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Played Character Athaemon, The Golden Justicar

This character is actively played.


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room
♚ Full Name: Elylina Eysmeynlea Bel-Bastille, the 32,999th Inulvaan.
╚ Titles: Justiceborn, Sword Collector, Golden Justicar.​
♚ Race: Lanlath under the Star of Detachment.
♚ Age: 46.
╚ Birthdate: February 14th.​
♚ Sex: Female.
♚ Occult Status: Artarel Godborn; Exist Mage.
♚ Fighting Style: Magic / Faith.

Elylina is an agent of Justice, gilded in richened golds and poised like nobility. She's an Inulvaan of the Estelley Faith, wielding her flying armory and cutthroat gaze with dispassion. She is Judge, Jury, and Executioner, and the image of the aloof Lanlath.
She is a Godborn of Justice's Estelley Refraction.
She is dedicated to her Mother's duty, bringing Sinners to Justice.

♛ Elylina stands on the tall side, as all of her siblings, 6'-02".
♛ Her hair is an oddly very natural blonde, almost dusty.
♛ Her eyes are a beautiful silver, ringed blue.
♛ She is the terrifyingly spitting-image of her mother, Artarel.
♛ She wears gold. Gaudy, ostentatious gold, either painted or hemmed.

♝ Free | Shield Cover​
♝ Shield | Block​
♝ Shield | Phalanx​
♝ Shield | Slam​
♝ Shield | Deflect​
♝ Shield | Snare​
♝ Magic | Bolts​
♝ Magic | Reduce​
♝ Magic | Distort​
♝ Magic | Smog​
♝ Magic | Resist​
♝ Magic | Barrier​
♝ Magic | Warp​
♝ Magic | Shove​
♝ Magic | Summon​
♝ Free | Bolster​
♝ Free | Curse​

Lanlath Mechanic 1: Lanlath can target one Ally in Emote Range, and make a single Spell Sinistral Variant count as Radiant magic, per day. This cannot be used on themselves.​
Lanlath Mechanic 2: Lanlath cannot use God Magic. However, Lanlath can Dimension Align to Lathan Magic, which is extradimensional like Void/Exist/Ordial, and unique to the Lanlath.​
Lanlath Mechanic 3: Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.​
Lanlath Mechanic 4: Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.​
Lanlath Mechanic 5: Lanlath are supremely difficult to inebriate with traditional alcohol, requiring a stupendous amount of liquor before they even begin to feel a mild buzz.​
Artarel Godborn Mechanic 1: The Justice Arkenborn takes less damage when hurt by Spirits or those possessed by Spirits. If a Mystech Spirit-Type (including Bound Automata) Character applies -2 HP damage, reduce that by -1 HP. Additionally, The Justice Arkenborn becomes immune to Afflictions, which prevents them from becoming Vampires, Geists, or Undead. Greater Entities like Gods or Arken can still force them to become infected however.​
Artarel Godborn Mechanic 2: If the Justice Arkenborn if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply splip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can law-nerd their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.​

♞ [8/10] || Common​
♞ [10/10] || Altalar​
♞ [7/10] || Ibeth, Droque​
♞ [6/10] || Nātl, Sulvaley​

♟ Elylina is a nomadic individual, never lingering one place over another. She is unsure where she comes from.
♟ Elylina is a Godborn of the Justice Arken, regarded as demi-godly within the Estelley Faith.
♟ Elylina regards her Mother, Justice, above all else- divinity at its precipice, perfect and absolute. "Servant of, before Sword of, before Daughter of Justice."
♟ Elylina holds herself to an almost princessly standard, poised and calculated, to never falter.
♟ Elylina is the 32,999th Inulvaan, and dons her mask as the Golden Justicar, Athaemon.
♟ Elylina wields a diverse arsenal of bladed weapons, sourced from her own magic or the forged-and-collected arms of fallen foes and dipped in molten gold. She however only ever touches one- a sheathed longsword marked with the Scales of Jawat. The rest are conjured from her pocket-realm, flying at her sides like dutiful soldiers.
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