Arturo De Silva

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by yusuf12323, Aug 24, 2022.

  1. yusuf12323


    Feb 19, 2017
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    Character Information

    Full Name: Arturo De Silva
    Race: Ailor (Daen Culture)
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Purple

    Core Concept

    Arturo devoutly worships the dragons, specifically Anlon of the teal deep, he is a smart witted, silver tongued daen man who always has a plan and He is exceptionally skilled in the art of Espionage, he keeps his friends close and his enemies closer.


    Strength: 3
    Short Blades Pack
    Blades Pack
    Flexible Weapon pack

    Constitution: 1
    Light Shielding Pack
    Wisdom: 0

    Dexterity: 1
    Parkour Pack

    : 3
    Draconic Adjudicator Pack
    Draconic Healing Pack
    Draconic Cleansing Pack

    Charisma: 6
    Empire Linguist Pack
    Dragonkin Point Buy
    Dragonbeing Point Buy
    State Dignitary Pack
    State Saboteur Pack
    Mount Husbandry Pack (Advanced to Wyvern)

    Cehru is a midnight black Sky Wyvern With piercing emerald green eyes, standing at 10 ft high and 13 feet long, he has large gray spikes starting from its head down its back growing smaller till it reaches the end of its tail, its eyes appear to always be searching as if it does not trust anything except its rider, at night it's almost as if Cehru blends into the night sky. Cehru was rescued from poachers by Arturo, who became loyal to him and him alone.
    Archon Affliction
    Ailor Specials


    Common (Free)
    Daen (Native)
    Empire Linguist Pack (Linguistics)
    Dragon Speech / Wyrmtongue (Archon Special)

    Appearance Information

    Arturo is a average sized tan ailor standing at 5'9, he has blonde hair, usually a headband and has the Archon affilicted Purple eyes.

    Arturo has an Archon form, once turned he stands at a Muscular 7'7 his body is coverd in teal scales, his fingernails elongate into sharp talons, and his head becomes that of a Dragon mixed with an alligator, spikes grow along his spine ending in a thick muscular tail, fins grow down the back of his legs, his feet turn clawed and webbed.

    Arturo has a access to a Marken form which is a wolf-dragon creature, standing at 8'0. he begins by growing dragon-like canine teeth, then his skin begins growing teal fur, his nails elongate into claws on his hands and feet.

    Life Story

    Arturo was the first born of the family and was raised in Thaqz Duchy in Hadar amongst a poor small village of Ailor who acclimated with the local Nang Allar

    Like many in the village his family followed the Allar-variant Dragon Worship, as did his Ancestors, and the tradition in his family was the first born was always the Archon.

    As he grew older he could often be found playing in the ocean, fishing with his father and doing chores with his mother around the homestead.

    Once he was an adult he was sent to train with the Southern Matron to learn how to hone is skills and learn of the primal power.

    He gained an interest in local politics, becoming friends with the right people earning his silver tongue

    After his training, he was then sent to Regalia for reasons unknown​
    #1 yusuf12323, Aug 24, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  2. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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