live in harmony with the world around her. Her garden is a haven of peace and growth, attracting those who seek her wisdom or simply wish to experience its beauty. She spends her days tending to her plants, experimenting with new techniques, and teaching the next generation of Yanar and other races the importance of living in balance with nature.

Athasse's life is a testament to the enduring power of nature and the beauty that can be found in nurturing life in all its forms. Though she has seen much of the world and experienced its many changes, she remains grounded, her roots firmly planted in the rich soil of her homeland. Those who meet her often leave with a renewed sense of connection to the earth, inspired by her example to cherish and protect the natural world.

Her legacy is one of growth, wisdom, and the quiet strength that comes from living in harmony with the earth.
Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents: Their combination of Alchemy and Medicine have allowed them to search far and wide for new herbs and plants to create better tinctures and slaves. From simple burn creams to extravegant makeup and more.

Yanar can regrow or re-attach lost limbs over the span of 24 hours after they were lost, they cannot become Undead unless an Ordial Entity intervenes.
Yanar can become Marken/Urlan, but if so, the fur is replaced with plant-fibers/leaves/roots/flowers.
Yanar can manifest a dream realm where anyone who sleeps in their Region/Base/Estate can travel to.
Yanar can speak to plants and trees, and even encourage them to grow faster or hide, or change their appearance.
Yanar can even create new plants altogether in their own Region/Base/Estate, complete with fruits and flowers.

Languages: Modern Altalar, Nātl, Common

Hook 1 The Blight of the Forest:
A strange blight has begun to spread through the forests near Athasse's home, affecting not only the plants but also the animals and even the Yanar who live there. The once vibrant and fertile land is turning barren, and no conventional remedies seem to work.
Hook 2

Athasse has long heard tales of a mythical seed, said to contain the essence of life itself. This seed, if found, could rejuvenate entire forests, heal the most grievous wounds, and even restore extinct species of plants.

Hook 3
She is cconstantly on the lookout for new and rare plants that may help her and her studies progress along.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 1
Break Down Instant Technique Melee Range Grants the user Break Down N/A
Constitution: 1
Iron Will Passive Technique Self Grants the user Iron Will
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 7
Medical Buff Instant Technique Emote Range Grants the user Medical Buff N/A
Medical Revive Instant Technique Melee Range Grants the user Medical Revive N/A
Medical Rescue Instant Technique 10 Blocks Grants the user Medical Rescue N/A
Medical Resist Instant Technique 10 Blocks Grants the user Medical Resist
Chem Bolts Stance Technique Self Grants the user Chem Bolts
Chem Revive Instant Technique Emote Range Grants the user Chem Revive
Chem Mend Passive Technique Self Grants the user Chem Mend
Chem Bloodboil Instant Technique Self Grants the user Chem Bloodboil
Chem Hyperfocus Instant Technique Self Grants the user Chem Hyperfocus
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 1
Sacred Healing Buff Power Emote Range Grants the user Sacred Healing
Magic: 4
Magic Snare Instant Power Emote Range Grants the user Magic Snare
Magic Cleanse Instant Power Self Grants the user Magic Cleanse
Magic Bolster Buff Power 5 Blocks Grants the user Magic Bolster
Magic Revive Buff Power 10 Block Grants the user Magic Revive


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