Archived Art Theft On Massivecraft

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Speaking as an artist that has had their art stolen I can personally tell you how annoyed I was when I found my work being used without my permission. I've had backgrounds taken from me, pictures of characters, had people draw over my art in an attempt to "make it seem like their own", etc. While this isn't as serious as drawing over someones art, it still is a serious matter. A website can be taken down because of copyright. It's happened before, and it will happen again. Maybe not to any websites you know of, but it will. I agree that it shouldn't be taken lightly, and as much of an annoyance it may be to those who cannot express their characters via drawing, it should be noticed that this all could happen.
Im not sure i follow but your saying people who use images from outside massivecraft shouldnt be allowed to?

So.. you cant use an image from google? or Deviant art? most public artwork sites and forums have an agreement when you sign up saying that the artwork you post is pretty much up for grabs as soon as you post it and if you wish to keep it pristine and yours you are to either purchase a watermark from the site or placeone in yourself.

People can use what they want at the end of the day and limiting that is just odd in my opinion. If anything from an artists point of view if I post something on the internet and it starts to get used on a large, well known server for rp reasons, Id be flattered that someone found my piece so fitting for thier character.

As to your arguement of it will bring a bad rep to the server, lets take a look at skins in minecraft for a second. all of those are made by other players some may call themselves artists and they are ripped/stolen/edited/downloaded what have you without permission everyday, look how many honeydew skins circulate or famous youtuber skins. its all public press and the person who contributed it didnt post it for nobody to use, the idea behind artwork is to share your expression and emotions through an attractive medium not bottle it up and keep it for yourself never to be touched.

If people be in it for the cash and complain that people use it then they should properly protect their work.
May i also point out copyrighting infringement requires an actual copyright which you register for. slapping your name on something and popping a lil symbol doesnt give you right to sue or take legal action
I agree on some extent, but that doesn't change the fact that those of Deviantart whose art is taken without permission get sights like this shut down every week. I wrote this all out of concern for Massivecraft seeing as like I said, artists can be very spiteful. I know if my art was stolen and used on a sight like this I would get it taken down at all costs. Even to the point of getting the sight shut down for copyright infringement. And it's not just me, plenty of other artists would do the same. If someone on this sight takes the wrong persons art the owner of the sigh can even be sued.
As for the copyright infringement thing, once enough art of diffrent people that was stolen has been gathered up on one sight, there is bound to be at least one copyright.
Even so I wouldn't think a moderator of Massivecraft would A, support art theft or B, be willing to allow such a petty thing through when its risks the sights reputation, and it being shut down.
They cant sue anyone when they make an agreement stating they have thier artwork posted publicly. As i said DA present a watermark feature for keeping your work safe.

Personally if you would go all out to ruin a site for about 1000+ users because someone took a picture you posted on the internet then you need to rethink sharing your work.
I agree on some extent, but that doesn't change the fact that those of Deviantart whose art is taken without permission get sights like this shut down every week. I wrote this all out of concern for Massivecraft seeing as like I said, artists can be very spiteful. I know if my art was stolen and used on a sight like this I would get it taken down at all costs. Even to the point of getting the sight shut down for copyright infringement. And it's not just me, plenty of other artists would do the same. If someone on this sight takes the wrong persons art the owner of the sigh can even be sued.
As for the copyright infringement thing, once enough art of diffrent people that was stolen has been gathered up on one sight, there is bound to be at least one copyright.

Please show me sites that get shut down every week because of copyright infringement. If people have any issues with work being stolen I'd assume all they would have to do is contact a mod/admin for it to be taken down or corrected. This entire thread is sillyness. At least thats how I've known the internet to work.
Please show me sites that get shut down every week because of copyright infringement. If people have any issues with work being stolen I'd assume all they would have to do is contact a mod/admin for it to be taken down or corrected. This entire thread is sillyness.

How can I link you to a sight that's been removed? And what is seriously so bad about limiting something so small so Massivecraft will have a better chance of staying up? Do all of you honestly support peoples creativity being limited and stolen and abused? I see no fault in the thread I made, If you want proof go on Deviantart and scroll through some of the popular artists journals. You'll see tons of complaints about art theft and how much it pisses people off. It even drives the artists to quit drawing. Then you have no more art to take.
On a seperate point making it so you HAVE to buy artwork to use on the forum, from people on the forum, just to have an avatar/player image/ character template/ etc will give us a far worse rep.

