Assembly Of Estel; An Open Discussion On The Faith Of Estel


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are


Hey! My name's Scribbe, and I'm a serial Elf player. It's kind of hard for me to play a character who isn't somehow related to Elves. I'm a little late to the party on the subject of these player groups, but I figured I'd try to get together the people who do play Nelfin and Faith of Estel, who aren't otherwise involved in other groups.

Mostly, this is about what the Faith of Estel players want, how they want it, and why they want it. So let's get started.

Things I'd like to know:
  • What race is your Estel-following character, and what's their occupation?
  • If you don't already, do you plan on making a Faith of Estel character?
  • What kinds of event would you want to see a Faith of Estel organisation perform?
  • Is there a specific niche or niches that you think an Estel organisation would fill?
How should the group be organised, and what should it do?
  • What kind of character would you want to lead this group? A Regalian-born Cielothar? A die-hard Altalar supremacist? A half-Elf trying to assimilate with Elven culture?
  • How should the group share its culture? Estel-related festivals? Holding culture parties?
  • How often would you want to see these events?
If you don't play a Faith of Estel character...
  • What dissuades you from playing one, or what has dissuaded you from playing one in the past?
  • Do you perceive any problems with the Faith of Estel, on an OOC scale? Do you think there are any IC obstacles for the Faith that don't make sense?
  • What race is your Estel-following character, and what's their occupation?
Cieloalatar (Altalar dominant) priestyboi.
  • What kinds of event would you want to see a Faith of Estel organisation perform?
Weddings, funerals, sermons, and diplomacy. Also, just fun little festivals.
  • Is there a specific niche or niches that you think an Estel organisation would fill?

    FoE characters don't necessarily need to feel any love or loyalty to the current rising Elven Empire, so trying to get in good with the Regalians could be a goal. It would be nice if people who are smooth talkers in roleplay could help us out and try to negotiate with Unionist leadership. There should be an uneasy toleration here, which I think is the key. A strong enough presence that it cannot be immediately squashed, but not so strong that we're fitting to take over the city.

    Also, Hallowbloods.

How should the group be organised, and what should it do?

  • What kind of character would you want to lead this group? A Regalian-born Cielothar? A die-hard Altalar supremacist? A half-Elf trying to assimilate with Elven culture?
DIE HARD SUPREMACY. However, this should be directed internally. S/he should recognize, begrudgingly, that in order to spread Estel's light, s/he has to cooperate with the filthy Unionists.

  • How should the group share its culture? Estel-related festivals? Holding culture parties?
Sure, cool. But honestly, we need to be driving narrative. Estel specific storywebs. Big discoveries that the magi-phobes can't figure out. And ESPECIALLY Arken interation, because the Pantheon is p much Arken worship. We should be as exclusive as the Synod, and there should be bonuses for that. Remember, "sharing the culture" is strictly illegal under the "no converting current unionists" clause.
  • How often would you want to see these events?
All the dang time. People should want to create Estel characters for a higher risk, higher reward kind of roleplay. Obviously, we'd have to be more covert than the Synod, but we should be just as cool.
Things I'd like to know:
  • If you don't already, do you plan on making a Faith of Estel character? Yes, probably in the future
  • What kinds of event would you want to see a Faith of Estel organisation perform? Something worship based, seeing how we have Unionist festivals, pride events surrounding Unionism and even parades and such. I would love to see those with an Estel twist.
  • Is there a specific niche or niches that you think an Estel organisation would fill? Something about the Elven kingdom, hierarchy, Estel etc, more Altalar supremacy and stuff of that sort.
How should the group be organised, and what should it do?
  • What kind of character would you want to lead this group? A Regalian-born Cielothar? A die-hard Altalar supremacist? A half-Elf trying to assimilate with Elven culture? Gimme that sweet sweet elven racism.
  • How should the group share its culture? Estel-related festivals? Holding culture parties? Parties, festivals, a district? All of this would be amazing to see, plus I have a love for the elven architecture with trees and plants etc.
  • How often would you want to see these events? Probably frequently, depending on how they go. Bringing Estel worshippers together from time to time would be neat.
If you don't play a Faith of Estel character...
  • What dissuades you from playing one, or what has dissuaded you from playing one in the past? Mainly just a lack of familiarity, with the lack of an organized playerbase and how the lore changed a bit, It took a bit of work to become well-acquainted with the worship again.
  • Do you perceive any problems with the Faith of Estel, on an OOC scale? Do you think there are any IC obstacles for the Faith that don't make sense? I miss the old worship in a sense, most of the religions on massive revolve around worshipping a single diety in a religion, not all of them at once. I feel having certain events/festivals devoted to a certain diety would be nice, but having it so you can't just worship 'The Pantheon' seems a bit odd, because I really don't want to pick just one.
I say we should get rid of faith of Estel. It's herecy!
Unionism is all we need!
Things I'd like to know:
  • What race is your Estel-following character, and what's their occupation?
    • Medlo-Altalar, Elven Disciplined Ranger
  • What kinds of event would you want to see a Faith of Estel organisation perform?
    • Different religious, cultural, and holiday festivals as well as just little events to draw in people
  • Is there a specific niche or niches that you think an Estel organisation would fill?
    • Non-Unionist religious aspects as well as a platform for Estel worshiping Witchbloods to go through for support in becoming Hallowbloods. It could also function as a cultural hub similar to the Allar Cabal
How should the group be organised, and what should it do?
  • What kind of character would you want to lead this group? A Regalian-born Cielothar? A die-hard Altalar supremacist? A half-Elf trying to assimilate with Elven culture?
    • For sure the Altalar supremacist, likely in the form of a Alte-Altalar High Priest or Yelaal commander
  • How should the group share its culture? Estel-related festivals? Holding culture parties?
    • With the Nelfin neighborhood likely functioning similar to the old Elven District, District wide festivals and parties would be a great idea for drawing attention and spreading ideas. Maybe throw in a few story arcs in with this and I'd say its a good recipe.
  • How often would you want to see these events?
    • Bi-monthly at start, adjusting for attendance after
If you don't play a Faith of Estel character...
  • What dissuades you from playing one, or what has dissuaded you from playing one in the past?
    • Continuous lore rewrites and updates, then lack of centralization and organization after the Elven District burned down.
  • Do you perceive any problems with the Faith of Estel, on an OOC scale? Do you think there are any IC obstacles for the Faith that don't make sense?
    • On an OOC note, the main page needs to be fixed as it still mentions things from pervious versions such as the Arken spells and in general needs to be fleshed out a bit more imo. ICly in the situation of existing on in a Unionist Extremeist city, I don't think any obsticals are really out of place.