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Art Competition: Truth And Freedom

Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Denizens of the Capital (and associated Boroughs),

With the recent rise of the new environment of our city and the need for further funding for education and sustenance for the city's most in need. We've decided, in the spirit of Kithemon and God Emperor Esper, to hold an art competition around the themes of "Freedom and Truth". Things so central across cultures and religions.


We open this competition to the entire city and its boroughs to create art until Nov. 1

  • Illustration (Painting, drawings, etc.)

  • Sculpting (pottery, masonry, etc.)

  • Literary (Poetry, short songs, etc.)

  • Arcana (Enchantments, magic enhanced art, etc.)

  • Mechanical (Engineered art [Any form])

  • Metallurgic (Armor, Armaments, etc.)
  • Nothing illegal - We do not accept things glorifying (for example): sanguinism or cahalism.
  • We do not encroach upon the artists desire to express themself but artists should be prepared for any consequences of their piece.
  • Religion and Political messages are allowed - we do not discriminate upon one's religion or politics (remember the artist is taking any risk of their own will, per rule 1)
  • One submission per person & mark works either to be auctioned / only for display / only to be judged.
  • No minimum skill level is needed - You can have your child draw a stick figure and we'll accept it. Art is for ALL not simply the trained.
Prizes & Rewards!
  • For Auctioned works - 25% of the payment for an art piece goes to the artist, 5% goes to a Evitarian charity for artistic promotion, and 70% (by our choice) goes to support Crookback!
Judging for Per Category
  • First place - 500r and promotion of the work in a public gallery (or other form to be determined by the artist and organizers)
  • Second place - 250r and a trophy
  • Third place - 150r and a medal
Miguel De Santez Esq. & Aldon Adeliason

We are still figuring out how to get all the submissions in order. Currently, pieces only require descriptions (we might make a ooc thread, but for now just have your chrs start making things. We'll post a notice in ooc announcement when we figure out submitting).

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