[ edited as apparently avatars dont count is this ]
People can use what they want at the end of the day and limiting that is just odd in my opinion. If anything from an artists point of view if I post something on the internet and it starts to get used on a large, well known server for rp reasons, Id be flattered that someone found my piece so fitting for thier character.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but some (especially on deviantart) aren't always flattered. I've seen so many artists, from deviantart especially, that get mad about it. I've seen journal entries that go up, immediately spreading like a wildfire with all the groups that are out there, making their followers, their followers friends, other artists, etc angry. Most of the anger is usually sparked when the person using the image declines taking it down, and the staff on the websites use the same defense as you mentioned:

most public artwork sites and forums have an agreement when you sign up saying that the artwork you post is pretty much up for grabs as soon as you post it and if you wish to keep it pristine and yours you are to either purchase a watermark from the site or placeone in yourself.

After that spark is lit, there are artists that will go out of their way to make something bad happen. I'm pretty sure this is what Tiro is talking about. It's a bit harder for artists to see their art being taken in a forum such as this (since it's private unless you log in). But as soon as someone recognizes something and tells the artist, it's a fifty-fifty shot whether the artist cares or not.
On a seperate point making it so you HAVE to buy artwork to use on the forum, from people on the forum, just to have an avatar will give us a far worse rep.

I didn't say anything about Avatars. I just meant Rp applications and the like. Avatars have never been something reportable...
How can I link you to a sight that's been removed? And what is seriously so bad about limiting something so small so Massivecraft will have a better chance of staying up? Do all of you honestly support peoples creativity being limited and stolen and abused?

As a mediocre artist myself, I see no issue with my work being stolen. Sure, I feel a twinge of hate because they took it without giving me credit, but I'm also happy. I'm happy because someone liked it so much they wanted to share it with others! It's true that some artists feel like they've been stripped of something when it happens, but I honestly take it as a compliment and will sometimes anonymously post a link to my work to give myself credit if I really feel I should. The only time I get upset, truly, is when they claim it to be their own work. Only then will I take action.
"Do all of you honestly support peoples creativity being limited and stolen and abused?"

Oh please.. limiting creativity is forcing people to use others artwork in a single forum rather then allowing them the entirety of the internet... Its not theft if they post it on a public site and i hardly say that massivecraft abuse them, they are filling out thier characters and giving people somethign to work with. its not like they are peddlign someone elses good for money.
The level of moderation it would take to make this so wouldn't be worth the trouble. I can tell you every image I have ever posted I've stolen from one site or another. When it's possible and appropriate its always nice to give the author credit but you cant always figure out who originally posted what. I highly highly doubt anyone is going to start cracking down on a forum for people using others work as avatars and sigs. The site itself is not breaking any copyright laws.
And I agree, everyone handles it differently. But in the end there is still the very high chance that one of Massivecrafts members will steal someones art and the sight will be shut down for it. I understand everyones defensiveness, but in the end it's not something huge to limit.
And I agree, everyone handles it differently. But in the end there is still the very high chance that one of Massivecrafts members will steal someones art and the sight will be shut down for it. I understand everyones defensiveness, but in the end it's not something huge to limit.

If that happens, don't you trust that the staff will step in? Funny enough, I actually keep an eye out for stolen art when reviewing. We're not oblivious to the existence of art theft.
[quote="ravenwolfthorn, post: 175105, member: 1829"]Snip
And I agree, everyone handles it differently. But in the end there is still the very high chance that one of Massivecrafts members will steal someones art and the sight will be shut down for it. I understand everyones defensiveness, but in the end it's not something huge to limit.[/quote]

Not a very high chance. But to put you at ease perhaps a sub forum could be made to settle copyright disputes but I even feel silly saying that. If you feel any of your work has been stolen from you or another please contact a mod or admin I'm sure they will take care of you. It is highly highly unlikely massive will be even considered a copyright claim.
Wait, so Im fighting an art theif about art theft? No wonder this is a pointless conversation.

