Archived Armor Having "weight"?

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
I was listening to a classmate's project as school today on medieval armor, and he mentioned the fact that most armor weighed a LOT in medieval times. I was wondering if it is possible to make armor on Massivecraft give you a slowness effect. For example, leather and gold armor wouldn't have an effect on your movement, but iron and diamond armor would weigh you down by giving you a slowness effect. I think that it would add a bit more strategy into pvp, and at the very least be a nice gimmick on Massive.
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Tbh this is the perfect example of how the medieval atmosphere of the server can benefit from roleplay. For example people in diamond armor should not be swimming around and such.
Not to be rude, but how old are you? But besides that point, this sounds interesting and doable to me
Love the idea. It all comes down to whether it's possible...

Since adding custom enchantments to armor is possible, I assume it's possible to do so to all of a certain armor type. Regardless, I think this would have to happen after sharding. (which should be very soon)
The Shadow King, I don't usually tell anyone how old I am. Most of the reason is because I think you should judge someone by their maturity, not their age. Some of my classmates have the maturity of a third grader, and some third graders have the maturity of someone twice their age.
The Shadow King, I don't usually tell anyone how old I am. Most of the reason is because I think you should judge someone by their maturity, not their age. Some of my classmates have the maturity of a third grader, and some third graders have the maturity of someone twice their age.
Agreed. I know 13 year old that blows me away with his intellect and general understanding of things, as well as adults with the maturity of a middle-school student in Health class.
Well that would usually be true but..... errr...... THIS IS MINECRAFT, SCREW LOGIC AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR! If that won't suffice as an explanation then...... ALTERNATE UNIVERSES TIMELINE THINGY!
If this is even possible, I think it would be a good feature to consider.
I'm fairly certain its possible, I think I've been on a server that's done something very similar to this.
Anybody else reminded of RuneScape's armor weight? Runite was so heavy...
I also think if this was added, it would have to have weight based on how effective the armour is (eg diamond is heaviest) simply to maintain balance.
I also think if this was added, it would have to have weight based on how effective the armour is (eg diamond is heaviest) simply to maintain balance.
Yeah. This is one of the few things I would prefer "gamey" instead of "realistic". I mean, who has the technology to make diamond armor in a medieval world anyway? You can say magic, but /everyone/ can make it.
I was going to originally include the idea that diamond armor had a slowness II effect on it, while iron armor only had slowness I, but I was honestly a bit worried about the premium response to that.
Consider this: it can somewhat level out the playing feild for the fact I do not know a premium who wont wear diamond armour. I mean, diamond really helps in the long run, and anyone engaged in combat with iron vs. Diamond, will obviously know who has the advantage. Also, it is very good protection at the cost of a bit of mining and paying someone. Nearly no downsides but the labor. Vampire has bloodlust, you can get that speed back. I am somewhat on the slowness idea, but at the same time it does not seem good, for the fact in the first place some premiums buy their rank for the armour. The slowness can somewhat make them think otherwise if they do not plan on any other perks. Also, it would seem somewhat sad to die by someone in NO armour when you even had diamond because of their huge speed advantage. Annoying as it seems, i will also add it can perhaps encourage people to go yanar more, because the premium absorbes the damage, get healed BY the yanar, destroy anyone near them, providing a deadly combination, in case m2 seems overused, for those God apples *cough cough*
Love the idea. It all comes down to whether it's possible...

Since adding custom enchantments to armor is possible, I assume it's possible to do so to all of a certain armor type. Regardless, I think this would have to happen after sharding. (which should be very soon)

