Preserved Sheet Arya The Unbroken

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  • Fear is an emotion that she very rarely feels. However even she am not immune to such a feeling, and when such is felt, she generally will refuse to show it. When faced with fear Arya will often stand her ground, cautiously so, and each nerve in her body is on edge and ready to flee if things take a turn for the worse.
  • The few times she has faced fear and broken down, which is extremely rare, is generally when faced with a being who is far more powerful than she could even begin to comprehend or imagine. The only time she has experienced this thus far is when she was face to face with the Empress herself.

My Review:
  • Fear Role-Play
    • Fear Role-Play is a significant part of role-play, and barring your character from it with "Fear is an emotion that she very rarely feels" and "The few times she has faced fear and broken down, which is extremely rare" creates an atmosphere where she and you cannot properly reply to RP. By setting up a character that cannot properly reply to RP, it also puts yourself into a position of power gaming by refusing others proper fear RP.
    • Please remove all mentions of "Rarely feels" in regards to Fear Role-Play otherwise to be fair to other players this application will be rejected.
Everything else looks cool. Get back to me when the change is made @QueenOfKarma