๖ۣۜI see this thread a bit more than worry of illegal acts, but also for encouraging local art. Whether the art from other sites is illegal or not, I feel like there should be encouraged more local art to expose our full talents and emotions.
+1 Support
If that happens, don't you trust that the staff will step in? Funny enough, I actually keep an eye out for stolen art when reviewing. We're not oblivious to the existence of art theft.

Well then, I thank you for that. I at least want some measure taken against art theft on the forums, and if you've been doing that well then thank you very very much.
I'm going to be 100% honest: If an artist can't handle their work being stolen in about 2 seconds flat they really shouldn't be on the internet. Just sayin.

Wait, so Im fighting an art theif about art theft? No wonder this is a pointless conversation.
You can debate but please watch the flame as this is a step in the flakey direction and if this thread is locked your argue met no matter if I agree wih it or not will be for naught
I apologize ahead of time if I get rude or angry with my come backs. I am a genuinely angry and aggressive person so it's kind of hard to control. I'd like to do my best to keep this a debate and not an argument! Sorry if things get agressive.
Anything that is google available falls under the CC Creative Commons, which covers financial use as well as alteration. Everything on DeviantArt is googleable. Under Creative Commons, users of this forum would only engage in illegal activity if they claimed financial benefits over copyright infringed work. Claiming financial benefits over copyrighted work on MassiveCraft is Illegal and will be acted against.

Downloading, sharing, and otherwise posting of copyrighted work, as long as it falls under a CC mark, as well as the fact that it exist somewhere else on the internet in a published form, is not illegal.

The worst that can happen to MassiveCraft is a DCMA or a cease and desist order. We comply to all DCMA orders that come trough, and none have ever come trough. There have been several claims of plagiarism, in all cases we have removed incriminating works, in many cases where users claimed to be the artist of works they did not make. As a website, we didn't have to do anything, but out of etiquette, we choose to remove the incriminating work.

As an artist, I personally couldn't care if someone re-uploaded my artwork somewhere else. In many cases I won't even care if they claim to be the authors. Simply because:
  • Any work that I do for free and release publically is private art, the purpose of entertaining me has already been achieved.
  • Any work that I do for financial purposes will not be publically released until I have reached the financial goal it set out to do.
I can understand other artists can get really anal about their art being blobbered around and paraded in completely different atmospheres by different individuals, but as far as I am concerned that is their own fault for not using a watermark or some sort of artwork infused identification to their actual works.

An artist that does not tag their art with unremovable copyright definitions as per defined by US statutory requirements (since the forum is hosted in the USA) is a lazy asshole, unless like me they simply don't care enough to mark their artwork.

Even if trough some convoluted loophole the website was to be taken down, we make many backups troughout the weeks, and can easily restore the forum in a country where the copyright laws and international court rights are looser.

On a more personal level, forcing the removal of artwork outside of MassiveCraft in my opinion will cause an unwelcome sudden and absolute drop in the imaginative quality of the roleplay scene. MassiveCraft does not host a collective of artists of a high enough calibre to provide the minimum of artistic input that is required to bring to life all the images that are needed to express the visions of the players.
๖ۣۜI still almost feel though that this could be used just to normally encourage local art and more than law, but meh, alright. ;^:

Theres no point in fighting it once Monmarty has said something... It'll just lead to flame wars from other members (and me) and the like. The mighty over lord of Massive deemed it unworthy. Therefore its better to just lock the thread. Even though I'm still appalled by the amount of people who support art theft on this server.
Sassy backtalk gets you nowhere. You proposed law written discrimination and elitism for players, favoring those with money over those who don't have any, and got an overwhelming negative response. I purposefully lower my pricing by 10 times on MassiveCraft instead of the 50 USD that I charge elsewhere, simply because the vast majority of this community is underage teenagers for who it is illegal to have a job.
Theres no point in fighting it once Monmarty has said something

The mighty over lord of Massive deemed it unworthy.

I'm still appalled by the amount of people who support art theft on this server.


Firstly you shine trough your extremely obvious distaste for me as a person towards my response. While you and others were bickering over the moral subjectivity of the subject, I went trough the effort of researching Creative Commons and the law liability of MassiveCraft. After posting a (what I think to be) educative post, you're just going like "LOLK MARTY HAS FINAL SAY ON EVERYTHING" which is a gross overgeneralization of a limited perspective opinion. Expressing said opinion without factual basis makes you look like an asshole.