I believe someone told me that Cay once said something along the lines of "nothing is impossible" when it comes to coding.
But don't quote me on that. Haha.
Consider this: it can somewhat level out the playing feild for the fact I do not know a premium who wont wear diamond armour. I mean, diamond really helps in the long run, and anyone engaged in combat with iron vs. Diamond, will obviously know who has the advantage. Also, it is very good protection at the cost of a bit of mining and paying someone. Nearly no downsides but the labor. Vampire has bloodlust, you can get that speed back. I am somewhat on the slowness idea, but at the same time it does not seem good, for the fact in the first place some premiums buy their rank for the armour. The slowness can somewhat make them think otherwise if they do not plan on any other perks. Also, it would seem somewhat sad to die by someone in NO armour when you even had diamond because of their huge speed advantage. Annoying as it seems, i will also add it can perhaps encourage people to go yanar more, because the premium absorbes the damage, get healed BY the yanar, destroy anyone near them, providing a deadly combination, in case m2 seems overused, for those God apples *cough cough*
Now a days it really comes down to enchant levels, in most cases ive seen a prem with no enchants loses to a non prem with full enchants.
When there was once, a boring, time, there was no fun, only books to read, and anything fun and counter-productive was unheard of. Until, a brave, soul said "let there be custom plugins" a post to the massivecraft members, post 18-unknown[DOUBLEPOST=1367465661,1367465330][/DOUBLEPOST]I agree tech, but there are not very non premiums who would go through the effort to enchant something they know. However, would not last very long, to most likely lose it to someone who has better armour, who may just trash it (I do it against weaker premiums/unsuspecters, to prevent constant death). However, it does help somewhat change up the odds.
Diffrently weighing armors has been a planned feature that I would like to see myself to make pvp less dull on the server. Wether it actually gets coded and implemented is a different story, but I will try to get it done at some point past sharding.
GUYS ITS MARTY ACT BUSY but all -seriousness- aside, I would love having it
I actually take my armor off before jumping in the water.
1 my loin cloth is cool
2 I should sink otherwise.

I think this would encourage archers to wear leather too and ...nijas
nijas in iron is weird.
+ I would like to see a prem hobble as he chases me... unless he decides to bring a speed potion \ O.O /[DOUBLEPOST=1367469994,1367469948][/DOUBLEPOST]you should be able to swim in leather.
I don't think balancing diamond armour is a good idea, considering it's meant to be a perk, maybe iron and diamond weigh the same?
Perhaps it could be codded so you cannot swim if you have any armour on other than leather. This effect would not apply to Maiar's in water or Agni in lava (although I don't believe either of those races should be able to wear any armour at all, but that's another topic).

Although this would make my stash of aqua affinity iron helmets kind of redundant.
Love the idea. It all comes down to whether it's possible...

Since adding custom enchantments to armor is possible, I assume it's possible to do so to all of a certain armor type. Regardless, I think this would have to happen after sharding. (which should be very soon)
Oh It is All you need to do is code and create.
The Shadow King, I don't usually tell anyone how old I am. Most of the reason is because I think you should judge someone by their maturity, not their age. Some of my classmates have the maturity of a third grader, and some third graders have the maturity of someone twice their age.

Only reason I asked because I'm curious.
I like this idea a lot but won't it be annoying that you have Slowness all the time?
Or let just say if you don't wear armor we get Speed?
I like this idea a lot but won't it be annoying that you have Slowness all the time?
Or let just say if you don't wear armor we get Speed?
It would be annoying, but that is the point. It would discourage everyone from simply tanking with Diamond god-armour.
Be cool if evey piece of armor had its own slowness %
So Barbarians whearing a helmet, leather pants, and iron boots.... ect...
And weight should go up acording to armor strength
-leather almost no weight (can swim just as well) <- otherwise having respiration will be practically useless.

What about the idea that if you are wearing a certain amount of weight you can't run?
just throwing stuff out to help with final decisions.
IF a skilled coder (no cayorion, he's busy) would be around that'd take it up, we wouldn't even rely on sharding really. Sure, It would obviously have to be coded with implemented universe support from mcore, but that is doable.

For the Iron<-->Diamond question, I think they should be equal as heavy or diamond having a minatory higher wight.
I don't think balancing diamond armour is a good idea, considering it's meant to be a perk, maybe iron and diamond weigh the same?
I agree with this. Armor is armor, make iron and diamond the same weight. Leather the lightest with no effect, chainmail with little effect, and gold a little less then iron. (or same as chain.. cause gold gives very VERY little protection and breaks super easily)
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