Secondly, attacking everyone who disagreed as "art thieves" is another gross overgeneralization. As my post points out, anything found on google is covered under CC, even stuff on DeviantArt. Anything covered by CC, even at layer 6 the most severest layer, is legal to distribute without limit as long as no financial exploits are made.

Come to terms that your suggestion made no sense, don't attack those who disagreed, and don't try to make yourself out to be the victim in this situation by the evil dooming autocrats.
Might I also add that nowhere in my original post did I fell a final judgement on the subject. I merely posted factoids to further the discussion of the topic, as the OP has a fair number of assumptions and general speak without any factual basis. Vague information tends to work badly when people need to decide between alternatives.
All I know is that under everything I and others post on DA it has this on it Ya see that? Thats a copyright symbol. And I never denied being an asshole, I even apologised for being rude and aggressive.
Not to mention you do have a say in everything. Once you say something isn't right it doesn't go through. You are boss man. I'm no victim I'm just stating that you are indeed boss man. And I admit my defeat.
Anyway didn't I Request this thread to be closed because I realised my fight was pointless? As long as you keep replying and insulting me I will defend myself. You posted facts, I replied with defeat. Sorry if I came off as sassy.
All I know is that under everything I and others post on DA it has this on it Ya see that? Thats a copyright symbol. And I never denied being an asshole, I even apologised for being rude and aggressive.
Not to mention you do have a say in everything. Once you say something isn't right it doesn't go through. You are boss man. I'm no victim I'm just stating that you are indeed boss man. And I admit my defeat.
Anyway didn't I Request this thread to be closed because I realised my fight was pointless? As long as you keep replying and insulting me I will defend myself. You posted facts, I replied with defeat. Sorry if I came off as sassy.

Hey now, using my DA account isn't nice. Either way, I have to agree with MonMarty here. I think that your passion for making sure that the site does not get taken down has been derailed into something completely different because of your temper. As you have stated prior, you're a aggressive person and warned against this. Of course, I'm not saying that aggression is a good thing, nor is arguing. The whole purpose of this thread was to make sure that Massivecraft is protected. The staff has made it clear that it is, and I do thank MonMarty for the response.
That copyright sign does jack all to your artwork. All it does is prove in court that you made that at that given period in time. Liability for copyright infringement to proceed in court depends on the definition of the copyright on the artwork. I believe DA has a couple of features to define the CC licence for artwork, but in general as soon as you post anything publically on DA, it falls under CC. If you literally post anything online without first expressing that it falls under a non creative non distributive licence, you are setting yourself up for your artwork to be thrown around into the vast expanse of wherever.

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3 that doesn't give any insight because it only covers DA, but added for good measure anyway

Topic will not be locked until a final decision was made, which hasn't happened since my post only provided background information and legal understand to otherwise vague claims. There is no Disclaimer on MassiveCraft right now, and maybe this thead can help in establishing one.

There is a very low chance of this being implemented, and now all that will happen are comments repeating what others have said about disagreeing and tons of negative ratings. A decision has been reached. Leaving the thread open is just a gateway to flame. I already said I no longer am fighting for my side of the argument therefore there is no one who will fight for it, only those to speak negatively of it. I am requesting again for the thread, which is now pointless, to be locked. If it's not I will simply remove the text from the original forums post. Leaving it open is doing nothing positive.
MonMarty , I would like to correct you on something that you are very wrong in, everything that you can google is NOT creative commons. That's like saying everything on The Pirate Bay is CC since you can google torrents, and we both know that's not the case. You seem to have a very big misunderstanding on artist legal rights, something I have actually worked with a lot as a producer for OOH-TV shows.

Now, I personally couldn't care less if any of my work is pirated. I hate the word stolen, since I don't lose anything if someone copies something I've made digital. But unless I specifically say something I have created is Creative Commons, it's not. And I don't have to go through tons of paperwork to make something copyrighted to me.

I suggest you go through the basics by reading Copyright for Kids:
Did you know that whenever you write a poem or story or even a paper for your class, or a drawing or other artwork, you automatically own the copyright to it.
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